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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. Stevie was my favorite player. Great pic. I was ENCOURAGED by what I saw against Carolina. I saw Allen do the things he's gonna need to do on a consistent basis in order to become a top QB in this league and I said as much. I was DISCOURAGED by what I saw last night. Same mistakes that plagued him as a rookie. Neither of these reactions indicate whether or not he'll ultimately succeed or fail. Not quite sure how you extrapolated that, but it seems based on your post that you took it rather seriously.
  2. I was most impressed with Tremaine Edmunds. I'm not sure about game MVP, but he looks better in every facet; coverage/recognition/situational awareness. He's even playing with a mean streak we didn't see last season.
  3. I think that's a good possibility. As up and down as Foster has been, not a fan of cutting bait. Guys with that kind of explosive big play ability don't grown on trees. Agreed that they want to keep Jones and that's...unfortunate.
  4. I'd feel much more comfortable with that poor decision if it weren't for the first two third down attempts. It was not a good night and certainly discouraging. It's a preseason game in which he attempted a mere 6 passes. But he wasn't good. Doesn't mean he can't be guy; just means he's got a LONG ways to go.
  5. Josh was really, really bad tonight. As good as he was last week, he was equally BAD this week. Let's just call a spade a spade. Yes, he didn't get many opportunities and I don't really care for that approach. There was very little pressure, so let him air it out a little bit and get the bitter taste out of his mouth. But with the opportunities he had, he simply wasn't good. I thought McCoy/Gore/and Singletary all looked good. Singletary's TD was evidence that the nose he had for the EZ in college will translate well to the show. Beasley obviously had a terrible moment with the fumble. Brown looks very comfortable. Cody Ford looked outstanding. It's really tough to evaluate the receivers based on the game plan; which I just don't understand. It seems as if they've decided they're gonna keep 7 WR's.
  6. BRUTAL performance by Allen, but this is his team for the foreseeable future. We'll find out what we need to find out about Josh this season.
  7. No way. The best jokes are those people don't instantly recognize as jokes. Fire away. For anyone that spends time on Bills TWITTER, it would be difficult to decipher this as a joke. There are MANY, MANY fans in that arena who would completely take that seriously. That's why I turn to this board when I want to get logical perspectives.
  8. Well done. I'm completely sober on a Bills Friday night, so my brain isn't working properly.
  9. If he was making a joke, I retract every word and award him post of the day.
  10. I think he'll play the entire first half. Only scenario I can envision that would change that is if he puts up 2 or 3 early TD's. Maybe they pull him BEFORE the half. I could also theoretically see him playing a series in the third quarter if things don't go well in the first half. We'll find out soon enough. I hope you win, but saying "eeeeasy money" is really tempting fate. Bad juju my friend.
  11. Yes. Appreciate the elaboration on the source of the humor. It is most definitely like a clown. I don't mean to pile on a well intentioned poster, but Zay Jones is a big name WR that would SHOCK people were he on the market? I just can't.....
  12. Uh yeah. I can't imagine anyone finding 7 or 8 wins THIS season acceptable, let alone next, but he'll probably get another year either way. If they win 7 or 8 games in 2020, it's time for a complete overhaul. It's great that these guys have an organized desk and appear to have a plan, but results are the only thing that matters. Regardless of how prepared a guy looks in an office, if he's not making sales/deals/etc., nobody cares. You get a job by looking/acting/seeming the part. You KEEP a job by PRODUCING.
  13. It's definitely got an element of a show me year for McDermott, but I think his record given the talent level has been above average. Whether or not he could ever be a winning playoff coach is unanswerable. I would say it's as much, if not more, a show me year for Beane and Allen. How will Beane's acquisitions pan out now that he had the ability to acquire "his guys." Is Allen going to take that second year leap? I know this is specific to McDermott, but I'm less concerned with his ability to maximize the talent and more interested to see how the FA's/draft picks/Allen pan out. The worst case scenario for McD would be that Allen doesn't take that leap and he takes the fall. I think more highly of McD than most and am less sold on Beane than most. But that's just me.
  14. I'm not saying the Jets are better; I think we're comparable. I will say that the Gase mocking is a bit foolish. The guy had a "decent" record in Miami with Ryan Tannehill, Matt Moore, and Jay Cutler at QB. If Darnold is really good, all the offseason shenanigans and crazy eyes won't really matter.
  15. Knox is obviously someone to watch, but I'm also interested to see if Singletary brings it. I expect to see much more of him. Was odd that Shady was playing in the 3rd QTR last week. Very odd. I'll also be watching Darryl Johnson closely praying he's some kind of diamond in the rough because the DE position desperately needs one.
  16. They've looked totally unprepared in some of the blowouts, but what's really required when things start horribly is a quarterback able to stem the tide. I actually liked Tyrod, but he was not a "rally" QB. Allen didn't demonstrate that quality as a ROOKIE. We haven't had that kind of play from the position..yet. If Allen is legit, I think we'll see more come from behind victories and fewer games that completely get away. IF.
  17. Is he even allowed to play before he signs his contract? Wouldn't surprise me personally, but if he's a seventh round gem and Knox is a disappointment, it balances out and means we have a good tight end.
  18. Thank you! I'm also very concerned that this was a poor pick. I think we'll find out soon enough because it doesn't take RB's long to show what they're about. Overall, I think it was a solid draft. But along with Singletary, I'm concerned about Knox. Very early to judge, but those are the two guys I'm concerned about. Love Oliver, like Ford, love Joseph in the fifth, very intrigued by Johnson so late in the draft. No strong opinions on the other draftees.
  19. A)HUH? B)I doubt AQ or the Taliban take checks. As far as the Taliban goes, Afghanistan produces OPIOIDS. Players can get those with one doc visit.
  20. The team doc is passing out heroin like hotcakes. Surprised he had a hankering for coke. The whole story is ridiculous IMO. I REALLY don't care that a football player(or anyone) is using a rec drug so long as they're not hurting anyone. I also think the cops should have just overlooked it, but it is what it is. I'm sure with his cash, he'll plea to a lesser crime and get a fine. Meh.
  21. This list is precisely why I don't understand the relatively low expectations for Singletary. If Beane hit on this pick, Singletary should be an instant producer. Full disclosure; I'm not bullish on Devin. But if I were, I would expect a significant impact. I think it's irrational to LIKE/LOVE the pick and NOT expect semi-significant results.
  22. Perhaps. Along the same lines as Barkley. If I'm giving up a first, I'm looking for a true dual threat RB. McCaffrey is a game changer.
  23. Or maybe, just maybe, they're observing his play and seeing improvement. Everything in the world isn't anti Buffalo or agenda driven. I hated the pick. Still have doubts. But he demonstrated some eye-popping positives in year one. He also demonstrated the flaws that made me question him in the first place. The Carolina game was the best I've seen him play because he demonstrated the ABILITY to hit the gimmies he's going to need to hit in order to reach the upper tier. The big plays just won't cut it. You are aware of the fact that people are allowed to change their opinion based on evidence, correct? If I was wrong about Allen, I'd be just as happy as you. I'm a Bills fan and having a franchise QB would dramatically alter the trajectory of the team.
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