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Tommy Callahan

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Everything posted by Tommy Callahan

  1. They know the base is enraged and full of ignorance. Just the same crap over and over again.
  2. Chirps from all of you. This is the tenth this month. Almost all in Dem strongholds with Dem da's. https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting
  3. The left doesn't grasp integrity. Cause they don't have any left. Similar to anything out of this administration or it's lackies and parrots. Russia is now a ham sandwich
  4. When it's a dem stronghold. Chirps. Places like Memphis and Rochester are out of control. https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting Been ten this month. You read about any of the others. Heard any of them say anything.
  5. Do you guys even check the profile before sharing. It's just another propaganda site. But then again.
  6. Mass shootings every weekend in d strongholds. Not a chirp from the left. If it's a school or a long gun, back to the script.
  7. Quoting a paid Dem propagandists. Every week their are mass shootings in Dem strongholds and crickets. Not a damn peep. If it's a school. Long gun. It's the guns. And back to noticing.
  8. Meh. You seem to get a long. Never seen her argue with you. But it's funny when you imply you are talking philosophy..
  9. They got the mob worked up to the point they want their pound of flesh. If "they" don't pull what you said. The mob will ..
  10. How much was her fine. And and ankle bracelet isnt no time.
  11. Remember. The first concentration camp was for convicted political prisoners.
  12. Hate, rage consumes. It locks the mind. They know that. So time to bring back the Russia narrative.
  13. The praying granie is a good example. https://coloradosun.com/2024/08/12/rebecca-lavrenz-praying-grandma-jan-6-sentence/
  14. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criminal_proceedings_in_the_January_6_United_States_Capitol_attack#:~:text=Guilty findings,-As of October&text=By July 2023%2C 629 defendants,were acquitted of all charges. December, the Secret Service and FBI have estimated that about 1,200 ultimately entered the building 1200 went in. 1400 were charged. As of October 13, 2021, more than 100 defendants had entered guilty pleas.[41] By July 2023, 629 defendants had pleaded guilty, with 129 others going to trial. Of the latter group, 87 were convicted of all charges, and 40 received mixed verdicts (convicted of at least one charge, and acquitted or a hung jury on at least one charge). Two were acquitted of all charges.[42] As of June 2023, several hundred more were awaiting trial or sentencing.[43] By August 2024, more than 1,400 people have been charged with federal crimes related to the attack and over 900 of them have been convicted
  15. He keeps polling like this, they are definitely gonna push prison/jail at his sentencing.
  16. Way to many did and are doing time for just that. With tacked on charges.... It's somewhat ironic as the left has changed the judicial system under the argument that victimless crimes shouldn't result in jail. But on this one instance, the gulag for them all. While Lafayette square, orange dudes swearing in riot, summer of rage that included things like breaking into the Portland Federal building got nothing. It is what it is.
  17. Same here. It's hypocritical that people are doing jail for trespassing when it's a damn warning/misdemeanor in most instances But not so much for the ones that got violent and what not. Same with the oath keepers that got the long sentences
  18. Like s x changes for kids, temporary inflation, jobs, immigration, Biden being sharp as a tack. The left is again telling you reality is a conspiracy.
  19. But you know he will. My guess is it would be for the non violent ones. Just as Carter pardoned the capital mass shooters. Clinton pardoned the capital bombers.
  20. DEMOCRACY reads like ballot harvesting. https://www.ncdp.org/vote-by-mail/ how many of the volunteers will be the witness for the signatures on the absentee?
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