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Tommy Callahan

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Everything posted by Tommy Callahan

  1. So, no. not a Christian. as going to church or reading a bible has nothing to do with it. but it couldn't hurt to teach the golden rule more.
  2. Kids and old people that are desperate to stay on team blue. So now they talk of how the music is growing on them and what not. If Target made music, it would be called Taylor swift.
  3. Lmao. Actual polls. Not self reporting to a PAC. You even know or care who owns the propaganda you are peddling? Bain Capital? https://www.opensecrets.org/political-action-committees-pacs/jewish-democratic-council-of-america/C00684969/donors/2024
  4. Lmao. Jewish Dems polling site that polled people that logged into their site or replied to an email. Lmao. You guys are led around by lies and shady funded PACs.
  5. Why does the left feel the need to project their unconscious biases onto others. Non stop. It's all about team blue winning. It's why you guys accepted an unelected cop as your presidential candidate.
  6. ,,∆∆∆. Another swifty Started by a dem and mostly being posted on by the local Dems.
  7. Damn. Her getting cought lip syncing and seeing how bad her voice is, got the farm triggered into sounding like Swifties.
  8. Like the Walmart of music
  9. Tds on levels.
  10. But everyone that has seen her talk off script knows that's not natty. Wasn't that long ago lefty msm gave the questions to the Dem candidate.
  11. So post a profile that doesn't support your narrative. Then double down on it using some silly argument about the results of the election based on her tweets? Even a high school graduate? But then again it just came out that less than 50 percent of my graduates are proficient at math and writing. I imagine things like critical or logical thinking skills don't get thought much either. You guys lack the heck out of that skill And your link doesn't show anything about people actually being registered to vote. Just how many searched for it. You read about the Google anti trust lawsuit.
  12. Same link. Same time. Instead of just searching registration. Registration and economy. https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=now 1-d&geo=US&q=Voter registration,Economy&hl=en If she has to sell her art to some capitalist to pay the taxes. She might have different opinions the next time
  13. Nice strawman. The fact is your link was a false narrative. As I'm was your comment. Now your mad and going as hominem. Cause that's the last act of a troll Not even. It's not smart enough to compare it to other searches at the same time or even look at the top 100 at that time. As it was a blip at the very end of the data.
  14. You literally can put any word in and it got more searches that what you claimed. I'm sorry for your issues with basic math. Public schools? That word wasn't even in the top hundred searches for the day. The link also didn't match the narrative your trying to push. People searching for it doesn't mean people registered.
  15. He golfed for months at a time. Silly strawman
  16. Why didn't the mods call her out on any of this?
  17. The dude that's been on vacation for two months?
  18. OMG. do you guys ever think before posting script. that was serches. and it can be used to compare. Then it has something to compare to, vs 0 Voter registration, Inflation - Explore - Google Trends https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=now 1-d&geo=US&q=Voter registration,immigration&hl=en Voter registration, trump - Explore - Google Trends Here is Registration vs Brat. https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=now 1-d&geo=US&q=Voter registration,Brat&hl=en DERP Voter registration at that time, vs the word trump The voter registration line stays right at the bottom. https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=now 1-d&geo=US&q=Voter registration,Trump&hl=en
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