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Tommy Callahan

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Posts posted by Tommy Callahan

  1. 4 minutes ago, BillStime said:

    Steven Aftergood

    David Jonas

    Elizabeth Goitein

    LMAO.  All Think tank and PAC puppets giving their opinion and sourcing an unnamed source in the DOJ.   and the official they claim to be getting the info from, is unnamed.


    It is funny when you daftly prove my comment. 









    • Thank you (+1) 3
  2. 1 minute ago, redtail hawk said:

    have you discussed this with your molecular biology colleagues at Duke and UNC :) ?  I'll bet they'll be very receptive to being told they're part of a cult.  Why do you need two lie so much.  Is that part of the MAGA handbook?

    Ironic as both those schools get a lot of federal funding and were doing gain of function till Obama made it illegal state side.



  3. DAMN. I guess NYS bail reform even involves pedos and child porn predators. 


    Saw two semi local NY articles about Adult teacher grooming a kid, and pedos.  both times the predator was just processed and released back to the streets.  WTF.




    Man and woman from Hornell charged after child porn investigatio - WENY News



    • Thank you (+1) 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, cle23 said:


    I guess we send kids to school so they can be shot too?  I mean, if you're going to make stupid posts, make fully stupid posts.

    Silly strawman.   They got more odds getting hurt on the bus ride or walking into school, than a gun.


    Unless in a dem stronghold where the bangers don't care and miss often. 


    But that would be on the way to or from school.  And by the same group that shot up the parties over the weekend 

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  5. 8 hours ago, ChiGoose said:

    Yup! Here you go:


    FT: Envoys pushed to oust Ukraine prosecutor before Biden


    Some people and groups wanting Shokin fired before Biden’s ultimatum:

    • EU officials
    • US officials
    • EU diplomats
    • The IMF
    • US Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH)
    • US Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI)


    “A Poroshenko government adviser added: “Everyone was pushing for Shokin’s resignation, not just Biden. The difference was Biden came with an amount of money Ukraine found hard to ignore. If the Europeans had had that leverage, they would have used it.””

    So globalist and war hawks didnt like him. what exactly was he not prosecuting, or prosecuting?



    like some actual details?


    why wouldnt they want him investigating Burisma, the US politicians' kids on it, the ties to the big guy, or the geopolitical ramifications of that group's energy agenda.  and that was all after the Clinton/Nulan Euromaiden?





  6. 19 minutes ago, Roundybout said:

    Well us liberals are running the country as people realize how pointless and anti American conservatives are, so get used to being mad all the time (more than usual anyways)

    by running you mean at the federal level. dont go looking at state houses, local and what not.


    But explains why you all went full blown federalist and attack things like the Electoral college.


    Never mind Blue states are leading in the nation in people fleeing from them.  that has to be some quinky dink.


    people are realizing/fealing what disaster DEM policies are at the national level. AGAIN





    • Agree 2
  7. 2 minutes ago, John from Riverside said:

    There is no denying that Biden is in decline


    It’s actually kind of sad that this is the best the Democrats have to offer


    What makes it worse is people were forced to vote for him, because there was a worse option across the way

    Forced due to MSM and PAC fear narratives that aligned with DEM theatrics.


    looking back at the results. sure seems like those corporate entities were lying like a rug.





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