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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. I'd take it a step further and say go for pro bowl guys with all 10 picks! Why stop at 2?
  2. You are not alone. It'd be cool to see the Bills win regular season games, playoff games, and God forbid, a Superbowl. Twitter "vote" contests, quadruple MEH!
  3. Looking back at McCargo's stat line, it really is BAFFLING that he was a first round pick. He was young and probably tested well I suppose. Probably considered a "space eater" for Mario and Lawson. I mention him in the same breath as Wilkins because that Clemson line is so stacked. I'm leery of the pick myself and would rather have anyone on your list over Wilkins. Time will tell as they say.
  4. Absolutely hate it, but I'm willing to give them a chance to do their thing. McDermott has gotten the most out of really bad rosters 2 years in a row. I believe he's a solid coach if given adequate talent. Whether he's good enough to take that next step remains to be seen. I am of the opinion that this is a show me year. I see teams building success very quickly all over the league. I see no reason why this shouldn't be the season we see some serious results. I want the Bills to be GREAT. We should all expect more.
  5. I didn't say they were identical players. Wilkins played on a stacked line at Clemson much like McCargo did at NC State, so it's really difficult to determine how good he actually is. The idea that he's some lock to be an impact player at the next level seems off. It would be hard to bust to the extent McCargo busted and I assume Wilkins will be better than McCargo. I just don't get the hype.
  6. I am not discounting your premise that hard working players are admirable, but I will say that "Bills" type players have not lead to a great deal of success for roughly 25 years. Elite players win games. You alluded to Kyle Williams who was a GREAT PLAYER. I think that gets lost in the lunch pail narrative. We need more talent whether they be gritty or super athletic. I'm in the minority, but I appreciate the fact that Beane was willing to roll the dice on Antonio Brown.
  7. Great athlete. Watched every game of his career. Takes plays off. Not a difference maker. This would be an awful pick IMO.
  8. This guy just feels like John McCargo. Not saying he's gonna bust and he was more productive than McCargo to be sure, but I'm dubious of a guy coming from such a stacked line.
  9. F them indeed. I will never, EVER forget that play. I can honestly still feel the shock/rage/sorrow. Irrational emotions for what's ultimately entertainment, but it was absolutely gutwrenching. I enjoy beating them any chance we get regardless of the circumstances. It was my favorite dub last season despite being an ugly game. At this point in my Bills fandom, I would probably EXPECT them to return that kick for a TD. Would probably react with a "seems about right."
  10. The AFC Championship game against the Raiders was really the beginning for me. Such a dominant performance and the environment I saw on TV was ridiculous. Mother is from Hamburg, but I'm from Detroit and the Lions were always trash. Keep in mind I was 9 years old.
  11. I can't keep up with all these divisional changes. I had us pegged for second behind the Pats, but the Cowboys will be no pushover. I'd be happy with a split. Really though, I think I'd like to play at Tennessee or the NYG because neither is a raucous environment. Winning a road game week one would be big.
  12. Right, wrong, or indifferent, I can't imagine they build a true outdoor stadium. I think the entire point is to modernize and that includes a climate controlled environment. I'm not opining on whether that's good or bad; just my two cents.
  13. Gore has played 14 seasons and compiled 95 total touchdowns. Todd Gurley has played 4 seasons and compiled 56 total touchdowns. Gore is a really good back who's longevity is a testament to hard work and determination. He's not a true difference maker. I think he'll probably get in the hall, but I don't know that he deserves it. Running backs have come and gone, but Gore has never been the best at his position.
  14. I'm not offended. I don't even HATE Tom Brady. This just wasn't funny. April 1st is the worst day to do this kind of thing. Just corny.
  15. Agreed. I can't imagine anyone not thrilled with Williams at 9, but that's about as likely as the Bills taking a center in the second. Low quality mock.
  16. Wrong Napolean. That was McCallum. How in the world have the Raiders had two RUNNING BACKS named Napolean? Crazy.
  17. Nah. They only tax winnings on wagers that are greater than 300/1 odds. Kind of quirky. They will TRACK anything over 10K, but not tax it. Let's say you win 330 bucks on a 1 dollar bet. Taxed and W2G. Let's say you bet 10K and win 10K. Nada. They'll do what's called a CTR on anything over 10K, but no tax.
  18. There are people betting tens of thousands of dollars and it's more than an educated guess. It's based on data and metrics. A lot of the big bettors don't even care much about sports. They care about numbers. That being said, it certainly does NOT mean the Bills plan will fail. We could easily win 10 games. I'm strictly talking about the way these numbers are set. Not the outcome.
  19. They're most certainly not guessing. They composite a power index based on data and set the numbers accordingly. Of course teams will outperform/under perform those metrics every year. They're not just throwing random numbers around. Too much cash involved.
  20. Their purpose is not to NAIL the number. Their purpose is to get equal action on both the over and the under. The casual fans will bet over's and big bettor's are generally looking for under's. The Bills could win 12 games or they could win 4. Let's hope it's in the 9-11 range.
  21. The ONLY way that bet loses is if Mayweather gets hurt or some other bizarre occurence. But I digress.
  22. That's MayWeather/McGregor territory. Now THAT was the best bet I've ever seen at -400.
  23. What we really need is for someone to bet 5k on the UNDER!
  24. I approve this message. People want to label Allen as a humble farmboy, but he showed a lot more "swagger" than I was expecting. As much as some fans appreciate humility, a QB has got to be a bit cocky. The most demanding position in all of sports requires an absurd amount of confidence, which is naturally going to show up on occasion when said QB makes a big play.
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