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Tommy Callahan

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Posts posted by Tommy Callahan

  1. 36 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    I always appreciate your commentary Lehnerd. I am curious about your son’s diversity gig and what it entails. This is all a foreign concept to me. I ran a large company for decades and it literally looked like the United Nations in our many offices. We didn’t need a DEI program. We hired and promoted the best people at their respective jobs. Is that not true where your son works?

    Now of days if one does not have a staffed office and DEI program, they are cut off from future investments by the usual sources.


    its all about the DEI and ESG scores anymore.  



    Its kind of funny to see Military industrial companies promoting DEI and ESG.


    Bombs don't give an Eff about one's social classifications.  







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  2. Just now, The Frankish Reich said:

    True. But that was in the days when the media left a politician's private life alone, unless it was the classic "caught with a dead girl or a live boy."

    More recently: We've seen things that are public, are clear and obvious, that violated long-established behavioral norms that would have traditionally destroyed a politician, now seemingly irrelevant to voters.

    Tabloids have always been chasing the Nonstories vs the news. the change is today's media are just tabloids.





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  3. On 6/9/2023 at 5:38 PM, The Frankish Reich said:

    I don't object in principle to Tucker's latest monologue (if this part accurately summarizes it).

    But Senator Moynihan said it better 30 years ago:






    But this is a sticky business. When I was a kid (think 1960s/70s), being divorced and remarried was just emerging from the "scandalous" age. Reagan was our first such President. 


    Being caught in an affair was deadly to most professions. And then Bill Clinton ...


    Paying a hooker (or shall we say "having sex with an adult film performer in which money or favors were exchanged") was criminal, and no one would want to be seen with you. And being divorced and remarried multiple times was also a career killer for a budding politician. And then Donald Trump ...


    Being photographed nude (tastefully! they say) pretty much negated your chances of being America's First Lady. And then Melania ...


    All of these behaviors were just not acceptable in polite society. Many moral scolds are fine with many (most? all??) of them now.


    I tend to follow a couple different old maxims:


    "Conservatism is the theory that every vice should be a crime; Liberalism is the theory that every virtue should be a requirement."

    "Puritism [read: modern moral conservatism]: the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, might be happy."

    JFK and Monroe





  4. 18 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    You’re a Biden loyalist, among the most ardent on the board.  Your response here is yet another example of your unwavering devotion to protecting the shield.    



    Current thing/Blue team loyalist. change the name and would be just as loyal.  Same script.



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  5. 8 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:

    Imagine getting charged with a misdemeanor on J6 and ending up on a terror watch list. Meaning you are escorted to your gate at the airport by agents with dogs....


    Listen to the other testimony in this clip as well. 


    Then tell us we don't live in a police state. 




    Wonderhow many employers and banking institutions screen through the list.

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  6. 2 minutes ago, Andy1 said:

    Well said.

    If you line up Biden vs Trump and want to compare their character flaws, Trumps list is many times longer.

    So choose the one with less perceived flaws?


    That might have worked when everyone was flush.


    but it's not that way in this crap economy.  this is what, the 22 months of inflation being higher than wage growth?



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  7. 6 minutes ago, Roundybout said:

    If we had a leftist one I would offer up ShoeOnHead or that weird Syrian chick on Twitter who loves Assad 

    you have an entire squad of them. they get posted here as references daily.






    This one will even say your name if you donate enough.




    Even using Tick Tock to push the Ukraine war





  8. 3 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Right. Over. Your. Head.

    By pointing out a few grifters and the fact that Shapiro guy is smart as hell. might rub folks the wrong way, but he isnt some simpleton saying anything for the grift.







  9. Just now, Roundybout said:

    I’d like to see him in a cage match with Shapiro

    at least Shapiro is intelligent.   


    Maybe Jersey Joe or Brooklyn Dad?


    Like a righty grifter, vs lefty grifter cage match?



    Just now, The Frankish Reich said:

    Who would've thought that the righties are now in favor of their own form of ESG investment.

    you think that company is doing ESG while poisoning the world?


    you think Military industrial; prison industrial corps are taking on ESG and DEI for PR?


    I doubt InBev does as they are Chinese owned.








  10. 2 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    I have an in-law who's doing the same thing. He never drank Bud Light, but now he's researching what other products Anheuser Busch has bought out. Guess what? They got his favorite microbrew! He won't drink that now.

    Sometimes having a beer is just having a beer, and not making a political statement one way or the other.

    Many years ago a college friend's parents refused to drive German cars because of Nazi connections. They bought him a Saab. I think he really wanted an Audi, but he had to drive a Saab.

    Quite a way to live your life. 

    Altria’s wholly-owned subsidiaries include Philip Morris USA Inc., U.S. Smokeless Tobacco Company LLC, John Middleton Co., Sherman Group Holdings LLC. The company also holds an equity investment in beer giant Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV (NYSE: BUD).




    From Junk food to poison like Cigarettes and beer. 







