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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. Too much cash involved to play politics. But looking back, Trump was as high as +550, which is crazy. Basically 10K would have returned 65K! If they have no shot, you stand to make a killing.
  2. I like Oliver at 9, but not in a trade up which requires forfeiture of draft assets. He has 13.5 sacks in 3 seasons at Houston. I'm just not CONVINCED he's going to be a game changer at the next level. The only guy I'd be comfortable trading up for is Allen.
  3. He has every right to "opine." I must say that people are naturally going to assume his opinion has some basis in fact and not 100% gut. For all I know, he has an inside source leading him to this presumption. I personally don't believe a few trade up's in 2017/2018 dramatically alter the probability they'll do the same/or opposite THIS year. I like JW. Just sayin.
  4. Nominating Biden would be capitulation akin to McCain/Romney. I'm confident it's going to be Beto or Harris. And if you feel like Trump is a shoe in to win re-election, you may as well win some money on it. He's currently at +130, which means you win 130 for every 100 wagered. So bet 10K and walk away with 23K. In contrast, the D nominee is -160, which means you have to bet 160 to win 100 or 16K to win 10K. And I can assure you that the betting market isn't partisan.
  5. Yeah. That Kyle Williams guy was simply too short to be effective at the NFL level. Hard pass on Oliver.
  6. I did as well. I'll say this about Harry. He strikes me as an extremely confident guy. I've come to believe that Zay's biggest problems are mental. He just doesn't seem to have the killer instinct you want in a football player. I also don't believe you can fix that.
  7. What I gather from Payton is that he's not so much talking about "trends" as he's talking about "coaching trees." BB disciples have been given how many opportunities and what is their success rate? I think it's zero. McVay has spawned a bunch of mini me's. There's no way to know for sure how they'll fare, but I think that's what Payton was driving at.
  8. To set the edge for whom? Milano is an average at best pass rusher. LORAX is on the other side. Why can't Allen be Lorax's replacement? Edge setting DE's are a dime a dozen.
  9. It'd be cool if you could explain WHY he has a higher bust potential than the other prospects.
  10. I remember having a glimmer of silly hope when he threw his 20th TD pass in a finale against the Ravens. Yep, I liked JP. Guilty.
  11. Nah. Smollett does look like Whaley, but neither look like John Legend. Not even close.
  12. Doesn't this lend credence to the original idea? The Bills are convinced that Allen is the guy, but it's at least plausible that they may be wrong, isn't it? If you want a guarantee, buy a toaster. Otherwise, prepare for every possibility. I actually don't want Rosen because I don't view him favorably(at all), but I get the gist. RyanC made an excellent point that the Bills are better off waiting to see what happens this season. We will have a much better idea of what Allen is all about after 2019. If he fails miserably, you're probably in a good spot to take a QB next year. If he succeeds, this whole thing is a bunch of meaningless words.
  13. Aubrey Dawkins transferred because his dad got the UCF gig! Wagner went to the NBA too early IMO. We(UM) always seem to have premature NBA attrition which is weird because JB never lands top recruits. I attribute that to his coaching. Jordan Poole and the white guy with the funny hair could both leave early. Imagine that! I remember losing out on Battle as well. Tremendous player. Coulda woulda shoulda. It is what it is.
  14. UB had an AMAZING season, but unfortunately Oates is moving on. They sure as all h*** seem to be hitting on coaches so hopefully they make the right call once again. I guess you could say Syracuse underachieved by their standards, but it wasn't a disastrous season. UM wasn't as good as their start indicated, so a sweet 16 loss shouldn't be considered a "failure." And looking at SU's list, Boeheim most certainly understands the value of a PG. Both programs definitely spoiled in that regard. The reality is that there's going to be disappointment for all but one team every single year. Beilein isn't getting any younger and I'd love to see him get a title before he's done. Boeheim has been there and done that.
  15. All valid points, which is why it's NEVER going to happen. I would like to think that Allen's confidence wouldn't be rattled if he's THE GUY, but players are human beings. I guess I can summarize it by saying I like the idea, but not necessarily the plan if that makes any sense. Also have very little confidence that Rosen will ever be a top flight QB, so there's that. New Era suggested he'd be more comfortable spending a 3rd(which wouldn't be enough) and I tend to agree with that. If you use a 2nd, it hurts the team this year and would potentially be more harmful to JA's confidence. The less capital you spend to acquire the "alternative," the less it feels like the organization doesn't have full confidence in JA. It's just been so long since we've had a franchise QB so I'm intrigued by the idea of a contingency plan.
