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Everything posted by Magnetar

  1. Why risk injury for a meanignless game... He might be the only offense they have this season.
  2. Pretty much. To many fans this organization can do no wrong, which is crazy due to how much they have sucked the last 20 years...
  3. You would be saying the same and likely laughing if the Jets had drafted him. Allen is a bust. McBeane deep-sixed their careers.
  4. The data suggests Allen is trash, even before the draft, this FO has no excuses, they had all the info.
  5. Peterman is superior to Allen with the same crap OL. Ramsey is correct, Allen is trash...
  6. Honey Nut Cheerios with cold fat free Lactaid plz.
  7. Yeah, I have seen both of those. Carroll also has his own podcast now, I have yet to listen to any though.
  8. Oh, for sure I do, just not a whole lot of enjoyment from this franchise in the last couple decades. Luckily my interests vary wildly.
  9. I never knew of Kip Thorne's involvement, interesting.
  10. I only got half way through it because of that nonsense.
  11. He was able to tailor the velocity when the situation required. Question with Allen is, will he learn to do that.
  12. Hmm, I think if you were able to plot the balls path on his throws, there is no way he's throwing downward on most of his passes, it's a physics thing... I don't know what the threshold yardage would be, but after a certain distance the ball has to have a ballistic trajectory http://www.convertalot.com/ballistic_trajectory_calculator.html. Which means up then down. And, it is an issue for accuracy where a rainbow touch pass is required for timing purposes. Can't just rifle the ball in every situation, that's why he's considered inaccurate, because that's what he does. Hence the reason people are going on about his inability to be consistent on intermediate throws, which is kind of what the NFL is...
  13. Haha! Having a lot of Polish uncles, this hits home.
  14. Pizza Junction was the best, ever!
  15. I guess that would be mine too...
  16. Isn't that how it is done these days? Every news outlet does this, every political pundit, agenda curve fitting is how our society functions in 2018 and beyond.
  17. I guess I do agree with him on the Allen pick though.
  18. For those interested in all the gravitational wave news over the last few years, this is a really nice in-depth talk about the project. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3I_F4w-vBo I had no idea the roots of the project dated back as far as it did, amazing.
  19. Mike Schopp seems to do something similar on his radio show. I've always wondered if it's because he adopted two black children...
  20. I think once a headcase always a headcase...
  21. I'm wondering how they police that exactly. Like with the kid in Detroit iirc that was shining a laser pointer at the Bills kickers' face.
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