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Tommy Callahan

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Posts posted by Tommy Callahan

  1. 1 hour ago, Roundybout said:

    Harassing a 9 year old girl with short hair because she might be “trans”


    transgender is the new Satanic Panic, something for people who are too feeble-minded to think about actual important issues to screech about in between stops at 7-11 for Newports and lotto tickets. 

    Dont worry. The old man is banned, and people are doxing him.



  2. 29 minutes ago, redtail hawk said:

    trying to imagine the financial profit from social justice movements.  example?  on the opposite side, nuns who regularly champion social justice causes, take a vow of poverty.

    Corporate Partners - Human Rights Campaign (hrc.org)


    It is what it is. Ever notice how the left became 100% aligned with mega corps over night?







    The left hated Citizens united. but as long as its funding Charities that support the Victimhood /Martyr it's all good. And it seems to be working.


    Worked so well even the Military industrial Complex got involved.







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  3. 16 minutes ago, redtail hawk said:

    and they call liberals "sheep".  doublespeak lives on.

    LOL, So please do not look at the Corporations and Money flowing to the Charities promoting the SJW topics that just happen to 100% align with the current DEM platform. Its just citizens united using SJW topics to for political support.





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    2 minutes ago, John from Riverside said:

    I was married for 23 years to the daughter of a nondenominational pastor here in California. Great man actually I could never imagine going to a church that preaches hate, and I’ve seen so many of them.

    Never once did, I hear him utter a word of politics out of his mouth any any sermon he ever gave

    thems the old days. Now of days Some churches push politics through them. and ironically are on the side of separating church and state.





  5. 3 minutes ago, redtail hawk said:

    I will.


    from the cited article:  

    But another employee told CNN that allegations of misconduct were “greatly exaggerated.”

    “I’m completely happy here,” the employee said. “We have many women in leadership.” 

    Another employee said Dees “didn’t catch up with the times.”

    That source said Dees was an amazing salesman, adding that he was also a “scapegoat,” for the company’s problems. 

    The center has strongly defended its response to recent events. 

    “No one, no matter that person’s position at the SPLC, will be exempt from scrutiny and accountability as part of that process,” Fuson said in a statement. 


    its became another Charity turned Political PAC.





  6. 22 minutes ago, John from Riverside said:

    And California is not asking you to pay for it. California is basically it’s own country we even pay your taxes.



    and none of that will make up for the capital, taxpayers and small businesses fleeing that state.


    People flee Dark Blue.  Its not good for most. but seems to work for the investor class.  





  7. Just now, John from Riverside said:

    You don’t get it Russia wants it all they’re not going to stop at Crimea and the Don bus


    Putin views, the whole continent, as should be under Russian control

    The media and hawks love to say that. but to many it reads like the same old war for energy and geopolitical one ups.  Crimea from the Black Sea military port, to the Energy lines that run right through the disputed region and get shipped through Crimea.  Blowing the Nord Pipe line made that source even more important.


    but your correct. this is about some empire building, not the usual Energy/Military industrial complex wag the dog excursion.


    The Ukrainian Volunteer Army (UDA) is a volunteer military formation created in 2015 by Dmytro Yarosh, a former leader of the Right Sector movement123. The UDA units are under the direct command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and some participate in the war in Donbas against pro-Russian separatists and Russian intervention234. The UDA is based on former units of the Ukrainian Volunteer Corps (DUK), which was founded in 2014 as one of the volunteer battalions that emerged from the Euromaidan protests14. The UDA defines itself as a formation of Ukrainian citizens and foreigners who share the ideology of Ukrainian nationalism14. The UDA is part of a broader civil volunteer movement that supports and assists the army and the war-affected areas



  8. 3 minutes ago, Gregg said:


    The only thing Newsome destroys is CA. I don't feel sorry for those idiots as they voted for this POS.

    Trying to stump on this disaster of an economy, foreign policy, domestic policy while people are feeling the pain is beyond daft.



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  9. 31 minutes ago, aristocrat said:

    so you don’t think Biden took bribes even though everyone knows he was the “big guy” in hunters laptop? Biden has caused more damage to this country than perhaps any person in modern history and it’s not close 

    You said think.  They have proven they lack the capabilities of that.   

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  10. 12 hours ago, redtail hawk said:

    the added context is interesting...so is this comment:

    The eight stages of Trump’s guilt: 1. “I didn’t do it” 2. “I didn’t do anything wrong” 3. “I didn’t do anything illegal” 4. “The people accusing me are guilty” The law is illegal” 6. “Prove it!” 7. “What happened didn’t happen” 8. “It’s fine, I did it and I’ll do it again...

    Innocent till proven guilty. 


    This would be like the tenth time you and yours said the same thing.  And were 💯 wrong. 


    The lefts integrity is long gone 

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