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Tommy Callahan

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Everything posted by Tommy Callahan

  1. They rioted and tried to stop Trump's swearing in. Hiding among old ladies and land chads, with pink hats. Resisted openly at all levels. No doubt it would be worse this time
  2. She is insane. Come on, publicly shared companies. Who's number one goal is ever increasing profits/returns for the share holders.
  3. Every effing day in Dem strongholds.
  4. Sorry lefties. It's a state issue and won't be legislated on the federal level.
  5. Fine example of tds.
  6. Lmao. This story narrative is as silly as when the same voices said Beto was taking Texas by double digits.
  7. Did you declare war on them. Lob missiles into their country. If not your probably good They can surrender at any time. And what's with the Iranian embassador having one?
  8. Your drivel and projection of your bigotry , are not worthy of a valid reply. It's just garbage propaganda from a garbage "profile".
  9. They have as much integrity as you. It is what it is.
  10. Lol Blue anon is desperate. Nebraska isn't going corporate blue
  11. Damn. Houston elects morons. Houston raises taxes 10 using loopholes. Vote better
  12. Blue anon trying it's best to demonize.
  13. Man. She has groupies. Same people at every rally
  14. So much tds on this thread.
  15. Jesus. The cult gets taken for another msm created ride.
  16. That's a lot of Dems
  17. And low IQ mob parrots it.
  18. Notice the biggest liars on here (and trolls that keep getting banned but make new accounts) 100% support the corporate media .
  19. At least some entities are trying to strengthen election integrity.
  20. Everything about them is fake. It's the Walmart candidate promoted by the fortune 500 and elite
  21. Crazy how fast this is happening. as the officials have said the economy was amazing till, now.
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