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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. Got robbed at gunpoint for my car in downtown Baltimore in 2002. I was DRUNK and not really phased. My friend had to convince me to give him the keys. He snatched a 100 dollar chain and that's all he got. Turns out he couldn't drive a stick. Watched him sputter and then just give up. Nice enough to leave the keys in the ignition. So I went into the club and basically forgot about it. It's weird. I have EXTREME anxiety disorder so internally, I'm pretty much in panic mode 24/7. There's not many external events that are going to affect me the same way they affect a "normal" person. I'd honestly be likely to react exactly as this guy did.
  2. Duke is the biggie. I would have been SHOCKED if someone thought he was worthy of a 53rd roster spot. He's just not an NFL receiver circa 2019. He's not even Da'Rick Rogers level good. Sills. I think most fans got the memo on Sills and realized he wasn't even the second coming of Brandon Reiley. Always a camp hero or 3 at WR. As far as the roster construction, I'd prefer to see them drop an OL(McDermott) or TE(Croom) and add more depth at DL/LB or safety. Lots of time to make those moves, so we shall see. I'm not particularly enthused by accumulating 6th and 7th round picks for depth OL, but it's got to be placed in the positive category for Beane.
  3. Yep. On that late TD drive in the home Jets game last season, we gave him nothing but a clean pocket. Let's hope Oliver adapts quickly and Murphy provides some punch. Would have liked to address the DE position, but these are the guys we're gonna roll with, so let's hope for the best.
  4. 4.53 is not TERRIBLE, but it's bad for a guy with his skillset and size. I never saw any suddenness or burst. Am I missing something? Kind of a strange flex TBH. You think Ray Ray is gonna be a solid contributor somewhere or just quibbling with the word slow?
  5. Jets holding pretty steady at -3 -160 ML(to win the game). In layman's terms, the Jets are a relatively slight favorite. Home team in the NFL is generally given a 3 point edge, so the view (from a betting perspective) is that these teams are evenly matched. I tend to agree. I expect a game similar to the last Bills Jets tilt. Close game that comes down to the wire. What we need to see is Allen make the plays and SOMEBODY on the defense get in Darnold's mug in late game passing downs.
  6. Back in 82, if coach woulda put me in the big meet, we'd have taken state; no doubt in my mind. Fastest relay baton handoff time in district history.
  7. Yeah. You did. He ran a 4.53 at 5'10 190(doubt that). While those are certainly unimpressive numbers, his tape says it all about his speed. Never once did he demonstrate the kind of explosion a player of his stature with his skill set would need in order to excel or stick in this league. He's kind of like Roscoe Parrish minus the burst(the only aspect of Roscoe's game that had value). Dude...
  8. Excellence against poor competition? Can't help but see some similarities between this pick and the Zay pick. Let's just hope that proves to be an awful comparison. Looked fine to me in this department.
  9. Having a young roster(which overall the Bills don't) is not particularly valuable in the NFL. If the young player's in question become studs, they're going to need to be paid and some will inevitably move on. I think it's more of a "feel good" narrative. We've got all this young talent so the sky's the limit! And it's not like Beane hasn't been relatively active in free agency. He hasn't given out (many) huge deals, but he's paid a premium for both Star and Morse. He HAS gone with the model of acquiring FA's on short/easy to get out of contracts, which is a solid approach. But the real question is going to be whether he's acquired the right players to WIN games.
  10. I was. First thing I did this morning was hit up his Wikipedia page to see if there was any news. Appreciate the info because Wiki hadn't posted this update yet.
  11. Yep. Which means that no team claimed him and this hubbub about the cut will mean nothing. A few fades in the back of the EZ is what he brings to the table at this point. Maybe in 92 he'd have been a valuable, roster worthy player. 2019. Not so much. But the Duke dream will very likely be alive and well when he clears waivers and is available for call up at any time.
  12. I assume you're a fan based on your name, but we say this about EVERY player that signs elsewhere. Ray Ray is small and slow. Very unlikely he'll ever become a vested vet. Showed a little and worked hard, but he's just not good enough.
  13. I'm not part of the pollyanna crowd that FULLY believes this team is destined for greatness. I think we have an 8-8 roster and Allen could swing that a couple games in either direction. But Shady is not a particularly useful player anymore. 2 plus game a season difference maker? No chance my friend. If the Bills struggle this season, it will have VERY little to do with Lesean McCoy. If the run game is creating holes and they can't find a back to simply plow ahead and take 4-5-6 yards, they've got some serious issues with player evaluation. It's really not that difficult to find these guys.
  14. I'm not sure that you're in the minority in questioning what Singletary is gonna bring to the table. I just don't think McCoy has all that much to offer the Bills. It seems like people are hung up on the fact that he HAS been a lead back as has Gore, who's 35 years old. That's not such a concern for me personally. Lacking a feature back isn't really a big deal.
  15. My hunch is that 99% of players value money/PT over rings. It's human nature. We as fans like to believe that these men live and die for the team they're currently a member of, but it simply isn't reality.
  16. Your assumption is incorrect my friend. If any team had offered any compensation for McCoy, he'd have been traded.
  17. Haha. Yes. It is now seared in my memory for eternity. I'll go ahead and use the excuse that "there's alot going on today."
  18. LOL. Did not catch that news. ?‍♂️
  19. Well, he USED to be a JAG. Now I'm hoping for more. On a totally unrelated and nonsensical note prompted by this response, I'm no longer going to preface "JAG" with "A." It's redundant. Kind of like RBI"S" in baseball. I've weaned myself off that one entirely.
  20. Does anyone really think there would be some huge disparity in YPC between Shady and TJ Yeldon? Yeldon averaged 4.0 last season. McCoy hasn't been above that mark since 2016. And yes, the line gave McCoy no place to run in 2018, but that doesn't mean time stood still. He got a year older and a year slower. Yeldon is obviously younger and a solid receiver. He's a JAG, but JAG's can be of some value at RB. I think people are reacting to this more sentimentally than rationally. I loved watching McCoy do his thing and wish him the best; but there's really not all that much to see here in terms of football production.
  21. I have to assume, given his aversion to Miami, that he had a list of teams he would and wouldn't want to play for. Just a guess, but I'm thinking we were not on the would list. Not a good idea give up big assets for a one year rental despite the fact that he would have been a monster addition. I'm thinking that drove his price tag down significantly, which is why the Texans got junk. I still probably would have rolled the dice if I were Beane considering the comp, but it is what it is.
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