  16. Some of the recruits just didn't pan out. They had one ball handler and that was Simpson. What they were really missing this year was an alternate guy like Muhammed Ali Adbur Rahkman from last season. I agree that Beilein needs to adjust and believe that he will. We've just had such tremendous success with point guards(Morris went to the NBA, Trey Burke was POY, and Derrick Walton was terrific. This year, the failure of the young potential ball handlers to step up and Simpson not playing well did them in. I have high hopes for a freshman PG named David Dejulius. This was a really tough L as I'm as big a Michigan basketball fan as I am a Bills fan. But life goes on! I was just venting a bit at my frustration with Simpson. I know he's a great kid so I hate to criticize so vehemently some 21 year old guy playing his heart out.
  17. I've been harping about NO.J Simpson all season. I knew his timidity and inability to shoot was going to cost us a chance at a title. So I may be a bit defensive.? But if you watch the perimeter defense in THAT particular game, they left Simpson alone at the 3 PT line(brilliant by Beard who's a tremendous coach) which made it that much more difficult for the wings to find solid shots against a GREAT defense. I'm taking nothing away from Texas Tech. I'm still lamenting the fact that my guys lost in such ugly fashion and I wasn't surprised by the main culprit.(Other than the opponent of course.)
  18. That is a simplistic explanation. Nowhere did I suggest that Texas Tech didn't have a dominant defense. As I said, Beilein's system requires A LOT from the point guard. They hid him for awhile, but couldn't do so against the big dogs. If you don't think Derrick Walton or Trey Burke would have made a difference, you don't know much about Beilein's system or Michigan basketball. Simpson made Davide Moretti, Tech's only defensive liability, look like Aaron Kroft. If Michigan had wings that could penetrate, yes it would have made a difference. Unfortunately, the offense is heavily reliant on the PG to penetrate/shoot/kick. Zavier Simpson had 0 POINTS, 1 ASSIST, 4 TURNOVERS, and ONE rebound. Davide Moretti had 15 points, 4 assists, and ZERO turnovers. Point guard play was the ultimate difference in that game. Period.
  19. Let me explain why Michigan got run off the court. In a word NO.J Simpson. (Zavier Simpson). Beliein's system is dependent upon a PG able to knock down shots/penetrate/kick. They do not have reIaible dribble drive wings. It was Izzo who first employed the tactic of falling back off Simpson at the 3 pt line. Hate to give him credit, but must. Teams dared Simpson to shoot and he couldn't and worse WOULDN'T. Beilein has ALWAYS had a PG, but unfortunately Simpson not only didn't improve, but actually regressed as the season wore on. His failure was magnified by the fact that they didn't have a secondary ball handler(They had a guy named Adbur Rahkman last season). So while everyone is likely to return, it's gonna be the same story if freshman Dejulius doesn't improve or they can't find a suitable alternative elsewhere.
  20. The fact that he was traded would mitigate future compensation. I'll grant you that. However, the Saints gave up a first AND a 3rd for Steve Walsh, who was beaten in a competition by Troy Aikman. Let's say Allen is awesome and Rosen looks great in mop up duty. There is definitely a scenario in which a team could get MORE for Rosen than they'd currently give up. Let me say for the record that while I'm not sold on Allen, I like him FAR more than Rosen. I do find the idea of a contingency plan intriguing. It's not going to happen, so it really doesn't matter.
  21. It's not the worst idea I've heard. It's obviously not going to happen, but you could stash Rosen away and very likely get that 2nd round pick back down the road. I'm not 100 sold on Allen, so of course I'm "receptive" to a contingency plan. Where it falls apart for me is that I think Rosen is trash. So there's that. The reason I liked the post was because you can't afford to be wrong at QB, so it's at least an interesting proposition.
  22. I watched every game of Gary's career as a Michigan fan. NO THANK YOU. Oliver would be the ideal choice IF AVAILABLE. I'd prefer Sweat over Gary, but I'm not particularly enthused. The Bills seem to be very high on Christian Wilkins and Taylor and I wouldn't hate either. I'd be good with Burns of Ferrell. All of this assumes that by some force of nature, a guy like Josh Allen doesn't fall into our lap. So Gary is the nightmare pick for me personally. I would also hate to see them reach for J Williams as I think his best NFL position is center or guard.
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