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Tommy Callahan

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Posts posted by Tommy Callahan

  1. 1 hour ago, redtail hawk said:

    This part is cool. I'm going tomorrow too...

    I hope you have a great time.


    I know I was being snarky about the college before, but I was just busting your chops.


    As much as I goof about the corporate backing. it is a positive to see the spotlight on this.



    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  2. 52 minutes ago, Roundybout said:


    Its interesting how the Left came out in unison for free school lunches at the same time groups are lobbying and getting contracts to supply all the food and janitorial services in entire states and districts.


    And some of them are shady as hell. look at Aramark and its use of prison labor.  



  3. 7 minutes ago, Roundybout said:



    here here. we just have to got back to legacy blue checkmarks that were not only wrong non stop, but had an agenda to promote one Ideology. and attack anything else


    And by now one would hope more have learned to check sources before accepting anything as news.







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  4. oh snap. its almost here.  


    Gonna go to the new corporate sponsored event in my old back yard.  (Literally in the park of the project).  See what is different with the new format, stage and speakers.  looking forward to it.  curios to see if any locals actually attend the sponsored party.







  5. 28 minutes ago, John from Riverside said:

    OK so let’s break this down
    The Russian collusion was not proved therefore, that was not a real thing. There was enough evidence for the accusation.


    I know absolutely nothing about the Pee tape hoax I guess I just wasn’t following that closely


    If there was any hard factual evidence on the hunter laptop, they would’ve brought it up by now. They’ve had plenty of chances to do it. They don’t have the evidence so they’re not doing it.


    The Trump calls to Ukraine was an impeachable offense you know how I know because he was ***** impeached


    I never believed the border patrol agents were whipping migrants at the border


    There were in fact, kids being put in cages. There is video and photos of that to prove it, but the Biden tactics on immigration are not that much different than the ones that the Republicans used.


    The last one I can speak on because I have knowledge of this bounties on American soldiers is not a new thing. This has been done for decades by our enemies it does happen. The question is what is a president supposed to do about that because they’re not supposed to be escalating an American soldier knows what the risks are whenever they go beyond the wire. I never blamed Trump for this and I never thought there was anything that he could do about it.

    LMAO.  Russian collusion/the pee pee tape were DEM political opposition research that was openly used in crossfire hurricane to spy on someone running for office.


    Just for clarification.



  6. 1 minute ago, John from Riverside said:

    I will think one thing you need to come to terms with is this is America foreigners are allowed to come here

    Illegal immigrants can’t vote but have to pay taxes. They are not counted whenever they tally California residents.


    It’s not a surprise that foreigners would want to come to California and only legal ones are counted in the census

    Who said illegal.  who said anything about not being able to come here.


    you either lack comprehension or have a script your goanna puke no matter what.


    Integrity is hard to get, easy to lose.





  7. 3 hours ago, Chris farley said:

    integrity. Easy to lose, hard to gain.


    like the boy that cried wolf. the voices that have been only wrong about everything, have no integrity left.


    they been yelling about a fake wolf for so long no one listens anymore.



    Its amazing how daft the ones with no integrity left, keep trying to post BS while calling others liars.





    • Thank you (+1) 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, John from Riverside said:

    You’re leaving out a very important fact of this

    As fast as people are leaving California, there are other people moving right in


    Personally, I hope that the right wingers go to Florida better to get them all in one spot they’ve got things pretty strong up down there politically speaking and so they would probably be happier there


    But in California we are more diverse and as fast as people are going out and it’s fast as companies leave, their places are taken by other people and other companies


    The difference between the population in California and Florida are in the millions

    you and comprehension.


    You mean the part where I asked if they are being replaced by foreigners?


    The facts dont agree with your story.


    maybe it has something to do with bad policy and bad economics.


    In the fiscal year of 2022, the state of California collected a total of 280.83 billion U.S. dollars in tax revenue, the highest of any state. New York collected the second highest amount of taxes in that year, coming in at 117.98 billion U.S. dollars


    And a 25B dollar deficit. how does a state have a deficit?


    and especially after the huge windfall they got with the state bail out.






  9. Just now, John from Riverside said:

    Are you trying to say that the population of Florida is greater than the population of California?

    Comprehension could really help you with that issue.


    Its called Population density. you said cali is overcrowded. but by comparison, its not. 


    there must be another reason people are fleeing that state (and other DARK blue ones)


    or even why people are not coming back to the cities since covid.





  10. 1 hour ago, John from Riverside said:

    Are you in someway saying that she is not qualified

    No, I posted her qualifications and highlighted her activism and why the left would promote her to the office. 


    IF she was overly qualified. they wouldn't be highlighting her sex and race in every article.  they would be highlighting WHY.



    And usually, civil is when there isn't enough evidence for criminal charges. But we all know the police union will fight nonstop for them to stay out of criminal charges.




  11. 56 minutes ago, John from Riverside said:

    There are too many people in California anyway, I wish that it was true that people were leaving but the problem is is the people come in right behind them and set up shop continuing to make it to congested

    California does not have problems with this The people that tell you this are lying to you. California has all of the problems of a country not some small little red state.

