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Tommy Callahan

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Everything posted by Tommy Callahan

  1. Just as Hamas could surrender at any time. Canada can actually address the fentanyl over its border. Why aren't they.
  2. But then again. That's kind of a theme with the folks that lack integrity or self awareness.
  3. Keep raging. It's the same entities that have only been wrong about every topic. You have no integrity. Either do the for profit and PAC sources you are referencing
  4. How many billions. Explains why the Dems and Republican establishment didn't want the money itemized .
  5. In the same time it took you to make the comment you could of researched and gotten facts.
  6. Yeah. You all are very good at parroting for profit sites with a history of a lack of journalistic integrity. All the voices claiming to be right, while parroting msm. Have been wrong about every thing the last 4-8 years. 💯
  7. USAID was an executive order. In 1961, President Kennedy signed the Foreign Assistance Act into law and created USAID by executive order. Once USAID got to work, international development assistance opportunities grew tremendously. The time during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations became known as the “decade of development.” Congress passed the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, which established the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). President John F. Kennedy then issued an executive order to create USAID. Explanation The Foreign Assistance Act reorganized the US's foreign assistance programs. USAID was created to administer economic aid and promote social and economic development in foreign countries. USAID is the main US agency for international development and humanitarian assistance. USAID's programs include helping with poverty, disease, and food insecurity. USAID also helps countries recover from disasters, conflict, and other challenges. Congress continues to authorize USAID's programs through the Foreign Assistance Act and other legislation. Congress also appropriates annual funding for USAID. Show more Featured snippet from the web Congress passed the Foreign Assistance Act in 1961, and Kennedy signed that law and an executive order establishing USAID as an independent agency. If it's created by an executive order it falls under the executive branch. People really need to take civics 101...
  8. So many new names lately. Interesting how they all read exactly like the usual msm parrots in here.
  9. Globalist/Marxist are pissed about America being strong. While globalism has been great for the global elite. Not much else.
  10. Stonger dollar starting now. Watch how fast these countries comply
  11. Dems rage over/due to ignorance.
  12. Interesting break down of how these agencies were created from executive orders.
  13. Have to have self awareness, to come to actual self reflection.
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