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Everything posted by Mediaman

  1. I think I'm ready for spoilers....time to start jumping to other websites to see what I can find.
  2. 1-4pm Watch Bills squish fins, 4-8pm Celebrate Bills squishing said Fish 8-12am Watch DVR of Bills squish fish
  3. World Series
  4. http://trekmovie.com/2008/06/13/bsg-previe...tions%e2%80%9d/ Great series, although this year was a bit slow out of the gate. The political stuff was a bit too much. I love the Civil War though.
  5. As it stands now the game is scheduled to start at 1pm. Does anyone think they may change the start of the game since its a west coast team to accomodate the viewers out on the west coast? The reason I ask is I'm about to book a flight to Buffalo and I'm concerned about the end time. Jetblue has a sale going on right now. Thanks
  6. Very funny clip, actually I think its better then the past season of the actual show. Its amazing how many real life "Italian Americans' pronounce Capicola. As an Italian, it drives me nuts. And no its not matza-rella or Moo-zarel, its Mozzarella (Moe-tza-rel-la)
  7. Funny clip, love the show, but I just don't get this one..... What is it referencing?
  8. Ok, so I've noticed this several times this season, but tonight I was able to prove this theory to myself. During the recaps they are not showing the actual performances that the idols did a few minutes earlier. My take is that they are using the dress rehearsel footage for various reasons. I just watched Spazz's recap and then backed up the tivo to the last song and it was a little different. Even in the camera spin around the judges desks are manned by others and not Randy and company. My take is that they rehearse infront of a studio audience, but keep the judges out so they give an honest opinion. I would imagine for editing purposes its easier to take the rehearsal footage and compile the recap earlier in the night then to do it as the show is airing live. Anyone else notice.
  9. I thought she looked like Capt Stubbings daughter vicky on The Love Boat. but with a little more color in her cheeks. http://www.imdb.com/gallery/mptv/1359/Mptv...=Whelan,%20Jill
  10. Is John Walsh sick? Or do you plan on bumping him off?
  11. Anybody remember the old Sears catalogs that would go in the mail? Talk about heavy loads.
  12. Well after all is said and done, a letter of reprimand goes in your HR file. Not to bad, but I'd watch my back when Joe comes back.
  13. I don't about time, but I can see a harrasment suit coming.
  14. He's not going to be selling anything anymore. Poor kid though, I mean yeah stupid prank that went a bit out of control, but he sounds young.
  15. Ok I can see the need for diversion, especially with the do not call laws that have been passed. No thanks on the offer, I don't read.
  16. Can you give us an idea of the type of place you work at?
  17. What if he pleads insanity, maybe join his co-worker in an adjoing cell, get the pity thing going?
  18. I think that would not be a good thing to say to any inquiries about this, work is not a place for playing practical jokes, although I know we all do.
  19. Sorry, but companies don't want to have liabilities working on their payroll. If this guy or his family want to pursue this, it could get ugly. Any HR generalist out there that want to offer any more insight?
  20. I don't know what kind of company you work for, but that smells like grounds for termination or possible law suit from this person. I don't want to rattle your cage, its just thats the first thing I thought of.
  21. I'm not an HR person, can't even spell it to be honest, but what kind of trouble can you get in for a stunt like this?
  22. They come up to our local Petsmart in the northern burbs and the store is packed when they are there. I think all the cages are emptied by the time they leave.
  23. True, but we are from a culture that spends Billions on our pets. We were looking at some puppies and dog this weekend from North Shore Animal League and I never considered taking one home and throwing him on the grill.
  24. I don't want to bring the New Years party down but: "Up to 10 million dogs are slaughtered every year in China, many killed slowly and cruelly to supposedly enhance the meat's flavour, according to animal rights groups." http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20060127/lf_af...HNlYwNzc3JlbA--
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