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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. I swear these weirdos next door park their car directly next to my trash/recycling on purpose. I've tried to move it several times and had it not picked up on 3 occasions. The guy REALLY freaks me out, so I just let it be.
  2. Nothing worse than people with WAY too much time on their hands for nonsense like this. Get a life!
  3. I'm not gonna get worked up about a preseason game against backups, but they definitely played with a certain physicality. Not sure if that means anything in the big picture, but that's what you want to see.
  4. So 10 would be a win or a push for the Pats? It's a bold play and those are not GREAT odds, but I like it. Why are you only getting 185? Think about that when you make those kind of bets. I never bet ON the Bills, so that's a no for me.
  5. This is not Buffalo specific. I was at a Mariners game a few years back and estimated that it would cost me about 400 bucks to get drunk. I decided I could enjoy the game without booze and hit a bar after the game.
  6. I used to compare Jones to Josh Reed; at this point, that may have been unfair to Reed. There's just something missing. He doesn't do anything exceptionally well and he doesn't track the ball with confidence. I think they'll keep him around for a little while hoping he can turn the corner, but I don't see it happening. I'd honestly rather see McKitrick out there over Zay. I think he's an underrated weapon around these parts.
  7. Arm strength will always be an issue as well. Be nice if he had a little more heat on his throws.
  8. Yeah. One of the rubs coming into the league was less than ideal "instincts." I actually don't agree with that assessment. He may occasionally be out of position because he's trying to make a big play, but I'll take the trade off. I'm much more concerned about perfect positioning when it comes to a MLB. Just let this kid make plays. As solid as the defense is, what they've been short on are elite "playmakers." Guys able to change the game with one big play. I think we expect that from Oliver. It would be a huge score to have landed (another one) in the fifth.
  9. I think you meant you're surprised the NFL ISN'T going nuts about Reddit. I watch the majority of the games and have no problem. My only real concern is picking up a virus or some kind of malware. I suppose it's not the most ethical way to go about it, but times are tough!
  10. He was my favorite pick of the draft(value wise) and I've seen nothing that's changed that initial reaction. There is a zero percent chance he doesn't get picked up if the goes to the PS. The main reason the guy lasted til the 5th round is that he doesn't really have a clear cut position. But he makes plays and has terrific instincts. I'd be shocked if he didn't make the 53.
  11. You lost me at slow release. I'm gonna remain an Allen skeptic until I see him put it all together, but he's got an extremely quick release. Poor wording. There are times when he holds on to the ball too long and I think we all know he needs to be more decisive in the passing game, but slow release? Not even close. Once he makes the decision to fire, it's very quick. Exceptionally quick for a tall QB.
  12. Then somehow, someway, you gotta find a way to loosen Gruden's grip and bring back the PeterMAN. If it means sacrificing a 1st in 2020, so be it.
  13. Agreed. I think this is an 8-8 overall roster. Allen's play could swing that 2, 3, MAYBE 4 games in either direction.
  14. Yeah. He's averaged over 4 YPC once in his four seasons and that was with Anthony Lynn. The Anthony Lynn who made Gillislee look like a stud. He'll probably show up without a deal before the season starts. Zeke; not so much.
  15. I think the Bucs could be a HUGE surprise team if Winston can thrive in Arians scheme. Arians is a really, really good coach and that offense is stacked. I'm talking competing with the Saints for the division good.
  16. Tough to get an accurate report on the weather this far in advance of the opener, but I'm thinking the game time temp in NJ will be in the 70's. We're HOPING playoffs.
  17. Considering his lack of recieving production in college(I know the offensive design precluded receiving opportunities) and less than idea athleticism, I'd be pretty surprised to see him in a Kamara like role. Pleasantly surprised for sure. My ideal comp would be Travis Henry. If he can be Travis Henry like, it'll be a home run pick. We shall see. He's got more wiggle than Henry, so perhaps they will send him out more than I personally expect.
  18. He's a terrific cheerleader. His absence would probably move the line in Vegas a full touchdown. No way Allen plows ahead for that first down without the assistance of Matt Barkley. Inspiration leader if there ever was one.
  19. Talk about apples and oranges. That McDonald's/office employee has virtually no leverage. We're talking about premiere/very difficult to replace athletes. Pretty sure McDonald's workers' don't even have contracts, but I would certainly advise Timmy working the register to think twice before demanding a raise unless he has a better offer on the table from Sonic.
  20. This is a general question because I've been out of the loop for the past few weeks, but any word on how Singletary has looked thus far? Tough to gauge a RB in camp, but I'd appreciate any insight.
  21. Number of carries/usage is most definitely one factor in the overall lifespan of a RB's career. I don't like to throw out singular names because it's anecdotal, but FredEx comes to mind. Bell didn't want to risk injury on a one year deal, got to choose his team, and got paid. I'm not sure how he lost. It's fair to critique the way he went about his business, but the maneuver basically worked. You make a strong point about GUARANTEED DOLLARS in a contract as a counter to the argument of "if a team can cut a player, the player has every right to hold out." I still don't personally have a problem with a player attempting to maximize his earnings, but I'll call a strong case when I see it.
  22. I don't think Zeke will blink. He's got the upper hand. If one of them is going to crack, it'll be Gordon. Bell got paid, so whatever they think of his antics, it worked out for him. And you seem to be missing the fact that the team also agreed to the contract; so I have to assume you're also against a team cutting a player before his contract expires, correct?
  23. I'm able to compartmentalize athletic accomplishments and personal FAILURES. He's on the WOF because he's one of the greatest players in franchise history; perhaps the greatest. To each their own.
  24. That's possible I suppose, but it seems a little iffy that they'd be willing to spend the picks/take on the headache, but not give him a bump in pay, especially considering we have plenty of space and JA is on his rookie deal. Buffalo is not for everyone and that's fine. Better to have players fully on board. McCoy initially didn't want to play for us, but certainly seems happy now.
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