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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. I'd have to be extremely wasted to handle watching the kick in that scenario. Probably changing the channel temporarily.
  2. Still don't like this argument, but one specific issue I noted that MAY fit your narrative was a propensity to throw low on the gimmies. That could theoretically be fixed by simply releasing the ball earlier in the delivery.
  3. This argument just doesn't make sense. There's no way a pitcher would be hitting a specific spot out of the strike zone and there's no way a QB would be throwing a ball "precisely" off target every attempt. I understand the logic, but it's not really applicable to sports and specifically, Allen. He wasn't high and away or low and in with every pitch. He was too often just simply off target. What JA needs to improve upon is placing the ball where the receiver can catch it and get some YAC. It's really that simple.
  4. That's the way I view it as well. A guy with THAT talent and THAT work ethic with these particular issues is a complete anomaly. He's not a "test case" per se because you're unlikely to find another one like him any time soon.
  5. Reminds me of the reports out of spring training EVERY year; ( ) is in the best shape of his life! How exactly does a defensive lineman play better in OTA's? I'll believe it when I see it with this guy. Not holding my breath, so it'd be a pleasant surprise if he remained healthy and played well.
  6. I actually like Allen in the no huddle quite a bit. He SEEMS to have his biggest issues accuracy wise when he's overthinking a throw. Speed up the pace and just let him sling it. It's not something you want to do throughout an entire game, but it can be really useful in spots.
  7. That must have been Naaman Roosevelt's one NFL touchdown. I THINK that's against the Giants in 2011. Jackson had a career long 80 yarder, but the defense was trash. Deflating game IIRC. I don't think it's anything but good that they play two road games in the same venue to start the season, fan travel notwithstanding.
  8. Yeah. I can read. Incognito was a force for the Bills, but his play was slipping. He signed the renegotiated contract. Had Beane capitulated and renegotiated a renegotiated contract, he would have lost all credibility and leverage in future negotiations. If RI felt disrespected, he should have told Beane to beat when asked to take a pay cut. He did no such thing. I'm also skeptical of the premise that his entire mental breakdown was the result of a contract. I don't buy it. Having said that, I'm extremely sympathetic to his plight and wish him nothing but the best. He's got some real demons and I hope he's able to get it all sorted out.
  9. NFL minimum is roughly half compared to the NBA, but there's 4 times as many guys to pay on an NFL roster. Then there's the cold hard fact that a football player is much more likely to have their career destroyed in a split second. The NBA also has a much better union. I tend to agree that NFL players are underpaid relative to their peers, but it's the nature of the beast.
  10. I think Clay's first couple seasons here are underrated by fans. He was a really good player. Put another way, he WAS a really good player. If you expect the national media to know the inner goings on in Buffalo, you'll be sadly disappointed. I believe it.
  11. The 5th round pick is nothing. The fact that he wants a 5 year/50 million dollar deal is a hard no for me.
  12. Fake news! I heard he steamrolled some guy in the CFL. Duke is a lock.
  13. I think what he was driving at is that if what you say it's true, it seems a little incongruous to expect a 7 or 8 win season.
  14. MVP? Probably not. Rising star? Yes. The Chiefs have Kelce and Hill. Great weapons to be sure. Didn't miss a beat when they lost Hunt. Never really lost a beat. This is the same "dream team" supporting cast that Alex Smith lead to 26 passing TD's. Mahomes is the real deal. There's really no need to disparage or downplay the ability of the other young QB's in the league. Josh Allen controls his own destiny.
  15. Best thing Scully did after that play is say NOTHING. Some events speak for themselves and commentary is counterproductive.
  16. Weird that a quick google search of his size would list him at his weight coming out of college. Doesn't change my opinion of EO, but good info.
  17. Agreed. Allen probably spent about 10 seconds enjoying his "you like that" moment against Jalen Ramsey while fans spent about two weeks soaking it in. Just the nature of the beast. I've long believed fans are more disappointed in any given result than the players themselves. That's why I do my best not to take it personally.
  18. If you've never watched Curb Your Enthusiasm, watch the Bill Buckner episode. RIP.
  19. This exactly. It's unlikely Milano is avoiding "worldly temptations" and far more likely he just doesn't care. I don't care about furniture along with any number of things most people find necessary. It's not some higher calling or indication of self discipline. For all we know, Milano will buy a Porche if that's something he values. Different strokes/different folks.
  20. Sounds like an actor trying to avoid the typecast label. Be "Kramer" Roman. That's your thing.
  21. Yeah. I was there listening to fans call for the next legendary Bills QB to take the reigns from Kelly. Todd something or other. Not a good day.
  22. I don't see him ever becoming a top QB, but I think he can be effective for awhile. He possesses the "gameday" intangibles you look for in a QB. What I mean by that is the ability to instinctively make people miss without getting blown up, make proper reads, hit guys in stride on the run, and take off if need be. Despite the MUCH discussed Wonderlic, I don't think think he has any issues in terms of recognition. Arm strength (49 MPH velocity)/accuracy are certainly issues. He's in a perfect spot right now with Roman, so I wouldn't be surprised if he had a really good season. The arm/accuracy issues will prevent him from ever becoming elite, but they won't prevent him from being effective. I doubt he'll be playing into his 30's because he relies too much on athleticism, so you're not getting a long career. It just seems that people are basing a great deal of their opinion on one disastrous half of football( IN THE PLAYOFFS). Never mind the fact that he almost lead a remarkable comeback with the entire crowd begging for Joe. So while he's not a franchise QB, I don't envision him as a total flop. JMO. In a sense, I compare his "complete bust" percentage to that of Josh Allen. It's very low. Just like Allen, he's too good in certain areas to just wash out of the league quietly. And the obligatory "Josh has far more upside as a passer"(which is true.)
  23. Jackson busting seems to be the overwhelming consensus on the board, so you're in the majority.
  24. Smith came into the league at over 300 pounds and only became effective/all time great once he trimmed down to 265. He still LOOKED 265 to me. As to EO, how many guys that size have EVER demonstrated the short area quickness he possesses? The answer may be zero. Not quite sure. Holding up against the run will likely never be a major strength, but he can make up for it by tracking ballcarriers away from his side as well as getting after the QB. If Edmunds becomes what he's expected to become, you'll be fine in power run situations. The 1T in this defense is the guy clogging the line for the LB's AND the 3T to make plays. For clarification; I was not implying that EO will ever be John Randle or Aaron Donald. But I'd challenge anyone to find a DT with that combination of size/athleticism if we're talking historical precedent. While AD and JR may represent anomalies, so too does EO's raw talent.
  25. I'd be really excited for a season finale with a WC spot on the line. Having said that, I'm pretty sure I could get through the game without a seat belt.
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