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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. I don't think NYS would offer things like season win totals during their first year of operation. That would probably take awhile.
  2. Someone you know will probably go to Vegas at some point before the season. Give them the cash and tell them what to bet. You get a ticket that you have x amount of time to cash in person or you can mail it in and receive a check(assuming it wins).
  3. Rather than get angry, why not just get a bet down?
  4. I would concur with the overall assessment, but it's not that simple. Hockenson is going to be gone a good 10 spots higher than Fant so value also plays a role.
  5. I actually think Eddie George and Jerome Bettis are OVERrated. They were very solid, effective, productive backs. Never game changers. Napolean Kaufman is a guy who was electric, but walked away early to go into some kind of ministry. Loved watching him run.
  6. Very early. Just had to get that in there.
  7. We beat them by 20! But they have really grown as a team. Very impressive. I'm now convinced Texas Tech is the best team in the tournament. Duke is obviously the most talented, but I'm seeing Tech as the Champ.
  8. This board is going to spontaneously combust (rightfully so) if Gary is the pick at 9. And I'm a die-hard Michigan fan!
  9. This times 10000x. We've got a space eater. We need PLAYMAKERS.
  10. Dang. Now I'm not so sure because he definitely seems to imply that he did take a pic with OJ. I really don't care either way, but the image looks 100% fake to MY eyes.
  11. Regardless of who the Dems nominate, he/she will be labeled extreme/socialist etc. Obama won 2 elections as a communist Muslim. The last thing the left should concern themselves with is how they'll be labeled. That's coming no matter what. Trump won because he was unapologetically "extreme" in many of his views. I understand this board leans right, but I'm of the belief that neither party should be looking to woo swing voters with "moderate" stances. You're more likely to bring them over with conviction than moderation. Do I think they should tear down the fencing? No. Hadn't heard Beto say that specifically. But I doubt it's going to move the needle. Immigration is likely a losing issue for the Dems so they really have to focus on the overhyped family separation thing and try to capitalize on any potential Trump gaffes.
  12. As an investment and a contingency plan. I don't like Rosen, but I'm not convinced he's NOT gonna be a franchise QB and I'm not convinced Allen IS gonna be a franchise QB. For the record, I prefer Allen to Rosen by a pretty wide margin. I know it seems like some far fetched radical possibility, but Allen MAY NOT pan out. I've seen enough Bills QB's fail. I want to have as many options as possible at the position.
  13. It's gonna be really interesting to see if Gonzaga can find a way to beat that Beard/Tech no middle defense. I'm going with Tech. Much more interested in that game than UVA/Purdue.
  14. I wouldn't do it for a 2nd. I'd do it for a 3rd(which wouldn't be enough.)
  15. With the Star signing and the drafting of Edmunds, a need for "run stuffers" would be a MASSIVE problem for Beane. They were middle of the pack against the run, but the only real defensive issue was getting to the QB. Thus the need for edge rushers. They allocated a TON of resources to Star/Edmunds, so if stopping the run is still a problem, then Beane and McDermott have a problem. I'm not too worried about it.
  16. I'm pretty in tune with the African Canadian community. One of my best friends is black. I think you're underestimating his appeal with that demo. Not gonna draw black folk at Obama numbers, but if you watched him speak Spanish today, it's entirely plausible he could outperform Obama with hispanics. Unfortunately, not many of them live in MI/WI/PA. Policy (or lack thereof) aside, Beto is the guy I view as having the best political instincts in the field. JMO.
  17. I'm not advocating for the move, but giving up a 2nd for Rosen would certainly NOT indicate that they like him more than Allen, or in general. For all we know, they had them rated closely and Allen had the slight edge.
  18. The guy has tweeted 24k times and has 500 followers. I don't care if it's real or not. I don't care if Poyer took a pic with OJ. It's not real though.
  19. Love Oliver's TFL numbers. Very disruptive player. Wish he would have gotten to the QB more, but if he had, he'd probably be going 2 or 3 and the Bills would have no shot.
  20. I don't think a DUI will change a single vote. As a matter of fact, I think it would be a mistake for the right to even make it an issue. All the attempts to assassinate Trump's character not only didn't land, but actually backfired. I still remember laughing at the left for their big 2000 October surprise; W got a DUI 30 years ago! Just don't see it having any play.
  21. I've never ONCE underestimated Trump's political prowess. Not once. As a matter of fact, I predicted he would win in 2016. As Hillary Clinton admitted in her book, he's crazy like a FOX. So it doesn't surprise me one bit that Trump is a huge draw in Grand Rapids. He's a force. Coming from the opposite side of the aisle, I see a potential political force in Beto (empty suit or not). The concern I have with Harris is her white husband. From a political perspective, that could put a big-time damper on black male turnout. I generally make it a point to avoid policy matters down here because I'd have to expend a tremendous amount of time/energy to compete. You guys are good.
  22. LOL! I thought it was a cardboard cut-out at first glace, which would be really weird. It's clearly photo-shopped.
  23. I don't think anyone expects Beto to win Texas. His challenge will be winning Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Obama won those states so it's certainly within the realm of possibility. I'd personally hate to see the Dems nominate Biden because he "plays well with the white working class." Elections are all about turnout and I believe Beto has the best chance of getting a**es in the seats. Nobody gave Obama or Trump much of a chance IIRC.
  24. I like Oliver quite a bit as a prospect, but the stats are a bit off-putting. For comparison, Aaron Donald put up 29.5 sacks in 4 seasons at Pitt facing better competition. Oliver was extremely disruptive and tested off the charts, which is why I'd be happy with him at 9. I'm just not willing to part with a 2nd or even a 3rd and a 4th. I feel like we have too many holes to make this kind of move for Oliver. I view Josh Allen as the best player in this draft and a game changing defensive force, so it'd be more palatable(FOR ME) if he were the trade up target.
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