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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. Now THAT could work. What you do is this; line up in a 4-3 with Star, Hughes, Murphy, and Oliver at OL. I guess you'd have to get a couple more guys on the line to avoid a penalty. The opposing defense will no doubt throw their offensive line onto the field as their HC goes into full panic mode. Now this approach will have the most success if we utilize it on obvious passing downs. The DL/their OL will back up in pass pro while the secondary waits for the ball to be snapped. You easily plow them over for a 30 yard gain. That's being conservative because it would almost certainly be a cakewalk into the endzone.
  2. I think he is the most likely offensive player to break out. I also think that means virtually nothing. Who else is gonna break out? Gore and McCoy are going to the Hall of Fame. They could have solid seasons, but not "break out." At tight end, Kroft is never healthy and unlikely to be much of a receiver even when he's on the field. Knox is a candidate, but it's not likely a raw rookie will make a huge impact. At receiver, Brown and Beasley have already established themselves. Robert Foster kind of broke out last season. He could emerge and solidify his role, but break out? McKenzie is a guy I like, but he's a limited gadget type. Zay obviously has some talent. He was a 2nd round pick and has put up numbers, albeit on a team that pretty much had to get him the ball. It would be an extremely pleasant surprise if Jones made a huge leap, but this "award" doesn't mean much.
  3. What about a package that focuses on making Tyree Jackson a receiving eligible guard? Joe Webb NEVER did that!
  4. That's probably fair, but I've watched all 5 QB's drafted in 2016 and 2017 make the playoffs in their second season. Why not us? Why not now? The life of a Bills fan I suppose.
  5. This. There seems to a really strange dynamic going on here. There are fans who claim to be optimistic, yet expect or at least would accept a 7-9 season. Because winning is "right around the corner." Never seen anything like it. The time to win is NOW. That's because they hired the wrong people, not because they let them go too early. Yeah. I don't know why this is such a topic of discussion. It's almost like those who want to believe in the regime are willing to wait forever, but have unexpressed doubts. Show us the baby.
  6. Slightly above average? He was well on his way to an MVP in his SECOND season as an NFL QB. This guy has everything and has shown it(when healthy). I believe that this move was premature, but people vastly underrate just how good a fully healthy Carson Wentz is.
  7. I think they(well, McDermott) deserves a ton of credit for ending the drought. Having said that, we're talking (hypothetically) about following that up with two straight seasons in which they win 6 games. I'm not quite sure how that could be viewed as progress. I'm not pessimistic per se. I like a lot of what they've done and believe they're ready to compete. What I'm not down with is the idea that mediocrity in 2019 is part of some grand design. I think this team is capable of winning 10 games, so my expectations are relatively high. Where you, DB, and virtually all of us agree is that there probably won't be regime chance barring a DISASTER. I will personally be VERY discouraged if this team isn't in the hunt for a playoff spot well into the season.
  8. This I really don't understand. Same with the constant "fire everyone" jokes. Critiquing some of the moves Beane and McDermott have made does not= torches and pitchforks. Additionally, I have not seen a SINGLE poster declare that Beane OR McDermott should be fired THIS offseason. Not a single one. Maybe I'm missing something, but it seems that everyone agrees the regime deserves at least this season to see the plan come to fruition. The debates are exclusively hypothetical; "If they go 6-10, do they get the axe?"
  9. We had this OL coach named Aaron Kromer. Probably the best OL coach we've had in my lifetime. He had an.....incident. It was a pretty big deal.
  10. I'm a big time Wentz believer. My only point is that it would seem to make sense in this situation to wait it out. I assume he's got through 2019-20 as well as a team option for 2020-21. The counter is that the contract he'd receiver after 2 healthy, productive seasons would be more expensive and more importantly, include more years. They're betting on Wentz staying healthy. If he's fully healthy, he'll be one of the best QB's in the NFL. They've been a smart organization for several years, so I'm not gonna go out of my way second guessing their strategy. Still, I'd have waited.
  11. As much as I believe Wentz is the real deal and will bounce back from injury, this seems premature. What risk did they run by simply putting it off for another year? I'd rather pay a few more mil per after a healthy season than make this kind of investment NOW.
  12. We're gonna find out quite a bit about Daboll's ability to scheme a run game in 2019. Last season was the most putrid display of ineptitude I've seen from a Bills team in terms of running the ball. OL personnel was awful. Scheme was awful. With Castillo gone and the OL improved, this is one area I expect to IMPROVE dramatically. Not the incremental stuff. This MUST change significantly or I will have serious questions about our OC.
