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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. I'm partial to the late 80's Brew Crew. Moliter, Yount, Sheffield, and of course Rob Deer. Deer would have been the world's greatest softball player.
  2. To quote Dumb and Dumber, "talk about being in the WRONG place at the WRONG time." I've always felt like Eric Moulds could have been a HOF WR if he hadn't been in Levy's doghouse the first two years and played with an upper echelon QB his entire career. The WR position is really dependent on the right QB.
  3. The wound is too fresh. We're gonna need some time. As someone else said; relax. It's a football forum my man.
  4. I don't care for Rosen as a QB, but that 9 mistake line is soooooo played. Tom Brady/Aaron Rodgers certainly had the exact same reaction when they were drafted. Does it really matter that he vocalized the thought? He may fail as a QB, but I'm pretty sure it won't be the result of that chip on his shoulder. A chip that is certain to grow under the current circumstances. If he busts, it'll be the result of inadequacy.
  5. My hunch is that DT would be "safer" than DE. There seems to be an Aaron Maybin or 2 in the first round of every draft.
  6. I'm not down on Wallace. As a matter of fact, I like him quite a bit. Just noting that the sample size isn't nearly large enough. He wouldn't "qualify" for the batting title as they say in baseball. Nevertheless, I do think he's a keeper.
  7. Any message board devoid of dissent would be incredibly boring. There is plenty of discussion about all the great things Josh is doing this offseason. There is plenty of discussion about the Bills imminent emergence. I think Badol brings quite a bit of knowledge to the table and clearly won't believe it until he see's it. Not quite sure why someone else's opinion is so unnerving.
  8. The Bills defense? Just sayin. There is room for improvement on both sides of the ball. As an aside, I'm in the camp that wouldn't mind taking a shot on Metcalf.
  9. First; Wallace is EXACTLY like a guy who's hitting .400 with 20 AB's. Let's see if he can keep it up. Second; 80.6(White) and 76.1(Darby) are not as close as you think.
  10. He got a certain rub among some fans, but I'll leave it at that. The past is the past. Very nice gesture and it would be awesome if Ezra were able to show up. Goes without saying that we all wish him well.
  11. YEP!!!! The defense was 29th in the league in sacks. Losing Kyle is not going to help matters despite the fact that he wasn't the same player. They have got to improve/replace pass rushers or suddenly the defense doesn't look so good. It happens quickly if you don't fix the cracks. I also view edge rusher as a need, but one that you could possibly put off until next season. Interior pass rush? Gotta improve it THIS year.
  12. Kool-Aid rolls off the tongue better than powdered drink mix laced with cyanide.
  13. Stevie is a terrific guy despite opinions to the contrary. Tats/earrings say nothing of a person's character. Wishing Ezra all the best!
  14. That's awesome, but I gotta say; how in the world does a guy with a work station that looks like NORAD not know how to post multiple images? Can't go wrong with a Fred X Jersey.
  15. That's bad news for us as well. There has never been a successful professional athlete from Firebaugh, California. DOOMED!
  16. That's a tough call. I don't think Kraft has any strong political beliefs, but his friendship with the current resident of the oval office could definitely play a role. So while I'm quibbling with the word "politics," I get the gist. If they see him as Brady's successor, that would be pretty stupid. I'm not a fan of Rosen, so I would love to see it happen. Then again, if BB wants him, he'll probably be great.
  17. Cam was definitely not a "project" QB. I think that was C.Biscuit's quarrel. Your opinion notwithstanding, he was widely considered the best player in the 2011 draft.
  18. That's Dennis Rodmanesque. In all seriousness, has a "project" QB EVER worked out? I guess you could say Jimmy G, but that's a reach. Jackson seems like a really good kid, but that windup is just too much for the NFL. Maybe he's TOO tall.
  19. For sure. I'm not implying the rep is as bad as the reality. I've always enjoyed my time in Buffalo. For whatever reason, it gets a worse rap than places like GB, DETROIT, or Cleveland. There's nothing Pegs can do about the weather, so I applaud the organizations effort's to control what they CAN control. Having top notch facilities where players will spend much of their time(as you said) will definitely help.
  20. Looks awesome. Let's face facts. We're at some disadvantages in terms of attracting free agents. Building state of the art facilities is a step in the right direction in closing the "location" gap.
  21. We're all about the Pack attack and the early 90's Eagles now. I guess you didn't get the memo.
  22. It's just all over the map WRT BILLS career vs. overall career. Chris Spielman had a far better overall career than Shane Conlan, but only played with the Bills at the tail end of his career. That's fine, but then you take a guy like Mario over Phil Hansen. Mario had a better OVERALL career, but Hansen did more for the Bills. You also omit James Lofton in favor of Lee Evans. While Evans may have been more productive for the Bills, the career comparison is not even close. On the flip side, you take Nate Odomes over Antoine Winfield. While Odomes may have had a more illustrious BILLS career, Winfield's overall career is VASTLY superior. Whomever made that list needs to make a choice and stick with it!
  23. I think consistency isn't a play to play deal and it's also not fair to any QB to judge them against the Patriots. They're a complete anomaly. Consistency, for me, means playing 12 above average games a year. That's what the top QB's tend to do. The "franchise" guys can generally be counted on to play above average far more often than not. Wild swings would not be a good thing if we're talking about 8 amazing games a year and 8 awful one's. I would take a Cam Newton like career, but the benchmark Allen is trying to achieve IS Rivers, Brees, Rodgers, Wilson, Ben. When you take a QB at 7, you're betting that he'll be "that guy." Anything less would be considered a disappointment to some extent. If he's Cam, the disappointment would be very mild. If he's Bortles, MAJOR disappointment.
  24. He's a "late bloomer" in terms of facial hair, but I think he should stick with it.
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