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Everything posted by Mediaman

  1. Here is a nice pix of Alexandra Kerry http://us.movies1.yimg.com/movies.yahoo.co...rry/cannes4.jpg
  2. What do the wear in the fridge? Parkas?
  3. I'm a bit annoyed with fox. Last night they were actually bleeping it and the week prior they blurred out some butt shots. People, we are talking animated butts here! Stop The FCC! I hope all this censorship wont affect the new shows coming out. Oh and to save server space and go light. Vincent Gallo was on Howard Stern this am, and he called buffalonians miserable people. I'm not from WNY, but I have to say this, FU Vinny, I've met some real sweet people there and I hope one day the economy returns and makes the city prosper.
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