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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. Devin looks absolutely legit. Obviously so much went on this game and Allen(2nd Half) deserves all the credit in the world, but Singletary really sparked the beginning of this whole thing. I have to check to see what world I'm living in because the Bills are not supposed to win games like this.
  2. Twas the night before Christmas, and I'm thinking about the BILLS matchup with the Jets and NOT the Patriots.
  3. Every.Single.Year. I'm 38 years old. I'm not a kid. I'll believe "this is the first time in many years" when I see them do something they haven't done in many years.
  4. Why did I read this in Hulk Hogan's voice? Whachu gonna do when Hulkamania runs wild on YOU?
  5. Also same. I still have many, many questions about Josh. But going into the season hoping things fall apart? That part I don't get. As to week 1; every game is important. I generally hate the notion that an opener has any greater significance than the other 15 games, but this one IS pretty significant. You go into NY and beat the "2nd best" team in the division, you establish a winning environment, get a leg up in the division, and position yourself as the challenger to the Pats.
  6. Ya know, that sounds great IN THEORY. I'm just dubious of the quality and hygiene you're gonna get up there. I'm not doing anything Monday, so maybe I'll give it a shot just to see what all the fuss is about. Gotta work early on Tuesday, but I'll just head home if I don't like what I see.
  7. Yeah. NEVER. Once it's clear they're not going to be competitive, I'll start thinking about draft position. I mean, we haven't had anyone pan out, but I just can't fathom the idea of STARTING the season rooting against the Bills. That's essentially how this reads.
  8. I've just always felt like the whole signing a guy for the gameplan thing was overblown. There's SOMETHING to it, but not to the extent that some believe.
  9. BB just wants the inside scoop on Ben, since you know, he's no good at devising defensive gameplans.
  10. It's semantics as to whether or not QB is viewed as a skill position. Technically, it's defined as players that touch the ball most frequently. So by default, QB would be the NUMBER ONE skill position. But in NFL vernacular, it's generally not referred to as a skill position. The reason QB is different from WR or RB is that those positions are super dependent on measurables and it's very unlikely some stud is going to slip through the cracks, especially after multiple opportunities to display what they can do in camp and preseason. QB is such a cerebral position that it's more feasible that a guy with all the intangibles in the world but only adequate arm strength would never get that shot. There's an alternate world that could plausibly exist where Tom Brady is just some guy that played at Michigan 20 years ago. But Kurt Warner? It's possible to be struck by lighting, but that's the outlier of all outliers. As I said, once Duke starts dominating, you and I can celebrate the emergence of "the next big thing" in the pantheon of NFL history.
  11. Tell ya what. I'll join the fan club when Duke puts up a 100 yard game. Until that happens, my attention will be on the active players and upcoming games.
  12. That's a really innovate idea for a fading industry(move theaters.) I'm not sure about AMC in general, but many out here(Las Vegas) are serving alcohol, "creating an environment," etc. I would think you'd have to have that particular amenity in place for this to work.
  13. Apparently so. Didn't read the fully story before chiming in, so I'm sure I'll get like 30 responses explaining that AB doesn't get any cash from the Raiders. Still don't believe he wants to play and it's pretty evident he didn't want to play for Oakland.
  14. So he fleeces the Raiders by pulling these antics; walks away with their money, and doesn't have to play if he doesn't want to. As I've already opined, AB doesn't really even want to play football anymore. Hate to see him "win" with these tactics, but that's exactly what happened. EDIT; It has been brought to my attention that AB didn't receive any financial compensation from Oakland.
  15. For sure. I'm not sure why there's so much attention being focused on a PS WR with the season opener less than 48 hours away, but it is what it is. I've stated my opinion. If he gets his shot and shines, that would be awesome. Don't think it's likely, but it would be a welcome surprise.
  16. Not a skill position player, but an extremely predictable name to throw out there. Bottom line is that Duke will likely get a shot. Odds are long that he'll ever be a major contributor, but you're certainly entitled to that opinion. His play, when given his shot which I fully expect, will speak for itself.
  17. I understand where you're coming from and I understand where PP is coming from. But the bottom line is that it doesn't really matter how a GM or a automobile company defines success. The GM will ultimately be judged by how many games his team wins and Toyota will ultimately be judged by their stock price. At the end of the day, it's the results, and not the goal, that matter.
  18. Yeah. You could interpret that as lukewarm, which it was; but it was also brutally honest and quite frankly refreshing to hear that Beane fully understands where Allen needs to get better. He pretty much summarized the very obvious flaws JA demonstrated as a rookie, and the layup line was 100 percent on point. I guess my reaction is that I'm glad he's not living in a bubble pretending like these things don't exist, especially considering he's all but tied to JA's hip right now. Only chance to solve a problem is to identify it. That doesn't mean all is well, but I'd rather know that THEY know what needs to happen.
  19. No disrespect, but I wholly disagree with the last statement. The most important thing is to WIN in this league. I'd be much more upset if we lose and Allen plays well than if we WIN an ugly game.
  20. Mitch's 2018 season was a product of an extremely creative offense with multiple weapons that created easy opportunities for first/2nd read completions. When those first reads aren't open or there's pressure, he panics and isn't able to efficiently make decisions. I'm not a fan. I'd be very disappointed if JA had a game like Mitch. They have some similar "issues." but I would expect JA to make more happen with his legs if a game unfolded the way that TNF went down. No doubt. Soul crushing is a really strong emotion to experience in this scenario. Disappointed? Sure. But I have bigger fish to fry in life than to have my soul crushed by a poor week 1 performance by a BILLS QB. Been there, done that.
  21. I'd love to hear some examples of a 26 plus year old skill position player who's already been cut by one team, got a shot in the preseason with another team, cleared waivers, and placed on the practice squad by the team that evaluated him every day. The supposition is that you not only know more than McDermott and Beane, but also all the GM's in the league. There are examples of guys who never got a shot and shined when they finally did. Very few examples of players being any good under these circumstances. Fred Ex is the only player in Bills history that comes to mind, but Buffalo was his first shot.
  22. Seems like they explored a couple of options and it didn't work out so they're gonna roll with the guy they already know as opposed to swapping him out right before the season for a guy they don't know/trust. I think they had hoped one of the punter's would have performed better and got caught off guard a bit. A little late on this one.
  23. Yeah. No brainer there. I would have have been shocked to see Lorax NOT given the allocation. Not quite sure how much any of that stuff matters when the bullets are flying, but he's certainly got everything you look for in a leader.
  24. I expect him to get called up eventually and get some run.. He's got SOME value as a RZ target, etc. I don't expect him to be an impact player, so I don't quite get all the hubbub. But the good news is that he's right there on the PS and the Duke faithful will likely get their wish to see what he can produce.
  25. I just assumed you were "celebrating" TNF because the thread seems a bit..odd. My apologies if that assumption was incorrect. But I still don't get it.
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