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Everything posted by Magnetar

  1. I have no idea... Maybe the same ppl that jump through burning tables?
  2. In any event, getting back to football. I don't believe most fans care much about dancers/cheerleaders at NFL games. They make sense to me at the college level because of school spirit and all, but the NFL is a more "grown up" version of the game. And tbh, if you do have older grown men who google at the 20-something cheerleaders, that's kind of pedobear territory anyways. I think it's a good thing the Jills are gone, hope they're gone for good and we never have to worry about male dancers at Bills games. I'd hate to see how many more dildo's would get thrown on the field otherwise.
  3. I don't plan on having kids, so I don't take it personal at all. I also won't be around when the USA is full of beta males. In any event, it's a shame to see it happening.
  4. All that matters is wins... All this rah rah stuff doesn't mean much otherwise.
  5. They've already ruined a generation of young boys.
  6. The Bills should have an annual contest where a fan gets to try out for the 4th pre-season game QB.
  7. Problem with that is he's playing with 3rd stringers, risking injury due to crap OL play.
  8. What I noticed about him is he doesn't move hit feet at all, very flat footed.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqRQXshADSo
  10. Yawn Stupid bimbo gold digger. Shady should have never put it in crazy...
  11. Hmm, consistency is a component of accuracy, both of which are components of completion percentage. (Along with other circumstances like receivers dropping balls, poor OL blocking, etc) If Allen cannot become more consistent, then his accuracy will not improve, and neither will his completion percentage. "Accuracy" for an NFL QB (In terms of them being a starter or not) is not measured on a per pass basis.
  12. Typically, the larger the corporation, the more their website sucks. Especially companies that go around buying up smaller companies to integrate their products etc.
  13. I was getting out of my backhoe one winter, my work boot hit the ground the wrong way and all 220 lbs of me proceeded to tear my ankle to shreds. This was when I was in my early 30's. It was the same ankle I shredded playing football in cleats in the winter when my foot got stuck in the snow. Once you destroy the ligaments in your ankle, it becomes ever increasingly easy to sprain it in the future. There are exercises to strengthen the surrounding muscles, but you don't get the virgin ligaments back...
  14. Were there any rubber mats involved?
  15. So, does Kyle Williams actually like being called meatball? I wouldn't, seems a bit derogatory...
  16. I think many fans fear being priced out. However, I think it could be better for the game experience to weed out the peanut gallery a bit.
  17. I'd like to see a new stadium. I have not been to a Bills game in quite a while, and the main reason is the amount of idiots. I'm hoping that a new stadium means higher ticket prices and a lot less idiots in and around the stadium on gameday. Also, I've worked at the Ralph, and it is a pretty run-down shithole, and that was back in the early 2000's. I know they have spent some money on it since then, but that just seems like turd polishing. Get on with it, and design and build a proper stadium IMO.
  18. I hate this new app, every now and again it just stops working or strings ad's on forever and you miss the show that is on the air.
  19. Unless they always come out ahead!
  20. I noticed this too. It's happening to forums as well. Social media is killing the in-depth exchange you can get on say car enthusiast or construction machinery forums.
  21. Sure, if people are willing to bet, there will be bet takers.
  22. Yes, ofc I heard that, I consume the same media sources on the Bills as everyone else. To me it sounded like he was explaining away a desire to draft a tools kid. I also heard Brian Bilick come clean about how the Ravens were able to convince themselves that Boller was legit, and he now knows they were way off base and diluted.
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