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Tommy Callahan

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Everything posted by Tommy Callahan

  1. You mean saying that the war hawks are never the ones running into bullets on the battlefield. Would also hold for hawks like you that never and will never put their money where their mouth is.
  2. Yes. Good job. That's exactly what you guys are showing examples off.
  3. Smollett or some of the Undercovers in the crowd.
  4. Another severe tds thread. Yeah. Those few morons represent tens of millions. Just as the low end, racist, crap talking trolls here represent all of the left.
  5. The left seems extra angry lately. Why
  6. Another example of why these shows have such low ratings.
  7. They lost it. Hate consumes and clouds ones judgement. It's proven with their postings lately.
  8. Of course. Cause we always see the coordination from natural disaster to off the charts low job numbers. But this time, it's the reason.
  9. They cultist fans will 1.Argue it's a good thing in this great economy. 2.Parrot msm talking point about being due to the weather 3. Go propaganda by attempting to throw out strawman, insults, deflection.
  10. It's funny how they call others names but dream of having power so they can imprison the opposition. Next step, re education for anyone that's not following the dnc/federal narrative. Struggle sessions and what not
  11. The op that only showed it's own sexist biases might be blown away to know that people like my wife, daughter and most of their friends have and plan on voting for trump. They do love to speak for hugely diverse groups as some monolithic entity. Over and over again.
  12. You only project your issues and bigotry, and parrot MSNBC. No place to even attempt to call others insults.
  13. Fascism used to be called corporatism. Communism is when the government controls the means of production... Right now the government feeds the fortune 500 with massive spending. While the same companies pump massive money into getting their compliant politician in office and regulatory positions. Leaving out exasperated opinions. It's the current regime and it's supporters advocating for lawfare/government penalties against it's political opposition
  14. Some of the lowest quality spending bills and border bills, had k Harris as the tie breaking vote. Including such things as chips, green infrastructure , the inflation reduction bill and 45 or so more.
  15. Damn. 12k jobs? But the s&p is strong so the economy is great.
  16. Welp. Most in this economy are broke. Outside of her corporate/wall street backers that is. The act blue foreign funding investigation is interesting
  17. It's amazing how some of them use the exact same terms. I had to look what it was when old Ron kept using it. It's weird. But then again. So are the accounts using it.
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