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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. Of course they weren't. If they were, they wasted precious time. They won absolutely nothing. They wanted AB to get paid? They wanted to "get" Mayock? Maybe the Steelers? It APPEARS from all accounts that AB didn't want to play in Buffalo, which is fine. That's his prerogative. The only consequence was that his trade value went down because there was one less team competing for his services. Antics or not, premiere receivers don't grow on trees and Beane wanted to make a bold move. Didn't work out, but I actually respect the fact that he was willing to take that chance for elite talent.
  2. Not so sure you were wrong. Despite reports from camp, Beane stated during the offseason that he views the receiving corp as a starting 5 basketball team, which means he wanted guys with various skill sets. Not sure who will end up making the team, but I think it is something they have in mind.
  3. I would say this development is quite a bit worse than "slightly negative." Morse was the top FA acquisition and the gamble of signing him was that his concussion history wouldn't be a major issue going forward. Time will tell if it's a major issue or not; hopefully it's just an overabundance of caution. But another series of concussions or worse yet, a shortened career, would be a huge blow to Beane.
  4. He hasn't reached elite status, but he's also never had a particularly strong team around him. He hasn't quite lived up to the hype, but he's a top notch QB. What this has to do with the Bills is beyond me. I actually like around the league threads, but this is a total reach and seems odd. He's clearly not a bust. He's had some injuries that have derailed his ascent. I just don't see a story here.
  5. Andrew Luck is 53-33 as a starter with 4 playoff appearances in 6 seasons(I think). He's won at least one playoff game in 3/4 appearances. He's thrown for over 4000 yards in all but one FULL season and averaged over 30 TD'S/year. Also has 14 career rushing TD's. I have absolutely no idea what this thread is supposed to mean.
  6. That tandem (absent Oliver plus Kyle) compiled a sack total near the bottom of the league. Alot of that can be contributed to the fact that we were getting blown out so often. Your obviously gonna have less chances when the opponent is playing keep away. Nevertheless, I believe DE is a huge need going forward. 1A/1B with WR.
  7. I think Murphy is a nice player, but I have a hard time fully trusting Lorax in terms of his evaluation of other players. He seems like such a nice guy that he may be inclined to praise a teammate under fire from the media. Pure speculation and I could be WAY off, but I take it with a grain of salt. That being said, I think we'd all like to see what a HEALTHY Murphy can do.
  8. Not the least bit surprising. It was obvious from the gate that he was focusing on things other than football. Wish him well, but we need guys completely dedicated to the game.
  9. The team we've assembled (to this point) is devoid of true stars and it's now 94 percent Beane/McDermott's roster. Allen COULD be a star. Oliver COULD be a star. Edmunds COULD be a star. White is a borderline star at corner. The Patriots have made this model work, but emulating that is a TALL task. I'm by no means saying it CAN'T work. What I'm saying is that I can't really believe it until I actually see it. Clearing cap space is not an accomplishment in and of itself. McDermott squeezing 9 wins and a playoff berth out of THAT 2017 roster was super impressive. Even the 6 wins in 2018 was a max win total considering the roster. So there's definitely hope and I think he's proven to be a worthy HC. He hasn't proven to be a great HC, but he's earned a certain amount of trust. Whether or not this all comes together will largely depend on this offseason's acquisitions. I like a few. Don't like a few. I didn't really like last season's FA'cy despite the fact that they were hamstrung. I believe McDermott can get max results out of the talent at his disposal. I'm not convinced that we're assembling the proper talent to compete at the highest level. But my opinion is just that; an opinion. I'm a Bills fan, so I'm as excited as ever for week 1 at the Jets. But I remain cautious in my prognosis of this plan. The results will speak for themselves and 60 plus percent of this is going to depend on Josh Allen's growth(duh, right?)
  10. I'm not a McBeane "hater," but the notion that creating cap space is some kind of accomplishment is silly. This is a pivotal season for both. They've surrounded Allen with "enough" talent. The defense is solid if not spectacular. Allen and Daboll are heading into year two together. Results are the only thing that matters and I think we need to retire the cap excuse. This is now THEIR team.
  11. I'll put it this way. AT HOME, I'd rather face Tannehill than even Matt Moore. He was better in Miami, but still not a QB I ever "feared." He's not a gamechanger and he definitely struggles in cold weather. Not a fan.
  12. Every time I try to give Allen some credit, there you are!
  13. I take your point, but would counter that the Bills did try to acquire AB whether some want to believe it or not. In fairness, the draft capital was much less significant than what you'd have to give up for a Clark or a Clowney. I'm not at all concerned with the money because as long as JA is on a rookie deal, there's plenty of room to maneuver. The reason I was all in was because I fully believe a STUD DE would make this team playoff caliber even if the offense were to reach just "average." Yes. Sustained success is important, but a franchise like the Bills may as well start winning THIS season. A)Winning is contagious and B)You start enhancing your brand and all of a sudden, Buffalo is a much more desirable FA locale. So one could argue(and I am) that a proactive, big time move like that could very well go hand in hand with sustained success.
  14. I think Hyde is elite. I think Poyer is good. Just notice a trend where our safety tandem is linked at the hip and often viewed as one player. Hyde has virtually no weaknesses while Poyer has tackling issues and is out of position a little too often. Very good safety, but not as good as Hyde.
  15. Yeah. That was the one game last season that was "stolen" from the Bills. There are things to dislike about McDermott, but his record in contested games is very UnBillsy. That was an anomaly during his two year stint. I don't think we were aggressive enough offensively OR defensively. Seemed to be sitting on that slight lead hoping it would hold up. Have to be proactive.
  16. Yeah man. That's your trademark disclaimer. You're slipping! Great post BTW.
  17. 6 should be 1 and 5 should be 2. Allen's improvement will be the most critical factor offensively(obviously). The overall talent is not GREAT, but if the real deal, he'll elevate those around him in year 2. My main concern defensively remains edge rushers. Lorax is a great dude, but ancient. Hughes is solid, but not elite. Murphy and Lawson? Mehhhh. Oliver will help, but maybe not enough. I would feel much more confident going into this season if we'd have swung for the fences and landed Clark or Clowney.
  18. Sounds like it's a good thing for his life outside of football, which is great. Doesn't seem like a good thing for his football career. He seems much more focused on the former, which is fine. Most likely camp fodder.
  19. Really. I think I'd recognize him. The hair! He's small and slow. I don't think he lasts very long in the league.
  20. Correct. He's an excellent player. You may not like his antics, but he definitely brought more attention to the team. "The ONLY thing keeping the brand alive." Ego driven nonsense.
  21. OK. Replace "right" with "legitimate reason" if we're playing the semantics game.
  22. But we will certainly have a right to HATE taking him at 74 if he ISN'T a productive player. 3rd round running backs are expected to be relatively productive right out of the gate. I prefer your scenario, but time will tell. I have my doubts about Singletary. Love his backstory. Love his ability to get into the EZ. Very concerned about his size/speed ratio.
  23. Did I log onto a Patriots board or TMZ? Seriously, what's the fascination? Beat them on the field; period.
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