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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. For sure. I actually wouldn't mind McCown because I believe he's a better PLAYER than Barkley. I've seen Barkley's lack of arm strength lead to enough picks to know he's not any kind of long term answer. I'm fine with him as a backup and that's probably the route they'll take. Just don't see the need for Barkley and ANOTHER vet. If we're gonna carry 3, I'd prefer to see Allen, one vet backup, and a developmental type; maybe Jackson or the kid from Northwestern Illinois State Tech.
  2. Most teams don't even carry 3 QB's as roster spots are so valuable. Like all major league's, NFL teams have evolved and maximized every competitive advantage. I would rather cut Barkley and sign a McCown/ Cassell type if you think either can actually play and believe in the whole mentor thing. It's not like Barkley is ever going to be the answer at QB. We've got a HC, an OC, and a QB coach. Allen also has Jordan Palmer in the offseason. Enough cooks already IMO.
  3. I'm kinda torn on this. It's clear that Reed has support on his stance that he got a raw deal in Buffalo. On the other hand, publicly throwing people under the bus(even Ryan) is probably not a great look. Reed's motive is obviously another gig. Not sure this helps his cause.
  4. Anything less than 9 wins is disappointing, period. I get it. These guys do seem to have a plan. Unless that plan yields wins in year 3, it's time to start seriously questioning whether they know what they're doing. I'm not even predicting failure. I'm not playing the what-if game. I just notice some really low expectations creeping around the board. Plans are great. Wins are better.
  5. That's outlandish. They're independent contractors and not affiliated with the team. You derailed a perfectly reasonable thread.
  6. Not saying you're wrong, but I'd prefer to see Beasley lead the team in receptions and not yards. I think his ceiling in this situation is 7-800 yards. I'd like to believe Zay, Foster, or Brown would have at least 1000. Beasley is my favorite off season acquisition so this is no slight against him. I think he is "limited."
  7. I agree that the 2014 defense was quite a bit better than the 2018 defense. Where I would slightly disagree is that run defense set the two units apart. The 2014 defense was slightly below average in terms of run defense. Where they distinguished themselves was pass rush from the front four. Dareus, Hughes, and Mario all put up double digit sack totals with Kyle Williams "pulling up the rear" with 5.5. When you generate that kind of pressure with just the front four, you're gonna create a lot of turnovers and make HOF QB's look bad.(Rodgers) For better or worse, Star is part of the the front four in McD's scheme so I think that puts even more pressure on the players around him to get after it. I feel good about Oliver and Hughes. Unless they make a big move, they're gonna need Shaq or Murphy to emerge in order to truly impose their will on opposing offense's.
  8. The FO did a good job structuring Brown's contract, but 11 mil GTD is nothing to sneeze at. That'd be a pretty tough pill to swallow if he didn't even make the team in year one.
  9. I would love to see them blitz more, but it's not McDermott's(and to a greater extent Frazier's) M.O. They will likely continue to rely on the front four to get pressure, which is why I'd like to see them go after Clowney. We were near the bottom of the league in sacks last season, and while Oliver will help, is it enough? Pass rush is the most important defensive category. If we're gonna allocate resources to a big money defensive player, I want a guy who gets sacks.
  10. So we're gonna bring in a former WR to play QB? Culley had a tough enough time transitioning from WR to QB COACH. I think this would be even more difficult. I guess you never know.
  11. Yeah. I don't know why it's a foregone conclusion that Anderson gets into coaching. I expect him to retire to Arizona and live his life. It's great that Anderson gave Allen a few pointers as a rookie; not sure that he had any more up his sleeve. This may be a little unfair, but Anderson is not a particularly bright guy. Some low IQ guys have an extremely high football IQ. I get that. Just wouldn't be surprised if that's the last we see of him.
  12. People like Derek Anderson on the roster UNTIL he has to actually play football. He was wasting a roster spot. If he's only there to coach and mentor, he should be a coach/mentor. It's nice for a rookie to have that veteran presence, but this is Allen's team for the foreseeable future. Barkley is a vet perfectly content playing the backup/support role. There was no need for Derek Anderson on the roster.
