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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. John Randle played DT at 6'1 247. While players have gotten much bigger since the 1990's, I'd say 275 is still > than 247. EO could be John Randle or a complete BUST, but it seems silly to summarily dismiss the guy based on his weight.
  2. One of the reasons I love living in Vegas is the ability to reach the middle of nowhere in about 30 minutes. It's really a strange, fascinating State outside of the City. You can go LONG stretches without seeing a single sign of civilization(unless you count relics of the silver rush). Reno/Washoe leans right, but Clark County is becoming larger and further left by the year. Considering CC is where 75% of the population resides, I don't think it will be considered a swing state going forward. Just the reality of the situation in Nevada.
  3. I would GUESS that players like Knox, who the team traded up for, have SLIGHTLY more leverage. Considering the Bills expended both a 3rd and a 4th to acquire Knox, that could factor into negotiations. Just a hunch.
  4. Absolutely. I think he could have easily gotten more on the open market had he simply repeated his 2018 performance and he really only guaranteed himself 2020 cash by signing this deal. He's in.
  5. I'm not sure, but it sounds pretty serious.
  6. I'm actually not a big Darnold guy, but that's a completely fair point. Foxborough is where rookie QB's go to die. My question pertained more to the Miami game where one could argue we were playing against a lame duck opponent. How much does that game factor into the optimism and does it skew perception? To be fair, you'd also have to dismiss the low point at Green Bay.
  7. Too soon Ice Bowl. Too soon. Healing takes time.
  8. That's a good question. The only way to pull it off is to dare Allen to hit Beasley, McCoy and the ? TE underneath. If he takes a step forward in terms of recognition, this strategy has no chance of working. Probably wasn't an easy personal decision for McD to dump Castillo, but it was necessary.
  9. I think the stats were from 2018 and I heard something about Bell missing the season. You'd have to think he'd be in the "bottom" five in that category each year. Also think people are reading way too much into the Gore signing. Gore is still a good running back. It's not that complicated.
  10. Honest question. Do you think you'd still have the same optimism if the season ended at NE? As much as I've altered my stance and become open to the possibility that Allen can be the guy, I still find myself asking that question.
  11. It's not THAT binary. Rob Johnson had 800 career attempts compared to Kelly's 4800. Nobody has ever, or would ever, claim that Rob Johnson was better than Jim Kelly. Winning matters, but that ultimately requires elements beyond a QB's control. Marino may very well be the best QB of all time. I would say Brady because of the combination of body of work/RINGS. I won't, however, summarily dismiss the stats of guy's who may not have played on championship caliber teams.
  12. Same. I think there should be some serious progress this season if everything is on the right track.
  13. League's BEST and tier two are ENTIRELY different things. I think we'd all agree he needs to improve if he wants to be considered the league's best. He had a few lapses last season and did not perform as well as he did as a rookie. To be the best, he's going to have to improve his timing and tracking. I'm still putting him firmly in the "tier one" group.
  14. Let's just HOPE we don't have to wait as Long as Andy for the pay off! Time and pressure I suppose.
  15. I bet you Matt does OK for himself. Probably into very petite women given the minimalist lifestyle. This is my kind of guy all around. I haven't bought a jersey in years, but I'll have a 58 before the season begins.
  16. Objective analytics types see a guy who struggled with completion percentage in college and struggled (mightily) with completion percentage in the NFL. There is no way for a QB to succeed without getting near 60%. You're leaving far too many yards on the field as an offense when that's the case. I'm fairly confident I watched as much, if not more, NFL tape than Schatz unless he happened to watch every snap including the last 10 minutes of the Packers game. I see a guy who's strengths just MIGHT be enough to make up for the accuracy/precision/whatever issues. If he's able to become "competent" in the short game; able to recognize where to go and when and improve ball placement, he can absolutely be a franchise QB. I'm not personally convinced he can, but that is the question. We know he can fling it. We know he can run. I will say that these guys don't have some deep seething hate for Josh Allen, the man, as some seem to believe. They are basing their opinion on raw analytical data and projecting how that compares to the successful NFL QB's. Josh Allen IS one of those test studies in eyes/ears vs analytics. I had zero confidence going into his rookie year. At this point, I'm far more optimistic. Not convinced, but willing to hope.
  17. I was being 100% facetious. Winfield is one of my all time favorite players and one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. Lucky enough to run into him on a number of occasions. The polar opposite of what you'd expect considering he was a bad*** on the field. I was responding to a post that seemed to insinuate he played safety.
  18. I don't think any team goes into the season with the intention of tanking. I do think there comes a point in the season where they start to think about it. It's just really difficult to pull off. Do you sit your QB? Sit all your best players for long stretches? Very tough. The only position you'd tank for is QB, so all the stars have to align to make it worth your while. GM's in baseball have much longer leashes so you see a ton of major rebuilds. It's far more beneficial to tank in basketball because one top 5 pick(at any position) can immediately transform your team AND it's easier to convince your players to "have a little fun out there." Take (unnecessary) chances. Much more difficult with football. And obviously, players are not down with a tank so you have to be sly about it.
  19. He averaged roughly 23 TD's and 10 picks a season in a pass happy Andy Reid offense. He was a solid runner, but he also took a ton of sacks behind a decent line. Much of that can be attributed to his subpar offensive weapons, but he held on to the ball way too long for my taste. Maybe better than good all things considered, but not a HOF'er. Fair or not, a Superbowl win would probably give him a stronger case, so I agree with you there.
  20. What I glean is that as long as White continues to allow completions, he's a 2nd tier CB. The "elites" apparently bat 1000.
  21. By that logic, Revis was highly overrated and exposed as a fraud by Stevie Johnson.
  22. I didn't want to use the word chip because some of them seemed to be somewhere between a double and a chip. I have waaaaay too much time on my hands!
  23. He was throwing to James Trash and Todd Stinkson for much of his career, so he gets a slight pass. Hall of Famer? Absolutely not. McNabb is the personification of a "good" quarterback. Nothing exceptional about his career.
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