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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. For sure. The whole thing is overrated. I think a QB coming into the league can pick up a few tricks from a vet, but he'll ultimately sink or swim on his own. If Lock is interested in learning from Flacco, he should just observe the way he conducts himself and approaches the game. Probably more to gain from sheer observation than chit chats. That's what QB coach's are there for.
  2. Yeah, but what makes a guy like Gronk's blocking SO valuable is that he's also a major receiving threat. You're getting the equivalent of a 6th offensive lineman AND a dynamic playmaker. You completely lose that advantage with a guy like Smith because team's do not have to respect him as a receiver. Huge difference. I don't think anyone is comparing Smith to Gronk(hopefully), but it's the versatility that makes blocking from the position so effective when the Pats decide to play smashmouth. Best case scenario; Daboll is able to create situations where his run blocking would be a huge benefit. Worst case scenario; we end up cutting one of the young guys and they have success elsewhere. I'd like to think they'd just eat the contract if Smith was outplayed by Sweeney, Croom, etc. Just seems like that GTD money makes him a lock for a roster.
  3. That sounds about right. Rian rarely saw a big kick he couldn't blow or on a good day, simply give you a heart attack barely sneaking it in. I do not miss watching that man kick. I don't believe for a second that the Patriots respect the Bills. Respect is not something handed out like participation trophies. There is one way to earn NE's respect and that's to beat them when it matters.
  4. I'm just not morally outraged (at all) by Kraft's actions. Since there is NO evidence of any human trafficking, I don't know how you could fairly view it as anything other than an old man doing something a little shady. There were obvious mistakes made by the police, but the underlying facts alone elicit a big fat MEH from me. Service exchange between two consenting adults just isn't something I'm gonna get worked up about. If LEO were looking into human trafficking, I'm interested in their findings and view it as a worthwhile investigation. Busting a bunch of old men for.......just isn't a great allocation of resources IMO.
  5. Not a fan of this signing, but I think it's clear that Daboll wants to run a bunch of 2 TE sets. Smith would be less of a liability with another TE on the field because you're not automatically going to run. Still, he brings nothing as a receiver and we've got a bunch of young guys who I'd like to think could all be better players than Lee Smith. And I keep hearing competition. Competition is great when all things are equal. Given Smith's contract, he's not really even competing for a job. It's his. I would have been fine if this were a camp invite kind of thing. Even the modest contract they gave to such a limited player seems like a mistake.
  6. Levitre was really in the right place/right time to get paid after his rookie deal with the Bills. Nice player, but not what he appeared to be. Didn't bust on the level of a Byrd, but never lived up to the contract. And man. I'll be sitting there watching scores on MLB.COM and do a double take when I see a Fernando Tatis Jr. That guy's still playing? Oh, it's his kid. Crazy.
  7. You can't just throw a line like that out there without providing the goods!
  8. That's generally where I see things from an optimistic perspective. I guess I'll put it this way. I'm not convinced he's ever going to master the checkdown/short game craft. In a perfect world, that happens. What I'm trying to figure out is how Allen can be successful if he only improves marginally in that area. There is definitely a chance with him. The skills he does bring to the table(arm strength/mobility) are ELITE. So can he be a franchise QB WITHOUT becoming super efficient? I think the answer is yes and Newton is a great example. As much as I critique the kid, there is no questioning his desire. So can that desire also set him apart from other super talented guys that didn't have the GREATEST short game? These are the questions that will start to be answered in 2019.
  9. I thought it was just me. I'm used to fellow Bills fans waiting for the next Jim Kelly. Never really expected calls for the next Joe Webb.
  10. Somewhere along the line, EJ developed the worst case of the YIPS I've ever seen from an NFL QB. Probably a combination of personal mindset, hard coaching, and a realization that he wasn't good enough. I don't think it's all that complicated with EJ. Marrone/Hackett/Lewis/Tuel/Whaley/Orton etc. People have these intricate storylines that lead to his downfall, but I don't think any of it would have made a difference. You either have it or you don't and EJ didn't. Kind of cliche, but he does seem like a good kid so I wish him well.
