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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. Lawrence tallied 18 TFL's in 3 SEASONS at Clemson. I understand that stats aren't everything, but that tells me his niche is tying up blockers. I've made no qualms about the fact that I don't like Star so I won't go there. Theoretically, there should be no need for another DT tying up blockers not making plays. BPA and all that jazz. I still see it as a bad fit, especially with Star and that contract.
  2. For sure. I expect a deal to be done before the draft and the compensation to be a second. When you start talking about a pick next year, the Cardinals would want a first. Not sure that it's entirely out of the question that the Cardinals just keep both for now. Not likely, but not implausible.
  3. LOL@McKelvin over McGee for KR. McGee had 5400 KR yards with 5 TD's. McKelvin had 2400 KR yards and 1 touchdown. McGee also had a slightly higher average. TM is actually one of the better return men in the history of the league. I won't get into the fumble thing with McKelvin because I think it's been done to death, but I can't take this too seriously with that kind of error.
  4. And we NEED that! Beasley is now my favorite Bill. A guy like him(won't get into what that means) has to have some extreme confidence that may border on cockiness. Glad he's on our side.
  5. Greatest. Return. Ever. He must have run well over 200 yards on that play and I'm pretty sure he was gassed at the end. In the moment, I experienced zero joy because it didn't help the team. In retrospect, just amazing.
  6. Nah. Holmes got popped for tax fraud. REALLY strange story. He was helping people file false tax returns and receiving a cut. This was in Buffalo in 04 and 05. Probably in town using his Bills "heritage" as an in. Bad act, but definitely not a murder situation.
  7. I'm really not trying to be a jerk here, but it's comments like this that make people crack jokes or wonder about your intentions. You seem like a nice enough guy, but why even bother talking football if you're not interested in...football? Also, you're a Packer fan on a Bills board. You're not gonna get much sympathy in terms of team futility. Well, la de da at Bill Shakespeare over here. RIP Chris Farley.
  8. Don't talk about it, be about it! It's high time the Bills started acquiring players with an edge. Generally pleased with the acquisitions at OL, but my preference in the draft is a lineman who's niche is pushing the LOS forward. Spain/Morse/Long are solid players, but not necessarily maulers.
  9. Uh oh! Such a terrible story. My "hunch" is that this involves negligence and not malice, but I don't know the details. Either way, your 5 year old kid's safety is priority number ONE.
  10. He really is. Ironic because he wasn't a very good QB. Papa Simms was a very good QB, but an AWFUL analyst. I agree with the sentiment that Lawrence would be a terrible fit. We need a playmaker, not a space eater.
  11. Strange indeed. I've heard Seahawk, 49er, Ram, Packer, Viking, Falcon, Panther, Redskin, Dolphin, Colt, Jaguar, Titan, Steeler, Bronco, Raider fan all used singularly. The two teams you would NEVER use singularly are the Bills and the Browns. "He's a BROWN fan." "He's a BILL fan." That just doesn't work on so many levels.
  12. Correct. But come on man, let me throw Beane a bone! I criticize him enough.
  13. I'm guilty as well. I don't think we realized just how valuable Kromer was when he was here. Obviously Roman and Lynn had a solid run scheme as well, but Kromer is terrific at his job. Made the likes of Gillislee look a lot better than they actually were. It would awesome if this Bob Johnson character can grow into the position. Can't do any worse. A vacancy at OL coach/run game coordinator>Castillo.
  14. Not enough >>>>>'s. Milano in the fifth has been the best draft choice of the Beane/McDermott era. "All he does is make plays" in my Buddy Ryan accent even though I can't recall his voice.
  15. Exactly. Outside of QB, the MOST a line would move based on a single player's absence is ONE point and that is rare. I feel like both sides have made their case pretty well. I believe he can help the Bills and don't view the issues as a non starter. If we're talking about a mid to late rounder for a former 4th overall pick, I'm in. I'm also thinking about the goal line situations quite a bit. We know Shady isn't good in those situations because of his style. Oddly, Gore is not particularly good either. Wouldn't it be nice to have a back you feel comfortable handing it to on 1st and goal from the 3?
  16. Yes. I am far more enthused than I was on draft day 2018, but I wasn't moved by a fluff piece. Strengths are greater than I anticipated. Weaknesses are pretty much as advertised TO THIS POINT. Very unhappy, but Josh Rosen is not the benchmark.
  17. What's your take on the BILLS draft strategy/needs, etc.?
  18. Why in the world are we still taking shots at Tyrod? It's kind of weird.
  19. A troll? Probably not. What you should understand is that as Bills fans, we're not particularly interested in the goings on with the Packers.
  20. "Beasts" certainly wear down PDQ which makes guys like Lynch/Gore that much more impressive. That said, it's hard to believe LF is ground with only 401 NFL carries. The 3.3 YPC is also somewhat misleading considering he only carried the ball 133 times. Has a nice TD% as well with 14 in 401 career attempts. Neither Gore or Shady are good goal line options. Odd in Frank's case for obvious reasons. I've also heard terrific things about the guy in terms of the work he does in New Orleans. Nobody is ever as good as their positive pub or as bad as their negative pub. I'm firmly in the roll the dice camp. If he can be had for a 5th, sign me up.
  21. I believe he's referring to Will (or Bill) Redmond, current Packers cornerback.
  22. LOL@hint. Bruh, if you can't answer these questions, the hint should read "stop pretending to be a football fan."
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