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Tommy Callahan

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Everything posted by Tommy Callahan

  1. As pelosi would say. That's some elite funded AstroTurf
  2. Dems always talking j6 and police injuries. But get so quiet when discussing Lafayette square or the riot at trumps swearing in https://www.doi.gov/ocl/uspp-and-lafayette-square-protesters#:~:text=These violent protestors caused injuries,and three were ultimately admitted.
  3. Finding Nemo morphed into billsy. This is weird. Finding is weird
  4. His speech was funny. He climbed into the truck without help. Farm post a video of him opening the door like it's an example. Just like the msm trying desperately to demonize and misrepresent.
  5. This is why the left attacks him vs letting him speak.
  6. Closing lines. Dems acting like they are government and stopping voting. Even arresting people for speaking up..
  7. Dems been insulting anyone that not in their club for years
  8. Kinda like the people fleeing blue states and districts.
  9. Everyone not in the cult sees the msm for what it is. And it's not journalistic integrity. It's political propaganda masked as news
  10. Meh. It's funny how white out of touch liberals always talking about groups of millions of people like they are a monolithic entity they speak for. They don't even grasp the subtle racism.
  11. Welp. .calling Americans trash is gonna hurt. Bit the norm anymore from the left. They would support re education camps for anyone not Dem. Just read the farm above, 100 supporting team blue. But it's not a cult. They are the tolerant ones.
  12. Crazy how years ago we knew by election night. Just like the rest of the world still does.
  13. Lmao. Cause they can't keep peddling B's while their viewership is in free fall.
  14. Lefties read like they are this close to openly calling for violence if they don't win.
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