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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. To be fair, we also got away with a couple TO's, but I would agree that they were generally fluky. Would also agree that they moved the ball relatively well which is a positive indicator going forward. Nevertheless, everything still has to be a little bit better offensively if we're truly going to compete from the QB on down.
  2. JA and the offense as a whole need to be much more efficient and productive in order for the Bills to beat quality opponents. You can't expect THAT kind of performance by the defense week in and week out. When you start talking about facing Brady, Mahomes, Watson, etc; the defense is highly likely to surrender a good number of points even if they play well. You've got to be able to counter that with firepower from your own offense. To a certain extent, if you build a lead early and the defense plays lights out; yes. It will limit the number of passing attempts. I'm not so concerned with passing yards as others have alluded to, although it would be nice to see. Main area of growth needs to be efficiency.
  3. I don't know that it's entirely generational. The Packers had this coach a couple years back named Vince something or other. "Winning isn't everything. It's the only thing." The fact that he borrowed it from someone doesn't change the fact that he said and meant it. The bottom line is this is a violent, big boy sport; it's not a character contest. I'll take the rings.
  4. I figured there'd be some less than glowing sentiment towards Beasley, the human being, once fans got to know him. Personally, I like that he has a little swagger. But none of that stuff matters all that much; catch the football.
  5. Jerry Ostroski just had that look in his eyes; In all seriousness, I fully understand that sex trafficking is a serious deal, but the notion that your average John is somehow strongly involved in the major offense strikes me as a bit ludicrous. I'm quite sure the woman involved didn't show up telling her life story. Just sayin...
  6. 100 percent agree on Flacco. He was a really good QB with ice water in his veins in playoff games for a solid stretch. I think his bad years have overly changed the perception of his CAREER. Mahomes. Agreed that it's too early to put him up there, but man; the sky is the limit.
  7. Yeah. I agree with this. While Edelman isn't prototypical, he's a matchup nightmare. Point being, because they haven't generally had guys fans CONSIDER number 1 studs, people downplay the significance of the position. What the Patriots have done is a complete NFL anomaly and while you may want to incorporate a few of their principles, trying to duplicate that formula is an exercise in futility.
  8. I feel like the Patriots success sans a premiere legit number 1 has created a false narrative that elite WR's just aren't important. Maybe it's not a NEED if you cobble together enough decent talent, but it's certainly something you'd greatly prefer to have. I'd feel much better about the Bills chancing of scoring when they NEED to score if we had the type of all around stud WR who's able to make a play even if the opponent knows it's likely that's where the ball is going. We currently do not have that type of player at RB, TE, or WR.
  9. 100 percent. I think it's a little unrealistic to expect a John to do a thorough background check on a prostitute. It's not the kind of decision you spend weeks contemplating.
  10. Very well said. The one thing I know about McDermott is that he CAN make chicken salad out of chicken....droppings. I think he's already proven to be an adequate coach. Certain conservative traits create skepticism as to whether or not he can be a well above average or even great coach. Certain TRENDS create some optimism that he has what it takes to reach the next level; mainly (for me anyways), his team's collective performance in late game situations. They never seem rattled and I'm SOMEWHAT less likely to expect catastrophe. I feel like in some ways I know what to expect from him, but no idea in other respects. Puzzling is a good word.
  11. I know I've been stating this repeatedly, but this is EXTREMELY concerning. 1.5 point road favorite that virtually everyone believes will win? Not a fan. Having lived in Las Vegas for 20 years, I'd much rather see them all pick the Giants. Not sure if this was said in jest, but I hate it!
  12. I'm not nearly as concerned about picks as I am about production and how he bounces back from the picks. The best of the best generally threw a fair amount of picks early in their career, but they countered it with resilience and production. I'll be VERY concerned if we get a bunch of sub 200 yard passing games and a high number of picks. I'll have zero concern if we see a "fair" amount of picks with 250 plus yard passing games.
  13. I'm in the same boat. It's complicated. While I understand the rationale of wanting to support a team full of "good guys," I don't really care. I mean, I'm supporting a team so I understand to an extent the perspective of wanting to win with good guys. I just don't personally care all that much. What I want to see is the Bills WIN a lot of games. That portends well for the city of Buffalo more than a team full of choir boys. I'll give Shaw credit; this makes you think. At the end of the day, W's and L's are all that matter to me.
  14. Yeah. I DO NOT like this situation AT ALL. Reminds me way too much of the Jets TNF game a couple years back.
  15. It wasn't even a bad DAY per se. More like a bad 15 minutes. For all we know, he could have anonymously donated to a children's hospital that afternoon. Cut the guy some slack, would ya?
  16. I would say morally it SHOULD be Gordon. From everything I've read, he's a model teammate and quality human being with a serious substance abuse problem. AB is just running wild. But that doesn't change my perspective on the current matter being discussed.
  17. But WHY wouldn't there have been a runoff had they taken a penalty? Is it because it would have been a delay of game? I understand that they called a TO and that nullified everything clock wise. But the last play from scrimmage was a run and there is generally a 10 second runoff for an offensive penalty with under 2 minutes to play. Question being, why not just commit a false start if THAT infraction would result in a 10 second runoff. I'm unclear on this and it's virtually impossible to find answers.
  18. Fair points, but I WOULD say as a 38 year old having witnessed the advent of social media etc..the rush to judgement HAS gotten worse.
  19. What if the money's equal? I'm just trying to call a spade a spade. I love Buffalo, but money being equal, most players are gonna prefer a different locale. That's my opinion as I stated earlier. I guess you'd have to do some kind of anonymous poll. It doesn't mean you can't win. Who REALLY wants to live in Green Bay? Yet they've been a consistent winner. As you stated, they've done this by having franchise QB's. That's the key for us IMO.
  20. Buffalo will never be the most popular landing spot for players, which does in fact put the GM at a competitive disadvantage. This is why drafting well is SO important for this franchise. It's one of those things that we are all aware of, but some choose to irrationally contort themselves into believing there is no truth to it. BUT....If we draft well and have an exciting QB, that could certainly change the dynamic. We've got to have a few more things going for us than most teams to become an attractive destination. The objective should be to make those things happen.
  21. What in the world does this blank of her back have to do with anything? In what world is that a crime if you presume the sex was consensual? You're gonna stop and ask or have some kind of sitdown before hand as to exactly how this is gonna work? I really don't get it.
  22. No doubt. Some of us on the opposite side of the P spectrum haven't lost our core principles.
  23. That's understandable because you have a unique personal perspective, but I'd love to go back to a time when the accused were presumed innocent until proven guilty. That's kind of the American way; or it's supposed to be. If you separate the way you feel about AB from the details here, you just might find yourself on the skeptical side. We'll see what happens.
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