  11. 24 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Costs are going up everywhere, but Florida has the highest insurace costs of almost any state and it's just getting worse. This is a red state, and has been for awhile, is DeSantis just not competent enough to deal with this? Too busy attacking Disney? 

    Homeowners Insurance Rates by State for 2023 | Bankrate





  12. 1 minute ago, BillsFanNC said:




    perpetual victimhood / martyr mentality. 


    Thinking its some kind of commodity vs the defective through process it is.


    They are not the hero they think they are.


    The main difference between Hero and Martyr is that the Hero is a person who displays characteristics of heroism and Martyr is a person who suffers persecution and death for advocating, refusing to renounce, and/or refusing to advocate a belief or cause.


     The more you suffer, the more it shows you really care. Right?





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  13. 1 minute ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Well, this is a list of things that disgust you.

    Which ones should be available to children with parental consent, and at what age? And if certain things (you mention pornography) shouldn't be available to children below a certain age, what efforts should the state make to ensure that? Should everyone have to register with a website, showing ID, authorizing a search of your credit history? These are good and important questions. Again ... think! Don't just do the old man sideways wave of disgust.

    Its a list of things that have laws in place to protect children.


    Many more things are and can be included


    And at no time means it disgust me or is me waving side ways. 


    Thats like if I called out the fact you keep posting strawman after strawman in an attempt to get a reply.


    pretty sure thats called trolling.













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  14. 17 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    There's also a bleed-over into law and politics. That's where you should be ready to have a reasoned discussion. If you honor the rights of parents to decide what's best for their children, then be ready to argue when and why the government should be allowed to override parental choices for their children.

    Like legal age for consent?  




    Driving a vehicle?


    Lawn Darts?




    Club or bars after a certain hour?


     Cosmetic genital mutilation?  




    Lots of things have age restrictions and they don't seem to be highly debated like sexualized drag shows, lifetime medications, or life altering "Cosmetic" surgeries.


    Didn't seem that long ago that most were disgusted by creatures like the Kardashians going to other countries to get their kids cosmetic surgeries..











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  15. 13 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Well at least this one should be right up your alley:

    D. You are appalled by the creation of "LGBTQ+ Summer Camps" for kids. You do not believe parents should have the right to send their LGBTQ+-identifying children to such camps, even if both parents want to do so; therefore, you would be in favor of a Wisconsin state law banning such camps. In California, some parents of LGBTQ+-identifying children wish to enroll those kids in "conversion therapy." California has sought to ban this. Is California justified in seeking to override the choice of the child's parents? If not, then why would Wisconsin be justified in banning LGBTQ+ Summer Camps?


    Extra credit: explain your limiting principle for when State intervention in the parents' decision on how to raise their child is warranted and when it is not.

    And that's exactly why one does not reply to a strawman in any debate forum. 


    Anything to demonize who you dont agree with.  amirite.  like creating some false narrative in your head.  like the false dichotomy you posted











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  16. 21 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    So please answer:

    A. Parents of 13 year old pregnant girl support her decision to have an abortion. State of Mississippi says we can't let you do that. Do you agree with the parents or with Mississippi?

    B. Parents of ultra-orthodox Jewish girl want to take her out of NYS school requirements and to put her into their own system where she will be taught traditional housewife skills and not English/Math/Science/Social Studies. New York State officials object. Who do you support?

    C. Parents of 15 year old boy want to send him to Christian Summer Camp where he will be taught, among other things, that homosexuality is a grave sin and that the Bible authorized severe punishment up to and including death. Boy says he is gay and does not want to attend. Who do you support?

    I avoid strawmen as there is No answer.




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  17. 1 minute ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

    His rejection of the perpetual war program makes West as undesirable to the Washington establishment as RFK Jr., or Bernie Sanders in the 2020 primaries.  Or dare I say Trump in 2016.  Outsiders not welcome here is the motto in Washington.  And a third party candidacy makes it dangerous for the chosen Democratic nominee for 2024 (I don't think it will be Biden).  So while West is a card carrying member of the liberal set that checks off all the correct boxes his anti-war stance will subject him to merciless attacks on orders dispatched to the troops from high above.  



    Will be proven by the fact he wont get any of that act blue/priorities USA cash.



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  18. 3 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    So clicking through, I see:

    - Parents are CHOOSING to send their kids to this camp.

    - No one is FORCING parents to send their kids to this camp.

    Would I have wanted to send my kids to this camp? No. But then again, I didn't have kids in this situation.

    At one point does someone else get to override parents' rights to determine what kind of camp they want to send their kids to? I mean, isn't the whole thing here about asserting the rights of parents against governmental/public school efforts to expose them to something their parents object to?


    Hells yeah. 


    Child Mariage in Utah, Kosher


    Cosmetic surgeries for children cause parents say OK, Kosher


    Tats for kids if parent support?


    Lots of laws on the books to protect children from things adults can do.


    for good reason






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