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Everything posted by Mediaman

  1. I had to dig around to find these as quickly as I did, but I will make it a mission next monday morning.
  2. I miss howard on regular radio but since Sirius doesn't offer a true portable unit, I will not be able to hear him until such a tuner is available. In the meantime I found this nugget about the revelations that were promised today. They will not announce who they belong to until next week: First one: "I cheated on my wife, and she caught me." They won't say who belongs to each of these comments. Not yet. So it becomes a guessing game. Second one: "I once hid in a bathroom closet and pleasured myself when my family members when to the bathroom." We know this is a "him" at least thanks to the way Will describes. Third one: "In the last year, I got a girl pregnant and had to pay for her abortion." Shock from everyone, and another "Oh, myyyyyyyyyyyyy" from George. Fourth one: "I think I'm addicted to porn. I jerk off twice a day, and prefer to masturbate to having sex." Fifth one: "I have spent well over $10,000 on internet porn." Sixth one: "My buddy and I once ordered the massage girls to our hotel room, but they ripped us off and left us staring at each other." Seventh one: "I have pleasured myself with meat and vegetables." Eighth one: "I have a half-sister I never met and don't want to." Ninth one: "I've had cosmetic surgery." Tenth one: "A guy once blew his load on my chest." "Oh, myyyyyyy." Eleventh one: "I once had my stomach pumped for alcohol poisoning, and when I woke up in the hospital, an acquaintance of the same sex was fondling my genitals
  3. oh wrong enterprise..... beam me ups Scotty wrong planet.
  4. I don't know what to do! I love Howard and use to listen to O n A when they were free. I wish he had moved to XM as well as they have better portable equipment then Sirius. I'm gonna miss him on tv as well, as being a Directv customer I won't have the option of watching the on demand shows. I already have an XM acct for one of my cars and it would be a no brainer to just add a MyFi and be able to listen on the train to work.
  5. My dad had a malignent (sp) tumor in his colon, was removed and he has been fine ever since 1999. Yearly colonoscopy but thats the extent. I will pray that you have the same outcome.
  6. "....and I feel fine" But seriously, this happens ever few years where the hurricane season will be quite busy. The media coverage this gets makes it seem abnormal. Wait till this season is over, we'll be talking about the Bird Flu epedemic that will kill most of us.
  7. I always felt that Football season starts too early. If the season started a few weeks later, lets say the first full weekend after Autumn, then we wouldn't have to worry about these types of problems. Yes I know that October is still hot in Florida, but maybe starting the games a few weeks later and make the southern teams home games start at 4PM may help. It may make a better game for both the players and fans.
  8. Anyone with a standard Tivo with the ticket seeing this problem? I have all of next week (9/25) games listed and not this week.
  9. ummm to me that would be like not having access to oxygen or water for 4 hours. Wouldn't last long. My schedule is booked solid on Sundays with game only activities. Watch the game, make food for the game, invite friends over for the game. The only way I would miss a game is if my two year old started to play hockey and they only played on Sunday afternoons.....
  10. Sorry for your loss. My story...Back in 2003 we had to put our Phoebe down. A 6 year old black and white kitty that we rescued from the cold one February day in 97. She was the greatest cat, almost dog like. Greeted you at the door, slept with you, played fetch with bottle caps and straws. Any visitor to our house would have to endure her on their lap. One day she was diagnosed with cancer and put down the next. I cried as she let out her last soft meow and I took her home and buried her in my back yard.
  11. I'm on it, great contest. I'm up 500,000 points or something. Took a bath last week picking Denver, GB, SD, Panthers . Ranking in the 800's. Overall not bad.
  12. Two of the funniest posts I've seen here. I'm pumped up too, but not down there. Anyone remember the power Willis had last year as he ran over defenders in the open field? I'm really looking forward to see him smash down the field. 48 hours 21 minutes left. But who's counting
  13. I even went as far as to pick the Patsys and bet the max points on the Maxum football challenge as well as the TBD pool. I will root for the Raiders, but in vain I suppose.
  14. But we get the added benefit of having to see the worlds busiest website designs!
  15. Don't we already enjoy this feature here at TBD?
  16. The Rusty Trombone
  17. What about laundry, its one thing to shower, but a clean pair of undies makes it a good shower!
  18. Try this http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=11471 I just purchased two new sweat shirts from ebay. Good finds, make sure if you go that way to put "New" in your search.
  19. One of the funniest roasts I"ve ever seen. There was an older (not as old as Maude) female comedians who was down right viscious against Pam, but funny as hell. Name escapes me, but was great. Jeffrey Ross was also excellent.
  20. Thanks, don't know what my search keywords missed!
  21. hit or miss with that, and I'd rather buy from somewhere I can return an item.
  22. I know this was posted a while back, but the search came up empty. Where is a good (cheap) place to buy bills shirts and such online. The bills pro shop is way to pricey. I recall a site called either the hut or shack. Thanks!
  23. Ok my turn getting in on the obits for TBD. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050810/ap_en_mo/obit_mcgrory
  24. Don't believe in forced entry, Don't believe in rape But everytime she passes by Wild thoughts escape
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