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Tommy Callahan

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Everything posted by Tommy Callahan

  1. And proves the iron law of projection with every comment it makes.
  2. Not a recession. Just the patriarchy promoting the gender pay gap.
  3. This is a joke?
  4. you done triggered billsys new troll profile.
  5. Accept Haitian traditions or you will be called antihaitianismo
  6. a lot of people that think of their pets as part of their family. Some need the service animals just to cope. There is a reason none of the world took in refugees from Haiti after the original revolt through the countless revolts/natural disasters since. Eff. The other side other side of the island won't even take them in... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1804_Haitian_massacre#:~:text=Haitian Revolution,-Further information%3A Haitian&text=On August 22%2C 1791%2C slaves,and massacred the white population.
  7. WTH. on a side note, if a hunter took a federally protected waterfowl, the conservation officer would take all his possessions, and it would be an ugly fine. https://dam.assets.ohio.gov/image/upload/ohiodnr.gov/documents/wildlife/wildlife-management/Nuisance Geese Brochure.pdf
  8. The left is primed to riot if it doesn't start getting propaganda to match its beliefs.
  9. And if they do win, they will be quick to call for reeducation camps for MAGA.
  10. Team blue is enraged. if they don't find a way to throw this for the corporate Harris, the left is going to make the summer of rage look like child's play.
  11. It used to be common to ignore any polls before Labor Day. Now it's an industry
  12. Statist think everything is a federal issue. But it's not. Plan b. And jims are not free. Only female bc is free
  13. It's funny how you guys forget it's a choice to make a baby. A choice not to use the free birth control available.
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