  13. Respectfully gotta rebut that with some info. The Bills were actually middle of the pack in terms of T.O.P. The defense was very good, but they absolutely need to improve the pass rush, which is the best way to create turnovers and negative plays in the RZ. The aspects in which the defense wasn't great can't all be attributed to the offense. Oliver will help. If Murphy can stay healthy and Lawson can improve, that'll help. I would personally have no problem trading some relatively big assets for a game changer like Clowney. Get in the QB's mug all day. That's how you stop the top offense's.
  14. Hopefully. I mean, Ansah DID sign with Seattle so it seems like an odd bone to pick. Time will tell with BB.
  15. All fair points. The 3 mil will not be a determinative factor, but it'll be a factor. Although they DID use a pick and some cash on Coleman and then dump him. The guaranteed money indicates Beane believed Roberts would be one of the 53, but competition.
  16. Same. As a civil libertarian, I want to see all defendant's exercise each and every one of their constitutional rights and legal defenses. I want the Bills to beat the Patriots. I don't really care about Kraft getting a ......The Pats fan commenting in this thread is making me re-think this stance, but I digress.
  17. Completely agree. I think Daboll loves those jet sweeps and McKenzie runs them well. He's got a lot of value given his skill set if you can design some plays that get him the ball in space. Roberts is pretty old. I'd prefer the keep McKenzie if it's between the two.
  18. Wouldn't surprise me one bit. I thought Carson Palmer was TOAST before his mini-run in Arizona. If anyone is going to get Winston going, it's Arians. They definitely have some talent.
  19. Agreed. Don't hate the game, play the game. This has been going on for decades. Best bet it to use the media to your advantage as opposed to getting miffed.
  20. I'm not stating declaratively that Singetary is not the answer(though I have my doubts). I just don't think a fresh 21 year old 3rd round pick should be viewed as someone you stash away. You're likely to get the most production out of a back very early in their career, so I'd like to see him emerge as either the starter or the clear cut number 2 behind Shady or Gore. It's sort of odd that Parinno extrapolates that Shady would be gone if Gore beats him out for the #1 role. Would he cause problems in the locker room? The implication that he's gone if he's not the starter is interesting. Not sure why he couldn't play a role as a 3rd down back other than ego.
  21. You a betting man? I like your optimism, but that isn't going to happen(assuming you meant completion percentage). As to the question, I predict Tom Brady will finally hit the wall. Never fell into that trap in the past, but I now believe it's over. His arm is going to fail him. He'll probably will his way to a "decent" season, but nothing like we've seen in the past.
  22. He didn't maximize yardage, but it's hard to teach a back who's been around as long as Shady new tricks. Not only is it not his game, he's really ineffective as a downhill runner. He has virtually no strength at the point of attack. What concerned me the most wasn't that Shady didn't produce; the line was garbage and there were no lanes. I was more troubled by the fact that he didn't seem to have the same burst or quickness. I've seen his schtick in the past and there were obviously negative plays even when things were going well. He never looked so sluggish. It's POSSIBLE that everything slowed down as he got used to the fact that there was nowhere to go. That's the hope. I don't know how much Gore has left in the tank either TBH. I actually think RB was a need NOW. I just hope I'm wrong about Singletary because we may need him to produce. McCoy is one of my all time favorite RB's to watch, so I'd love to see the burst re-emerge. That would be ideal.
  23. When you draft a running back in the 3rd round, the expectation is that he's going to be the long term starter. If Singletary is not that, it was a poor allocation of resources.
  24. That's the same way I view Taylor. High end backup. They have VERY different styles and Fitz is more fun to watch. He takes more chances, etc. That doesn't translate to more wins, which is the ultimate measure of success for a QB. Obviously it's dependent on the supporting cast, but wins are important at the end of the day. Tyrod is not good enough as a starter, but the fact that he compiled a winning record for the BILLS says something. He's as underrated on this board as he was overrated heading into the season with Cleveland.
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