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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. I would argue yes. When you're getting all those turnovers, you're giving your offense a chance to score points, often on a short field. The objective is to outscore the opponent. 20th is not good and Pettine certainly has his flaws, but I like his approach. Comparing him to Schwartz is a bit unfair. Jim Schwartz is the best DC in the NFL IMO.
  2. Agreed. He's kind of been forgotten over the years, but the kid has a chance to be special. Everyone is talking about Michael Bennett and Ben Watson, but keep an eye on this Brady character.
  3. Agreed on Flores. I think he's gonna break the mold in terms of Pats assistants flaming out. As far as Jimmy G goes, I have a feeling he'll be telling the story of that magical 5 game run in 2017 Uncle Rico style. If I hadn't gotten injured, we'd have eventually taken state. No doubt in my mind.
  4. Value wise, Joseph was my favorite pick of the draft. Gonna be a challenge to find a position for him, but he's a playmaker. Any defensive staff worth their salt will find a way to get a playmaker on the field.
  5. I would disagree on the difference a dominant edge playmaker can make in the red zone. Yes, the run defense wasn't great, but we got thrown on as well. You add that premiere edge rusher and you're going to create negative down and distance situations. That goes a long way towards keeping teams out of the endzone. Outside of Milano, I don't remember anyone tackling people behind the LOS in the RZ.
  6. Didn't know there was a statistical basis, but this makes sense. The explanation that I believe supports the data is a lack of pass rush. Lawson. Meh. Murphy. Meh. Star doesn't make plays and Kyle wasn't the same player. Hughes is good, but he's not elite. Adding Oliver should theoretically help quite a bit, but I would have loved to see them add a premiere edge rusher. I think it would have been the safest route to a .500 season or even a playoff berth. Even if the offense were to only improve slightly, an elite defense can still lead you to a lot of wins. Premiere edge rusher transforms this defense from very good, but inconsistent to elite. Let's just hope Oliver is a true stud and gets going early. I love him as a prospect, so I think he'll help. Not enough to make the pass rush elite, but he'll help.
  7. I don't quite get it. Looks exactly the same other than the fact that it looks like someone is holding the sun directly in front of his eyes.
  8. Position bias. Ford should definitely be higher than Singletary, but skill players seem to have some built in inflation.
  9. I visited Buffalo quite often in my younger years, and I must say, they have more "local" commercials than the average market. Local commercials tend to be the best/worst. Sometimes, they're so corny that they end up being ironically hilarious.
  10. Good post. Depressing, but accurate. The suggestion is not that the NFLPA could mandate a team relocation. The "proposal" does lead one to the idea that the decision the players make could force the owner's hand for financial viability. Let's hope it's all junk that never comes to pass.
  11. Ya know. I'm on the same page when I really think about it. It was definitely more the floor than the ceiling that changed. Maybe a little bit of both. The floor changed because of the unexpected mobility and drive. I would say the ceiling also went up because of those factors. It's almost impossible to envision him as a bust because of the talent and the fact that he's a guy who will relentlessly work at getting better. What I will say on the negative side is I could envision a Tannehill situation if he doesn't improve his short game pretty substantially. A guy who's too good to get rid of, but not quite good enough. I know he's gonna work hard, so we shall see.
  12. Yes. Fred Jackson had a very typical career for a RB. Not a great example...at all.
  13. This is a curious one. It's odd how low the expectations seem to be for a third round running back. I didn't personally like the pick, but time will tell. I will say that when you draft a RB in the 3rd round, he should be expected to contribute immediately and substantially. You don't stash RB's away for future use. Statistically speaking, their best years will be early in their career. Edit: greatly improved title.
  14. My stance changed quite a bit over the last 6 weeks of the season. My questions revolve around the short passing game and the recognition to get the ball to the right spot quickly. If he can't get this down to the point you'd consider him average, he'll never take the next step. There's almost no chance he's gonna be a total bust; he's too talented. There's a chance he will just be a talented QB who never gets over the hump into the top 10 area. If he masters the short game, he's a franchise QB. I do think some posters are sensitive to any critique, but I appreciate the compliment. I was much more harsh on Allen before the lightbulb seemed to come on after the injury. I need to see it to believe it; that's still pretty much where I'm at with Josh, although my perception of his ceiling definitely went up. I do still have those lingering doubts about that short game.
  15. This is true. If you want to avoid message board conflict, which I do, you have to critique Allen with kid gloves lest ye be cast as "not a Bills fan."
  16. The Kroft signing really feels like one of those in which Beane felt like he had to sign SOMEONE early in the process just in case there were no options left. Not enthused about ol Tyler.
  17. I mean, I'll have to take your word for it since it was before my time. I'd have to assume the last decade plus list of coach's and QB's would give them a run for their money.
  18. I got divorced after the Vikings game, but recently remarried. Crossing my fingers this marriage works out better than the last one.
  19. I bet 5k on the Oilers ML, but I'm recording it for later. Please try to avoid too many details.
  20. This is pretty standard across the board against the top QB's, which is why I'd be all about bringing in a guy like Clowney. I feel OK about our front four, but it's nothing special. Hughes and Lawson are really the only known commodities as pass rushers. Hughes is good and Lawson is not. If Murphy stays healthy and produces, that could change things. I'm not holding my breath. There's gonna be a lot of pressure on Oliver to be the kind of impact player that makes those around him better. I love him as a prospect, but that's a ton of pressure for a rook.
  21. A January Kentucky basketball game over the 2nd half of a Bills playoff game? This man is no "friend."
  22. I'm not sold on Harrison Phillips, but he put up 42 reps at the combine. I think he's plenty strong enough to play NT. I don't really care that he's 307.
  23. I don't disagree with your assessment of Milano, but I've heard plenty. Not quite sure where "forgotten" comes from.
  24. I find Chris Brown's work to be boring. He's essentially a mouthpiece for the Bills, which is fine. That's his gig. However, I had absolutely no idea who this Cook character was and wouldn't hold that against anyone in the business. I thought the OP was referencing Jared Cook. I mean, we could use a tight end.
  25. I believe the Bills were dead last in terms of team value. We're all Bills fans, but that is a pretty telling metric. As Promo pointed out, we should be grateful for Pegula. There's an excellent chance the team is not in Buffalo without his purchase.
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