    Cali population density is half of say NY or Florida.


    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_states_and_territories_of_the_United_States_by_population_density#:~:text=2020 density by population rank and land area, 410 29 more rows


    And thats not the truth as proved by Net domestic migration.


    List of U.S. states and territories by net migration - Wikipedia


    unless your saying that the Citizens leaving Cali are being replaced by immigrants?



  12. 10 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    First, the deputies handcuffed Jenkins and Parker, who complied and did not resist, the lawsuit states. Neither Jenkins nor Parker possessed or displayed a weapon during the encounter, it asserts. The deputies then allegedly punched, slapped and kicked the two men and drew Tasers on them. The deputies engaged in a “sadistic contest” to see which Taser would be most effective on Jenkins and Parker and fired the weapons 20 to 30 times, court documents state.

    The deputies then forced the two men on their backs and waterboarded them with liquids found in Parker’s home, including milk, Shabazz said.

    The deputies also allegedly attempted to insert a sex toy into Jenkins’s and Parker’s mouths and Jenkins’s rear.

    Afterward, the deputies threw eggs at the two men, covering them and the walls of the home in eggshells and residue, according to the lawsuit. They then forced the two men to strip naked and shower together to conceal evidence of their abuse, the complaint alleges.

    Why is this civil and not criminal?



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  13. 11 hours ago, Tiberius said:


    Great news for her. now to look up her qualifications.


    as sex, religion, nationality mean squat as far as qualifications.



    Ah, she is an ACLU activist lawyers.  Of course.




    https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Choudhury SJQ Public.pdf


    Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans (2004)


    Paul & Daisy Soros Fellows Association Chair (2008 - 2011) Member (2008 - present) Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans Alumni Member of Board of Trustees (2009- 2011) Alumni Interviewer (several years from 2009 - 2019)


    Ferguson is Everytown, U.S.A., ACLU Blog (Aug. 18, 2014). Copy supplied.


    Soros Fellowships for New Americans, Colorado Springs, Colorado. The panel addressed career paths in public interest law and litigation to advance civil rights and civil liberties. I have no notes, transcript, or recording. The address for the Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans is 11 West 42nd Street, Third Floor, New York, New York 10036.


    2009-2011 Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans 11 West 42nd Street, Third Floor New York, New York 10036 Alumni Member of Board of Trustees 2008 -2011 Paul & Daisy Soros Fellows Association 11 West 42nd Street, Third Floor New York, New York 10036 Chair




    • Vomit 1
  14. 10 minutes ago, Roundybout said:

    It doesn’t even make sense as the Nazi party wanted to eradicate most if not all of the groups in the first panel. 

    The nazis eradicated who they didn't agree with, for a multitude of narratives/reasons.


    Just like most authoritarian statist governments.


    But always came back to total state control.



  15. 15 minutes ago, SydneyBillsFan said:

    I have some great news for the USA:


    Australia has just blown up its largest coal-fired power station, cos you know...global warming. 

    But of course, as one of the largest producers in the world of clean, black coal, we cannot use it for our own energy needs, but we can export it to China, cos you know....they are a 'developing nation' and coal burnt in China produces less emissions.


    And now...drumroll please....Australia has committed to a 43 percent cut in emissions by 2030 and net-zero emissions by 2050. At a time when electricity prices are going through the roof, with a 50 percent increase over the past 24 months.


    So why is this great news for the USA I hear you ask?


    Because thanks to the socialist-green government of Australia, the USA is now only the second most idiotic country on the planet!

    Five Eye nations are amazing and foreword looking \


    The Five Eyes is an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States1. These countries are parties to the multilateral UKUSA Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence1.Other intelligence alliances include:

    Nine Eyes countries: US, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Norway2.

    Fourteen Eyes countries: US, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Sweden, Spain2.







  16. 1 minute ago, JDHillFan said:

    On 6/14/2023 at 8:25 AM,  redtail hawk said:

    but has returned decorum and yes, decency to the office.


    from the step back to grabbing his hands. looks like she has dealt with creeps like that prior.





    got he is pathetic.



  17. 29 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    No, it's true. As you guys keep falling behind with politicians like Trump and Gym Jordan you lash out and blame everyone else for your self inflicted wounds 


    So the free press gets blamed when all your lies fall flat with the electorate 

    integrity. Easy to lose, hard to gain.


    like the boy that cried wolf. the voices that have been only wrong about everything, have no integrity left.


    they been yelling about a fake wolf for so long no one listens anymore.



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  18. 5 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    One critical difference, then, is that most Trump supporters voted for an outside the beltway candidate to try and change things, while those on the left fully embraced the embodiment of the swamp with a 5 decade insider.   That they concurrently rage about the state of our world, injustice and the like makes for interesting dialogue when you can find a liberal not screaming “cult” into the wind.   

    Wasn't that long ago that the left and middle voted for the relatively unknown Obama vs the establishment Clinton.



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