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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. Yeah. Most of the focus has been on special teams and backup linebacker. I tend to agree with the OP that the maturation of Allen is a sneaky important factor in the prognosis of the team.
  2. I'm pretty sure most everyone says that Allen is the key to the season.
  3. Jackson plays the position unlike anyone out there, so he gets zero respect here. I think he's got enough moxy and throws well enough on the run to be an effective QB. You've also got to factor in Roman, who's a wizard with the run game and has had a ton of success with mobile QB's. The Ravens are not going to be an easy out for anyone.
  4. No downside whatsoever. It's a short term deal for a team that has zero issues with the cap. That's exactly what he is; a bridge guy. A lot like Tyrod in that regard. Reich appears to be a great "young" coach and they have the most talent across the board they've had in years. They are not a team that is going to tank at this point in time.
  5. I think Goff is a good quarterback. I just don't think he's elite. The only way to know for sure would be to put him in another system because I fully expect him to have a monster year under McVay. I'm not basing anything on his rookie year when the team was a mess. He's "solid." I wasn't making a connection between Goff and Allen. Tyrod was "good enough" for a year or two. We haven't even had a GOOD long term QB since Kelly. So if we're talking Allen/Goff, I'd take that in a heartbeat.
  6. No doubt. Like I said earlier, Dawkins would know where Allen is coming from and vice versa. It's not that hard to tell the intent of a comment or a quip man to man. They're most certainly not having a sit down right now to discuss whether or not this was an appropriate description. LOL!!!!
  7. Oh for sure. If we're talking about Allen having a similar trajectory to Goff, I'd be THRILLED. That's definitely on the optimistic side. I only question whether Goff is on that trajectory based on his ability or the coach calling the plays.
  8. I completely agree with the rest of your post, but I quibble with this. Since we haven't seen him do what he needs to do on a consistent basis, "questioning" is fair game. Questioning in this sense doesn't mean a declaration that he'll never get there. It simply means I'll believe it when I see it. As the rest of your post spells out, the offensive roster was TRASH last season, so there is validity to the point that he didn't have a great chance to showcase what he can actually do. That much is true. And like I said, I think we're gonna find out this season what we have. The offensive roster has gone from bad to mediocre. In his second season with a mediocre supporting cast, he should be able to make strides in the area he struggled with last season. Nobody is expecting 50 TD's but it's fair game to want to see serious progress.
  9. Oh please. Context is everything, and it was the same with Josh's tweets. I didn't find anything particularly offensive in the tweets and I find nothing offensive in Dawkins description. It's just reality. Pretending like these things don't exist or censoring everything to the point where nobody can say anything remotely "controversial" is the last place we want to go as a society. Key phrase. CONTEXT. People are not stupid on these matters. We can generally tell where someone is coming from if we dig a little into what they actually said and meant.
  10. I mean, that's pretty much it. I would also add RB to the list, but that's because I'm not particularly high on Singletary. We're probably gonna have to get that stud WR in the draft(good year for it), but cap space is not an issue for the foreseeable future. It's nice to have, but winning games comes first.
  11. I'm honestly shocked by this. Goff is a product of an offensive genius(IMO). I really didn't even think he was McVay's guy. Definitely changes my perception of McVay's view, but it doesn't change my assessment. You never know who actually makes these decisions, but you'd have to assume SM had strong input.
  12. So far, this is true. Allen is a bigtime playmaker, but I remain extremely skeptical as to whether he'll ever become proficient enough in the short game/the easy completions. If he can't become at least PROFICIENT, it's just not gonna be what we all want it to be. I know it's not popular to question Josh, but that's the way I see it. I think we're gonna learn a ton about what we actually have THIS season. Do we have a playmaker who'll flash and make wow plays, but fail to grow as a quarterback, or do we have a franchise guy? I'm hoping for the latter. HOPING.
  13. I'm shocked they have those kind of O/U prop style bets in Schenectady of all places. Don't even have that here in Vegas. It's one O/U and that's all you're gonna get. Nice. Hope you didn't jinx us.
  14. No doubt. He's got a lot going on down south. What's better than showing up as the MAN, giving some young players (who almost certainly have a ton of respect for you) some pointers, and heading back home? I think he's good with this set-up. Don't think he's strapped for 1-2 100k at the moment. Disagree a bit on Ford. I'd feel much more comfortable with the OL with Nike at RT and Ford at G. Gotta assume a couple of factors; their desire for Ford to play RT and wanting to get Feliciano on the field. Don't love it, but that's how they'll roll....for now.
  15. Same. This feels a little bit forced. I think they projected Ford at RT and are hellbent on making that work. If he struggles, Nike will be in there pretty quickly and Ford will switch over to G. Wouldn't be SHOCKED to see that happen mid-game.
  16. Same. I'm a health nut/occasional binge drinker. When all is well, I generally won't eat pizza unless it's some kind of gathering with little choice. Even then, it better be good or I'm just gonna leave it alone. When I'm drunk...All bets are off.
  17. Completely agree. Castillo's scheme WRT to the run game was a complete clusterF. The talent matters, but there was also never any cohesion with the OL/play design. Rob Johnson can't possibly be worse; shouldn't say that.
  18. I love Oliver, but I'm going with Josh Allen. Easier to acclimate to the league coming off the edge.
  19. I've read through some of the posts regarding the potential seriousness of the situation, but I'm pretty sure the host could smell the booze from a mile away. Made me laugh, but to each their own. I understand where they're coming from; just don't share their perspective.
  20. I'm not really a fan of the 80's/90's unis, but those were the "glory years." I'd actually like to see them rock them once. That would be more of a change of pace than the throwbacks.
  21. Makes perfect sense really. The keys to playing SS are anticipation, instinct, lateral movement, and the ability to throw multiple speeds from multiple distances to multiple targets(first, second, third, and home) QUICKLY. Stands to reason that this experience as a kid would be beneficial all the way through the ranks for a quarterback. Can't really think of a more apt positional sports comparison than SS and QB. People would probably just assume a QB was an elite pitcher, but pitching doesn't require the same level of movement and anticipation. Throwing from a more or less stationary position just isn't the same thing. Many, many QB's with big arms have come and gone in the league. If you combine the instinct and anticipation required to excel at short with a big arm, much lower fail rate. Too soon.
  22. Remember Jordan Phillips? Sometimes a player has a legitimate gripe and sometimes they're just malcontents. A guy as talented as Jones is certainly worth bringing in to see what's what.
  23. I love the throwbacks, but I also love the current uni's. Not a fan of any of those that came in between. Only thing I will say is that our current uni's are so similar to the throwbacks that I only notice a slight difference. Wish they would have done it more in the 2000's.
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