  13. I think Young was a better QB than Montana and played on lesser teams(excluding 95). Walsh was at the end of the line by the time Young took over. When we start taking about things like GOAT, championships become a polarizing issue. Montana was absolutely clutch, so you can't completely dismiss that angle. Still going with Young.
  14. I think it's cool if you care what the media has to say. What I find odd is the glee over positive articles and rage over negative articles. At the end of the day, results will be the only thing that matters. We all know Josh is a potential breakout candidate. 2nd year QB. Lots of talent. Improved team. I personally read a lot of this stuff but take it with a grain of salt, good OR bad.
  15. Same reason some folks "need" yachts and million dollar collections of sports memorabilia would be my guess. To each their own.
  16. The problem with this debate, as far as I can tell, is that's it's turned into a question of whether or not Tyrod Taylor is a franchise QB. The answer is of course no. But that's not really the question. We're specifically talking about the two seasons under Rex when the overall offensive numbers were the best the Bills have had in a LONG time. Not saying much, but they also stacked up pretty well in a number of areas league wide. That OFFENSE(as a whole) was good enough to win 10+ games had Rex not destroyed the defense. With Tyrod and his overly cautious approach, they were limited and very unlikely to beat the top teams. None of that has anything to do with the fact that the offense was pretty good. Tyrod, through his own flaws becoming more prevalent along with a diminished supporting cast, regressed every season as a Bill. The hope is that Allen develops his passing game well beyond that or we'll fall short yet again even if the defense and run game get going. Allen appears to have the arm strength, courage, and focus to become the type of passer that can actually win games against the elites. That being said, we have yet to see it come to fruition so it's a little early for some to be all in. We also, maybe more importantly, haven't seen Beane put together an entire offense unit with enough components to thrive. He's made a number of mistakes, but he's cut bait, and had the resources to finally get some of his guys. The book on Beane is simply incomplete. I'm encouraged by much of what's been done, but show me the results and I'll sing a different tune.
  17. Tom Donahoe is a really underrated candidate for this wall. Guy was REALLY good at selling fans his BS and awful at actually building a football team. You could almost give the rest of the GM's more of a pass because they were so clearly in over the head from the periphery. I believed in TD! That youthful onset of a gray hair just screamed "wisdom."
  18. I have virtually no concerns about the corner position. Whether it be Wallace, Gaines, or KJ, someone will step up as the number 2 and the rest will provide solid depth. Johnson is terrific in the slot. I guess we could probably use a BACKUP slot corner, but that's getting a bit greedy. Even if something goes wrong, McD could probably snag another Ryan Lewis and get a few solid games out of some PS player. I'm a little more concerned at safety. Hyde and Poyer are both SOLID, but neither bring much to the LOS. My hope is that Neal or J Johnson can earn some time in the big safety/slot/hybrid role in RZ and specialty situations.
  19. He stated that AB probably wanted to play for a perennial winner with an established QB OR play in Vegas. I don't even know that Gruden believes he's building a winner. There was also the weird "like" on Twitter that went something along the lines of "AB isn't going to Buffalo to play with a run first QB." Now we can break that down and criticize AB for not understanding Allen's situation last season and being short sighted. Nevertheless, it makes no sense that the Bills would have been willing to go ALL the way and balk at 3.7 mil/season. It's possible that Brown made a huge mistake. But nothing about the story leads me to believe it wasn't AB who nixed the deal. Probably better off that Allen doesn't have AB in his ear 24/7 anyways. THAT'S the positive.
  20. I've heard that Rob Pelinka pulled the strings and made that dinner happen.
  21. I'm fine with the nickname as long as he doesn't try to get cute and refer to the ever reliable Cole Beasley as "Handy" Smurf. That would be taking it too far. I do kinda respect the fact that McD wouldn't even recognize the double entendre. No time for shenanigans. The oldest guy is Brown, but I'm not seeing "Papa Smurf" in his future.
  22. Virtually all of the recent successful rebuilds have been predicated on having the right OC and the right QB. I tend to think that if we got those right, the results will come much sooner than 2021! Granted, Allen has a bit further to go in terms of development than most coming into the league, and the talent level went from awful to "just OK." I still don't believe it's going to take nearly that long if Daboll and Allen are the answer. As others have said, forming cohesiveness will be most important with the offensive line. It would be ideal if they can quickly identify the top 5 and proceed accordingly in camp. Other important "relationships" will be between JA and Beasley/Brown/whoever else emerges. So while I don't think they have to come out of the gate swinging, I do expect to see incremental progress throughout the season. Anything less would be a disappointment.
  23. No way. I waited to *** for 45 minutes last time I was at a game. My time is money! That's my only real gripe with the stadium. As someone else pointed out, the LOW admission cost makes these numbers reasonable.
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