  11. I think this team is built to win ugly on occasion, so I wouldn't mind a COUPLE games like home against Detroit and Tennessee for instance. I guess where'd I'd have a problem is if a couple was more like 6 or 7 sub 200 yard games. A win is a win in this league, so that's really all that matters. I just don't think you're ever gonna compete with the big dogs unless you have a modestly prolific passing game. So where I'm quibbling is with the number of sub 200 yard passing games.
  12. I would love to see the overall yardage numbers push 220 or so a game and also don't think it's necessary for Allen to be a 60+percent passer. The overall yardage numbers reaching NFL levels would feel like progress. If he's taking shots and making plays, the YP/A will alleviate some of the efficiency issues. When I think about progress for Allen, I think overall production is gonna be the barometer. I wouldn't feel great going forward if there were multiple <200 yard passing games. The way the team is constructed, they could probably win 8 or even 9 games without Allen taking that leap. It just wouldn't feel like "success." Line is better, receivers are not great but improved, and he's got a year of experience. I agree that we're gonna find out what we've got with Allen in 2019. It's not the be all end all, but the 2nd year is extremely important in terms of figuring out if you've got a talented QB or a great QB.
  13. His battle with addiction will never be solved OR HURT by a locker room. It is what it is and everyone has to go home at some point. I really wish him well in his life, but I'm trying to stick to football. I bet you he's a better kid than you'd think.
  14. I really think it's fair. People act like he hasn't produced and I think that's a result of not quite meeting expectations. This guy is 26 years old, an athletic freak, and trending upwards with 9 plus sacks in each of the last two seasons. I would give a 2nd/20 mil/year in a second. I'd strongly consider a first.
  15. He must be a HELLUVA guy because he's AWFUL at coaching OL/run game and Andy Reid gave him run at DC! Just an awful, awful coach.
  16. Ahh. Terrific connection. Kerner and Pike played together from 95 to 98.
  17. "Recovering" addict myself so I always root for these kids/grown men. The struggle is real. I don't think Pike has a future in the NFL, but I'm glad he's getting a shot.
  18. That seems like a taboo subject. My eyeballs tell me that Allen has far more potential as a passer, but I really don't get the LJAX hate. He's a guy with a unique skill set. Not a prototypical NFL QB so he's going to need a distinct gameplan. Roman is probably a great get for them. I think he'll be far more effective than people on this board seem to think. And just like Mayfield, it has NOTHING to do with Josh.
  19. Yeah. As Hapless pointed out, the really good teams GENERALLY have a balanced attack. My point was mainly direct at the OP. I feel like we've done enough to try to improve the run game. The offensive line will be BETTER and the scheme is infinitely better even if a few of the key guys graded out better in pass pro. We signed Gore and drafted a RB in the 3rd round. It's not like we neglected the run game. Fired OL coach, signed a bunch of FA OL, signed Gore/Yeldon and drafted Singletary. Not quite sure how that's putting all our eggs in one basket.
  20. Define effective. Every offense needs a singles hitter. He's a guy I expect the offense to go to in high leverage down and distance situations. He would need a lot of targets in order to put up 1000 yards. He doesn't need a lot of targets to be effective.
  21. Yeah. People tend to forgive those with means. I was responding to a more personal account from someone I assume is not a celebrity or a multi-millionaire. Kraft has nothing to worry about, but I still support his right to exhaust every legal recourse(even if it's yet another example of money talking in the judicial system). This is a petty offense as far as I'm concerned.
  22. Sweeney is huge. Johnson looks big enough to play DE. Joseph looks like a mean human being; my favorite pick of the draft.
  23. How many run first teams are successful in the NFL? This is a passing league. Castillo's scheme was a disaster as was the overall talent. They didn't acquire true road graders, but combined with a shift from zone to man, I expect the run game to be quite a bit better. The key to the offense will be Allen's improvement or lack thereof. If he progresses, it will take care of itself.
  24. Yeah. We're not big on forgiveness as a society. Sad really that people get shunned for one instant of poor judgement, but I digress. Kraft should fight tooth and nail as should every defendant.
  25. Based on both this thread and the Anderson thread, I gotta say "vet presence" is really overrated. I guess it's good if you have one of those guys on both sides of the ball. NOT AT EVERY POSITION. Gore/McCoy/Morse on offense/Lorax on defense can provide leadership. That's enough. Put the best players on the roster.
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