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Tommy Callahan

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Everything posted by Tommy Callahan

  1. Now it's school shootings vs mass shootings. Why have the problem grown with Dems in charge. We are already at 300 plus mass shootings and 40 plus school shootings for the year. Eff. This month has already saw 10 mass shootings. But for real. Start charging parents every time one of these kids commit a mass shooting.
  2. It seems old l Ron not only likes to project constantly. But chooses to be wrong as well. It's all good. That seems to be your script. You do you
  3. Nazis were anarchist? The first two fit you to a T.
  4. If they had a middle finger or pure garbage option, it would work better. You are what you claim to hate. And prove it on the daily. These are the same lying voices that said hunters laptop was fake. Russia stole the 2016 election and so on. It's just noise at this point
  5. The iron law of projection. Again This dude is going on 27 years of marriage with three kids and two grandkids. I'm sorry about your issues with the ladies
  6. Na. You told us all about the recruitment flyers. Find a mirror
  7. But the base continues to eat it up. Cause it's what they want to hear.
  8. That's what Bloomberg thinks with his massive spending on the topic. But in reality the majority of gun crime and mass shootings are in Dem strongholds and gang related. Ban assault riffles. Won't do anything for the majority of mass shootings, or gun violence. https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/
  9. Just an empty suit for the entities that control the office
  10. So you found a mirror? And as far as uneducated. How much is the left spending on targeting the youth. Ie, the uneducated and inexperienced. Just saying.
  11. Damn. But they know the base will fawn over him while parroting MSNBC.
  12. Sorry. It's just funny seeing the same people hyperventilate over the same old bs. Something about a ham sandwich
  13. The voices that have only been wrong about every topic the last decade think they are the truth tellers.
  14. Lol. Russia Who funds/owns the msm that reads like a dnc mouthpiece? Vanguard/blackrock/State Street? Same entities getting the lions share of the fed funding Russia gate 2 is just propaganda so the loyalist can discredit any opinion as Russian/disinformation
  15. They are just parroting MSNBC. Maddow and jen p said the exact thing.
  16. Welp. Bidens foreign agenda has been pretty good for the Russian economy. It is what it is.
  17. Remember the msm /Dems and the online parrots say crime is down. But the victims of it are rising. More mass shooting than ever under this soft on crime administration
  18. it's crazy reading the msm claim violent crime is down. when mass shootings doubled in frequency in 2020 and have been over 600 per year since. we are already at 385 for this year.. prior to 2020 we never had more than 414, and that was in 2019. This is not trending the way "crime is down" voices say it is. Gun Violence Archive
  19. Lol. Don't let this be true.
  20. Is your comprehension issue intentional?
  21. Welp. That's where the rest of us see the results of those anti American laws. It's the silly ones that ignore the results and beg for more of the same.
  22. Lol. Anyone that isn't a dem. Is a Russian plant. Funny how this comes out right after the china spy on hockuls/quomo staff. Their internals must be horrible.
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