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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. I've never been a tradesman, but I've always wondered if they actually stuff their lunch in a "pail." If not, this whole lunchpail analogy is a big fat con!
  2. Tyrod Taylor has a career record of 23-21. Ryan Fitzpatrick has a career record of 50-75. Matt Barkley has a career record of 2-5. Interesting.
  3. Good post. The cap is not nearly the impediment it's viewed as by some. Team's find a way to sign their top players and then decide which of their second tier guys are expendable. The top teams will always be up against the cap. Just have to move money around, restructure deals, and let a few guys walk.
  4. I would say the odds of a 4th/5th RD receiver beating out Duke Williams and McKitrick would be great if they were good. Proehl and Ray Ray were just bad picks; period. The regime has yet to prove they can properly assess or develop receivers. They've done many things well, but the receiver position has not been one. I love Beasley so I'm pretty confident he'll work out. Foster looks like a guy who will be a vertical threat AT THE LEAST. Other than that, who knows? Overall, it's great that they have a plan, but I think the plan needs to include winning football games starting now. That will be the ultimate measure of their success.
  5. This lunch pail guy is actually the real diva if you ask me. He's taking precious time out of his day to prepare a bunch of food and place it in some kind of contraption. Give me the guy who orders food on the fly.
  6. I don't believe Allen is inaccurate in the true sense of the word. I think he'd probably fare well if there was some kind of NFL QB competition for just hitting targets. The problem is largely recognition. Many of the poorly placed balls in the flat appeared to be rushed throws because he didn't assess the play quickly enough or was fixated on a target downfield. You could also factor in a poor offensive line, but we're talking about Josh. My hope is that experience working with Daboll and mastering the scheme will result in hastened processing of what he's seeing on the field. He's probably never going to be a 65 percent passer because he's always looking for the TD. He'll be fine IF he can get near 60.
  7. Never been a fan of speed "merchant" referring to a receiver. He's not selling speed..hopefully.
  8. Agreed. The Bills are not parents. The job of the front office and coaching staff is to do what's best for the team. Their job does not entail teaching lessons at the expense of the team.
  9. Agreed. Mayfield looks like a star QB. Sometimes it seems like fans feel the need to bash the other QB's in the class unnecessarily. Baker's success or lack thereof will have no bearing on Josh Allen's future.
  10. Let's not pretend like Allen was terrific at getting the ball out on time and ball placement. There was a serious lack of receiver separation, but this is not an either or proposition. The receiving core and OL are improved. Josh has a year of experience under his belt. There is reason for optimism that both the QB and the surrounding cast will perform at a higher level.
  11. Exactly my point. There's really no way to quantify or prove it, but he doesn't APPEAR to be confident. He was exactly as you described at ECU. WR's really need to have supreme belief in their ability. There are times that is SEEMS like Zay feels overmatched. Catching the ball is mental. A guy who had terrific hands in college doesn't forget HOW to catch the ball. Getting ripped/feeling good COULD go a long way for ZJ if my assumption is correct and confidence is an issue.
  12. I've been a pretty vocal skeptic of Zay, but it would be huge for this regime/franchise if he were to turn the corner. You always wanna see "your" guys work out. He's never gonna be a great vertical threat, but he doesn't have to be in this offense. Get open, catch the ball consistently, and get some YAC yards. I'll believe it when I see it, but that would certainly be a welcome development.
  13. You forgot to preface this with "hear me out."
  14. This is a good thing. We saw a picture earlier in the offseason and he looks even stronger now. One of my concerns with Zay is that he lacks confidence. It's impossible to know what's going on in someone's head. Just pure speculation. Maybe getting ripped will help his overall mentality going against elite NFL CB's as opposed to AAC stiffs.
  15. Agree with much of your assessment of Zay, but I'm not following the SJ13 critique. Stevie flamed out relatively young because he had zero margin for error in terms of athleticism. Once it slipped, he was done. Moulds was a far superior player, but he hit the same wall at the age of 30. It happens. Gotta be a top 2 or 3 7th round draft pick in team HISTORY. Not sure who didn't like the pick.
  16. If his completion percentage is 56+, everything else will take care of itself. He's never going to be a super "efficient" passer, but something in that range combined with his AY/A would get it done. The surrounding cast is now "competent" so the passing game is really going to hinge on Allen's development.
  17. There are bad people and there are troubled people. I believe Cogs is the latter. That bizarre behavior doesn't come from malice. I don't really care about his football situation at this point, but I wish the guy well.
  18. He's gonna have to switch positions if he wants to make it in the league. That windup is just too much. My hunch is that the Bills want to give the Logan Thomas experiment another shot.
  19. Jacobs ran a poor 40, but he's not 5'7. We'll see my man. The Travis Henry comparisons pique my interest and they've got some merit. If he duplicates Henry's career, it will go down as a tremendous pick. I would have preferred a RB with better natural talent. Just my two cents. As to the OP; I'm glad he's excited for the opportunity in Buffalo. The RB position is wide open with Shady/Gore in their twilight.
  20. I believe it. Seems like a weird thing to lie about.
  21. That was the most disgusting act I've personally ever seen on a football field. It may have been one, but it was enough. I'm glad Preston Brown is elsewhere because there is no excuse to sit idly by while Gronk potentially ends your star corner's career. Something tells me Ed Oliver and Vosean Joseph aren't "nice" people in those situations. Of course we'd have taken his previous talent. What's your point?
  22. Ed Reed is an interesting guy. Not one to sugarcoat anything so you know where he stands. He does seem bitter than his NFL coaching opportunity went south. Having said that, I've dealt with 4 SB losses, a 17 year playoff drought, a never ending QB carousel post Kelly, and DICK JAURON! The "bleu cheese" secondary would be a bridge too far. I'd have to strongly consider bailing.
  23. Agreed. The back of the EZ high point TD is more of an idea than a reality. Most passing TD's in the NFL circa 2019 are the result of OL protection, QB awareness, and a receiver creating QUICK separation in tight space. So many things have to go right on the jump ball corner EZ fade. A personal pet peeve is when a team goes to this well on a 2 point conversion. You GOTTA have something better than that on a one and done play.
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