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Tommy Callahan

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Everything posted by Tommy Callahan

  1. Hmm. Like anyone didn't know
  2. They are primed for re education camps for all maga.
  3. Dick and his daughter. Establishment GOP The elite Most of media
  4. Most of the loud online Dems don't and won't go near a dem stronghold after dark
  5. It's everyone feeling this crap economy and the fact the media and politicians been lying to our face about it. Not everyone is all internet. But most have to feed themselves and home thems lives and that's bringing pain. Or God forbid you are dealing with the crime that goes along with living in a dem stronghold. But it's just the righties online that talk that way. At no time are the job losses or inflation hurting people. That's just an online story.
  6. Another mass shooting. Chirps from the usual sources. How you gonna stop something that you ignore the majority of. https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting
  7. Child care is not a federal issue. But the left wants /expects the state to fix/control everything.
  8. I know this is hard on you thinkers. But the same site that shows mass shootings (over 600 per year since 2019). Also shows gun victims. Nothing has went down. But you claim the FBI narrative about them being down. Even though you can use the same thing you typed your dumb reply on, to look up the large cities that passed laws to not report shootings to the FBI. Kim fox isn't even charging anything. Including gun possession, if it's a traffic stop. It's absolutely stunning reading you try to accuse others of being what you are. But then again. A lot of the lefties in here have that same issue . https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/past-tolls
  9. Buying elections and lawfare doesn't read like democracy. And it's a republic silly. People are turned away from the corporate politicians. They don't work for us You just want to be on the winning team. Like a cowboys homer or something
  10. When they cut rates the same time as the next round of stimulus is released........
  11. The left can't grasp this is all just showing why so many will vote for Trump over the establishment gop. The establishment GOP is the other wing of the same bird.
  12. These accounts are loosing it. You don't even make sense. I'm just gonna say you are doing the only thing you do. Project your biases and insert moronic strawman for the accounts exactly like you to rage on. You might want to mention that to c3 and billsys new account. They call everything. Hoax.
  13. Remember when the media and the left railed this was an act of homophobic terrorism.
  14. Have been for a long time for the folks in the bottom quintiles.
  15. Yeah. Lines up with the PACs on the ground harvesting and being the witnesses for absentee voting.
  16. Wtf. You can't trust the media or these federal agencies. With the BS numbers then revised down the next month. Not accounting for almost 800k jobs the last year. Just like Biden. They lied about the economy non stop.
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