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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. I think the Sammy detractors are in for a very, very disappointing season. He's gonna have a monster year in that offense. Best to just let it go and recognize the FO made a mistake.
  2. I think if you want to get into McDermott's head and extrapolate something really off the wall, he might have worried there'd be an issue with the snap and the extra 5 yards could make a difference. But do you know if there's a 10 second runoff there for an offensive penalty? I've heard some strategists tinker around with the idea of committing a penalty on every play. Maybe it doesn't apply to a delay of game penalty.
  3. 15 yards is more important than you think in that particular situation. One long, lucky out and they have an outside shot at a field goal, or even a hail mary. God forbid Bojo actually pinned them deep, but he could have.
  4. You want Bojo dancing around back there for a few seconds? I'm cool NOT seeing that.
  5. Uh yeah. I really can't believe anyone would think otherwise WRT to attempting a 52 yarder. That would have been a fireable offense. McDermott doesn't mess around with that kind of nonsense late in games. He's been solid since he's been here in terms of end of game decisions(sans the Indy punt which was really only a poor decision based on the standings.) Edit; I think there MAY be some merit to the idea of taking the penalty because I believe there would have been a 10 second runoff. Never quite sure of that rule. I know that if the clock was stopped, it doesn't come into play. But following a run? Not quite sure if there would have been the 10 second runoff, but if that's the case, should have done that. No major problems, but I'm curious about the details of the rule in that situation.
  6. I don't think you were overreacting. It wasn't a great throw. It was a good throw. The ball was placed in a spot that gave Brown and not the DB a chance to adjust to the ball, but based on the way it came out(a bit of a duck), it most likely wasn't precisely where he intended to place it. Nevertheless, I'd much rather see that than see him fire it inaccurately to a spot that DIDN'T give Brown a chance to make the play. Not a TERRIFIC throw, but an effective throw. I'll take that.
  7. Tightwad. The Athletic is great if you're into detailed, informative analysis and worth the few bucks.
  8. Murray looked pretty spectacular in the second half. He's definitely got that it factor. He was furious with the tie; shows you how competitive he is despite the nonchalant offseason media nonsense. He seems almost robotic in a good way. Some of the throws me made, particularly for the 2 point conversion, were amazing. I don't quite get the need to CONSTANTLY compare Allen to other young QB's, especially the coverage or lack thereof from pundits. In fairness, Allen was gritty and I was extremely impressed with his poise and wherewithall, but he didn't really do anything in spectacular fashion. Not in the Jets game anyhoo. If he makes the wow plays and the Bills start winning consistently, he'll get the praise, although the media coverage is not important to me personally. He got a ton of praise for the hurdle last season, so it's not like there's some concerted effort to ignore him. Posted before I read this; sorry for the copyright infringement.
  9. Classic trap game. Everybody and their brother thought the Raiders would be a pushover, even for Denver. Absolutely no guarantees in this league.
  10. Not surprised by the OL grades TBH. Yes, the ran the ball extremely infrequently, but the generated zero push. Wasn't much different than last season in that regard unfortunately. Pass Pro was decent, but moving the LOS wasn't there...at all. It's a concern.
  11. Agreed, but I'd also say that Shaq seems to have a little bounce in his step. Looks a tad lighter. Murphy still bothers me when he completely takes himself out of a play, but he brings some heat when healthy. I feel quite a bit better about the position as a whole than I did going into the season.
  12. Yeah. As The Wiz stated, there is no personal animosity towards JA, but there is some confirmation bias. And as of now, they still have statistics on their side. Where I disagree entirely is that the good Josh Allen is somehow not real. There are without a doubt two Josh Allen's and I suspect that will be the story throughout his entire career. The question moving forward is this; can we see the good version somewhere in the 75 percent range?
  13. The first half was AWFUL offensively; Disgusting. Dysfunctional. Disorganized. Chaotic. Terrible play calling. Poor execution. All of it. Fumble. Interception. Punt. Punt. Fumble. Interception. End of half(That was our best drive). But the Bills WON. I'm conditioned for these kind of threads when we lose; but when we win? I guess we really are moving up the ranks.
  14. Gotta be careful with this mentality my friend. It's similar to the notion that there's a major advantage for a team that beat a common opponent facing a team that lost to said common opponent. Every week is a new chapter to the book.
  15. I concur with everything else you posted, but this stood out. I've always given McD credit for his 4th quarter success. I can't quibble with a personal observation, but I can quibble with the significance. Not that you stated it was significant, but that seems to be the implication. TBH, I don't really care if Shaq was out there having fun on the sideline. What he did INSIDE the lines speaks for itself.
  16. The pleasant surprise defensively for sure. Murphy helps, Oliver helps, but this Shaq Lawson guy we picked up is the one I'm really impressed with.
  17. Same. Hate being small road favorites. The Bills look like the better team that SHOULD win, but you never know in this league. I'll say this after working in a sportsbook for 15 years. The sign of a really good team is one that wins even when everyone is on them. I don't consider this game a lock at all. The LINE and situation is very similar to quite a few games in recent memory; last one being at the Jets on TNF a couple years back. You go out and start 2-0 on the road, under these "trap" circumstances, and you're on to something.
  18. Same. I'm conditioned to expect disaster. One thing I'll say is that McDermott's teams have been really solid in these tight games. That goes a long way in my book when evaluating a coach.
  19. Much better than decent. The guy just makes things happen. He was a rookie making his first start in the NFL. Couldn't have gone a WHOLE lot better after a shaky start.
  20. Ehh. I don't know. You hang 59 points on a (BAD) NFL defense and put on that kind of performance, it's pretty impressive. He's got some serious talent. As it pertains to the Bills, I'm not really into the "2 guaranteed wins" thing. We clearly should win both games, but I take nothing for granted in this league.
  21. Eh...debatable. Either way, bad luck play for sure.
  22. That was not a well thrown ball. Very unfortunate the way it bounced for both Beasley and Allen, but it happens. I'm definitely not concerned about CB's hands.
  23. Allen continues to demonstrate the traits that make many skeptical, but that kind of fight is exactly what you want to see from the QB position. He doesn't appear at all rattled by big moments. So it was interesting in that for much of the game, his flaws were on full display and will be dissected by analytics. But in the end, he looked like the guy many believe he WILL be. I didn't want any moral victories. Once "we" cut the lead to 6 and got a stop, I didn't want to see an @Miami 2018 MORAL victory. Brown got open and Allen delivered. That sequence also featured a negative down and distance which didn't seem to fluster him at all. Without that kind of defensive performance, none of it was possible. We'd likely be talking about everything he did wrong. BUT. He came through when the opportunity presented itself. He has to play better and more consistent if he's going to be the guy, but there are most certainly positives to take away from his performance. Good JA. Terrible JA. Saw it all. And a W is a W.
  24. I couldn't have been the only Bills fan nervous he was gonna fumble the snap.
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