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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. "All he does is make plays." This guy is an absolute beast. We were trotting Ramon Humber out there at WILL in 2017 before they went to Milano. Ramon Humber!
  2. Flacco seems to go into a shell when he senses any pressure. He's different than a Brees or a Brady because he doesn't have that quick release or elite instinct. He's different than a Wilson or a Rodgers because he's immobile. Looks like he'd rather curl up/take a sack or throw it away than stand tall and deliver. Reminds me of Bledsoe towards the end.
  3. If you're not cheating, you're not trying. I'm confused by some of the responses. Am I supposed to be outraged because a player is attempting to get a competitive advantage or because they're putting their health at risk? I'm pretty sure professional football players are ALREADY putting their health at risk. They should monitor it and the suspension is just. The fact that it goes on doesn't affect my appreciation for the game one bit.
  4. The only player they couldn't afford to keep was Gilmore. And this was while they were paying the starting QB. They made these decisions. Although in the case of Woods, I believe they would have had to pay him quite a bit more than the Rams. It's fine if you place a value on a player and don't exceed that number. That seems like a reasonable approach. That being said, they will ultimately judged by how well they do and how quickly they get there. Don't get me wrong; I like the trajectory of the franchise. I simply don't have the same reverence for plans as I do success. People can p&m about their decisions on Woods/Gilmore/Glenn/Watkins/Dareus or they can applaud "cleaning house." None of it matters. Results are the only thing that matter.
  5. How does Pioli continue to get new jobs? And they say COACHES get recycled.
  6. What difference does it make where he was projected to go? Not a single team deemed him worthy of even a low draft pick. The only way he'd hypothetically be plucked off a practice squad is if he lights it up in the preseason. If that's the case, they'd just carry 3 QB's on the 53 like they planned to do before DA retired. If he makes it to the PS, it's because he didn't do anything to convince anyone he SHOULD have been drafted.
  7. The guy ran a faster short shuttle than Saquon Barkley. No, I'm not concerned that he played for Houston.
  8. To be fair, this IS a football board. It's awesome that Harrison is a terrific kid. You definitely root for someone doing all the right things in life. That being said, it's unrealistic to think the conversation won't veer into something football related.
  9. Wentz returns to his 2017 form, Foles plays like Foles in Jax, and people have to give up on the BDN fairy tale. Carson Wentz is good. Really, really good.
  10. No doubt. If you get a high quality backup LB in the 5th, it's a win. I see bigger things for Joseph. It will be difficult to replace Zo, but the time to do so is rapidly approaching.
  11. Agreed on Shady. If they were gonna dump him, he'd already be gone. Unless he looks AWFUL in camp, he'll be on the roster. Not like he's gonna get enough carries in the preseason to excel or fail.
  12. If Vosean Joseph can bulk up a bit, I could see him supplanting Zo at SLB. His natural position is WILL, but I'd like to see them put the best 3 on the field and I believe he's gonna be another 5th RD. LB gem. Not sure he can make that transition to SLB, but it'd be great. Considering how prevalent 2 LB sets have become, it's gonna be tough for him to earn playing time and he's not gonna take Milano's job. I'm sure they'll find a way to get him on the field if he's who I THOUGHT HE WAS.
  13. Holding opponents to field goals every once in a while would help. We had a serious problem in the RZ last season. It was awful. Everyone has a theory and mine is that they need to create more negative plays and turnovers. Some believe it's as simple as improving the run D, but I don't see it that way. There were far too many occasions where QB's were given all day down there. The way you solve that is by turning up the heat and creating negative down and distance situations. Oliver should help, but I'm not sure that's enough. Murphy could probably help some if he can stay on the field. Maybe this Darryl Johnson character can help. Either way, we've got to get in the QB's mug if we want to improve these numbers. As an aside, I like to think I'd have more important things to say to Mom if I were in some dire situation where a letter was the only option.
  14. Agree. They have a chance to be much better if Edmunds takes a HUGE step forward in terms of recognition and Oliver is such a force that he makes the entire front four better. Not out of the question I suppose. I'd feel a lot better about the D had they landed Ansah. They should be very good. Dominant? We shall see. They weren't dominant last season.
  15. Holding the FO/coaching staff accountable is not remotely synonymous with "wishing for the Bills to fail." I'd rather not even get into a scenario where Allen goes down for the season, but yes, that would give them another mulligan. Just seems like an odd place to venture.
  16. For who? For what? I really didn't expect him to lay it on the line for Gase prior to this. Le'Veon strikes me as a guy who got his and will go into cruise control. Total speculation, but that's my hunch. I also think he's a bit overrated. Very nice player, but he was aided by an outstanding line and a HOF QB who fed him the ball in perfect spots to accumulate YAC. I think he'll be productive, but certainly not worth that contract. Not as down on the Jets as most, but I expect Bell to be a minor disappointment.
  17. I assumed you were either a Phillies fan or a disgruntled Nats fan.
  18. Is that a good thing? It's a good thing if their plan leads to success starting now. The excuses, valid or not, are gone. This is a crucial year for them. I think Pegula has full confidence in Beane and McDermott, but billionaires tend to want to see results.
  19. Joe D is a solid OL coach who's now with B-More, but the line's he had consisted of Levitre, Wood and Glenn. Castillo was awful and it was time to move on, but the lack of talent last season was pretty astounding. The pass blocking was bad. The run blocking was WORSE. One of the worst run blocking units I've ever seen. Castillo+poor talent=awful. The overall talent is now NFL standard. Let's hope Bobby Johnson proves to be a great find.
  20. Allen 62 MPH? That gun is broken. I believe Beasley's ability to improvise down the field will be his greatest asset in this offense. When you think of him, you think of a "checkdown" guy. He is a low YPC guy, but broken plays don't necessarily result in huge gains down the field. Allen will likely still leave the pocket too early on occasion, so you need to have receivers continuing to work after their primary route. I think he's going to be most valuable on these types of plays.
  21. Gase is probably pushing Gase. He took the job under the pretense that he'd give up personnel decisions, but I think he'll always want complete control and cause issues until he can make that happen.
  22. Not real happy with this Van Der Beek fella myself, but patience is a virtue...I guess.
  23. When your starter is Josh Allen, it just doesn't make sense. He's every bit as athletic as Tyree Jackson so what's the point? What the Saints do is unique because Brees and Hill are polar opposites and Hill brings an entirely different skill set to those specialty plays. I could see Jackson potentially shifting to TE, but that would mean focusing entirely on that position. The Bills have too many bodies there so that seems like something that would happen elsewhere. If he wants to be a quarterback, he's gonna need to focus all of his time on quarterback. I don't have any reason to believe Jackson would be some special teams ace and I don't know what else he could bring to the table outside of playing QB or tight end if he doesn't pan out at his preferred position. I don't even see him as another Taysom Hill. Hill plays quite a bit faster and QUICKER and is an incredibly instinctive runner. Jackson is big and fast, but he's not Taysom Hill.
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