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Tommy Callahan

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Everything posted by Tommy Callahan

  1. The party of democracy seems to be waiting for "something" to override the results of the election...
  2. Find a mirror. Democracy was on the ballot and democracy won. You grasp many voters didn't just vote for him. They voted against the corporate tool party and it's hord of psychopaths
  3. There is no shortage of the insane vids. And these are the same folks walking around calling everyone not on team blue. Anti democratic, won't accept the results of an election, fascist use the state against the political opposition...........
  4. This thread was started using the iron law of projection. Again
  5. When they don't have a talking head narrative to parrot. Their amazing intellect comes to the forefront.
  6. Welp. The last few years the left showed everyone they lack self awareness and are what they accuse others of being. And they continue to this day.
  7. Lmao. That probably stopped the second corporate team blue lost. You talking about that place where you openly talked of bribing the government for land deals? Seems progressive
  8. Seems most doubled down in echo chambers and are still calling anyone that didn't vote for the billion dollar, corporate propped, candidate every insult in the book. while trying to imply they are some moral victim of the evil entities. that happen to be anyone that didn't vote blue. The only voices I read throwing hate at their fellow man are squarely on the left right now.
  9. It's not happening. It's a right wing conspiracy It only happens in very rare medical instances
  10. But democracy. Affect of the participation trophy phenomenon
  11. Protesting democracy. Same city had large communist marches this summer. When they tell you what they are, just sit back and pay attention.
  12. Treat others as you want to be treated. Not treat others as they treat you. Your going in circles.
  13. Most of the j6 folks the first day.
  14. You got that dead backwards. The golden rule is to act like you want to be treated. Not I'm gonna be mean to people unless they are nice to me.
  15. People warned the participation trophy crowd would grow up stunted. We are now seeing the results.
  16. This 4b movement might really affect some lefty "men"....
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