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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. What kind of line can I get? I think it's highly unlikely any of these players are the target.
  2. I like the upgrades and think pass blocking will be above average(they weren't really that bad last year in that department.) My only gripe is the lack of a true mauler. Dawkins is probably our best run blocker, but beggars can't be choosers. I get BPA, but it would be cool if they drafted a potential road grader at some point within the first four rounds. We tend to fixate on having a starting five set in stone, but pressure busts pipes. Competition is a good thing.
  3. It's going to be there for the taking. My strong opinion is that Brady's arm is nearly finished. I think he SHOULD have retired, but the same ego that drove him to GOAT status is telling him to hang on one year too long. Brady has never had a strong arm, but any drop in velocity will be fatal. He is approaching Peterman arm status.
  4. You're one of the better posters here, but this is a 3 pitch strikeout.
  5. I suppose I'm an idealist. I'll amend my statement to read it SHOULD be a pivotal year.
  6. I was gonna scoff at the Moulds comparison, but you qualified it nicely. Certainly some similarities in the attack the ball mentality. Moulds lacked breakaway speed as well(never forget when he got caught from behind by TBuck in the Fins playoff game. UGH! There's definitely a chance and I'm not gonna write him off after Foster's emergence. I was SHOCKED Foster made the team, let alone made a huge splash. So we'll see what happens. Wouldn't be surprised if he was cut and wouldn't be SHOCKED if he had an impact.
  7. I think we worry too much about contracts. Premiere players will get paid and the deals they get are going to increase every year as long as the league is raking in the dough. The smart GM's are right near the cap every year and just wiggle resources around.
  8. He doesn't have the hangtime you want in a punter, but I think he's got an effective style because he "hits his spot." Doesn't have the tradition metrics, but I like him as well. Don't remember many if any touchbacks, but I could be wrong. Moorman is one of my all time favorite Bills, but he was toast when he started piling up touchbacks. I hate touchbacks on punts! Very little chance for a big return back that far and an opportunity to create a turnover. And of course there's a huge difference from starting at the 10 as opposed to the 20. HUGE difference. I think there some miscommunication. He clearly thought it was some kind of fake. Not sure who's at fault for the miscommunication, but something was off there.
  9. The ratio I use is as close to 50/50 as possible. (I really just wing it and drop it in the coffee.) But the more I think about it, it's closer to 1, maybe 1.5 teaspoons of each. And the garlic and onion is for heart/GI health. I'm pretty ridiculous with what I consume since those 275 days. I figured I'd share this tidbit because it worked wonders for me. If it helps one person, that would be awesome. Convinced a good number of friends/acquaintances to give it a shot and all had various levels of "success" depending on dietary changes. Even the one's that didn't change their diet lost a MODEST amount of weight.
  10. I really don't measure it, but I would guesstimate that it's about 2 teaspoons of the ACV and the lemon juice. I actually put it in coffee because I'm weird like that. As an aside, I also eat garlic and onions in the morning, but I don't think that factors into the weight loss.(Lots of mouthwash) All of this can cause stomach issues, especially at first, so I eat ginger to alleviate any GI issues. Not a fan of OTC meds to treat minor issues. The real constant is the ACV/Lemon Juice. If I consume that daily, my metabolism is NOTICEABLY better, so that's ultimately what it came down to for me, other than the obvious stuff. If you can handle the disgusting taste, I can pretty much guarantee your metabolism will increase.
  11. I'd be surprised. I think he's all in on 2019 and correctly views it as a pivotal season. We're in no position to be allocating resources to the future. That being said, I expect trade ups in the 2nd, 3rd or late first,.
  12. People will absolutely change their mind when they see RESULTS. Blind faith is great, but some of us view the Bills through a skeptical lens after 25 years of futility. Show me/Prove it/Talk is cheap. Choose the idiom. I'll believe it when I see it. This is a critical season for Beane, Allen, and McDermott. All will be well with the state of the Bills if we see WINNING.
  13. Stevie was such a fun player to watch. Ran football routes equivalent to "old man" basketball moves at the Y. Extracted every ounce of production out of his natural athletic ability. Polarizing personality. I happen to like players with "swag," but to each their own.
  14. SERIOUSLY!!!!!! An old man doing old man things. Tabloid fodder. Jury trial for THIS? So crazy. Petty offenses are generally ruled on by a judge.
  15. I thought it was interesting that the only TE visit I've seen was Nauta from Georgia. Perhaps they've made some moves since then, but I haven't seen it. Nauta seems like a well rounded TE. Whether it be Sternberger, Smith, Wilson, Knox or Nuata is anyone's guess. Overall, I just don't see them going TE in the first round which I glean you're sensing as well.
  16. Yeah. That's what I was driving at. If you polled the board, it would be nearly unanimous for Hock over Fant. Was just opining that it wouldn't shock me if Fant went before him. I don't personally the Bills are targeting either player. I get the sense based on their visits that they're looking at the position later in the draft.
  17. I agree that Fant would represent poor value at 9. I will say that as much as the board loves Hockenson, I wouldn't be shocked to see Fant go before him. The NFL loves "upside."
  18. I actually like the black ones. The rest are awful.
  19. I don't even understand the point of a "draft" hat. Well, I do; a fool and their money will soon part. Still, don't like the hat or even the idea of some odd deviation of the standard Bills emblem. The hat without the colors is far more stylish. Still, stick to the basics.
  20. WR Tyre Brady from Marshall has the STRONGEST hands in the draft. He's not a great athlete, so he won't go early and is very unlikely to be a star. But he'll almost certainly be a solid contributor in the NFL IMO. STRONG hands are a huge bonus when your QB has Justin Verlander velocity.
  21. Maybe a hard luck GM who's on the hot seat going with the Costanza opposite approach.
  22. I think they went in fully believing they could compete at the highest level with character alone. After two seasons, they've come to the realization that they're gonna need to amend that a bit if they're going to succeed. Case in point; AB. While some may criticize them for deviating from the "plan," I applaud them for learning from their mistakes.
  23. Love Zach Brown and all that SPEED. Wish the Bills would have kept him around. Also agree with the assessment on Stanford. They didn't miss a single beat when he played MLB. I don't wish injury on anyone, but a scenario that puts Stanford in the middle and Edmunds outside would be just fine with me.
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