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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. It was week 4. The fact that he bounced back against San Diego immediately after the injury tells me all I need to know. People act like he was some rising star before the hit when in reality, he was a middling guy and that's all he would ever be.
  2. Really should have traded him before the season because he would have possibly fetched a 4th. Reclamation project and all that BS. Trade him NOW? You talk about selling low. I think the fact that he was a McDermott(maybe Beane) guy factored into their hope that he'd turn the corner.
  3. I always thought this narrative was complete NONSENSE. People seem to conveniently forget that Edwards played one of his "best" games the very next week(maybe there was a bye) after the hit in AZ. He had thrown exactly 3 TD's through 3 games BEFORE the "career altering" hit. He just wasn't any good and the team was eventually exposed as a fraud. People eat this stuff up with a spoon, but it's really just malarkey.
  4. Agree on Dawkins, but you could have just ended the post right there.
  5. Note that each of these throws occurred on first down. The last one was just a bad decision, but the others were very routine throws that would have resulted in positive yardage and a better chance of keeping drives alive. Gotta do better.
  6. Yeah. This. Zay is not a good player, but there was little to nothing he could have done to prevent those picks OR catch that pass from Barkley. The Yeldon drop was ROUGH. That one was a killer despite the fact that they got the personal foul. The defender made a great play and got his hand in there, but I've seen that catch made enough times to know it's possible. Just killer. He catches that ball and we have the ball at the 2 or the 1 yard line.
  7. It's not popular, but I'm dropping Star. We could do a whole lot better and the cap still won't be an issue next offseason. Sign a better player, get Phillips back, and eat the 8 mil. The decision will come down to Murphy or Shaq and quite frankly, I think we need someone better than either. So with that in mind, I'm keeping Murphy and letting Shaq walk, especially if we're talking serious money. I want to see them going after a true stud at the position and Murphy can still play a role as a situational pass rusher if Beane makes that happen. Not like Murphy has some huge contract. As much as Shaq has improved, he's really not a game changer and doesn't have the skillset to develop into a consistently strong pass rusher. Go get a stud at DE.
  8. Really? Do you remember the throws that were basically gimmies that he missed badly? Those put the offense in poor situations and stalled drives; even the ones that didn't lead to interceptions. If he hits those easy throws, the offense is in better position to move the sticks and score points. Some of the issues can be attributed to facing a great defense, but some of them were 100 percent on Allen not completing the very basic throws that had nothing to do with the defense. He did not play well. He needs to be better than that. I don't know why some are pretending otherwise, but that's what happened; plain and simple. This was his first big game. Let's just hope he learned from the experience and comes out more confident and loose the next go round. Just play football. Stop aiming. Stop worrying. Take what the defense gives you and throw the football to the open man. One thing I think they need to consider is going hurry up early in games. Give him less time to think about each throw so he's just out there playing football. He's at his best when he's not overthinking.
  9. Yeah. People are definitely overthinking this based on emotion. It was the type of dirty hit not all that uncommon to the game. Intentional dirty hit? Yes. Some kind of vendetta or intent to take Josh Allen out the game? Pure conjecture. It's like people are trying to relitigate the game to somehow change or explain the outcome after the fact. It's an exercise in futility. The game happened. The QB didn't play well. Seemed to be playing somewhat better in the second half largely reverting to what works for him but lends itself to injury unless you make protecting your body a priority. He has not learned that lesson yet, and maybe this will be a good one for him long term. Slide and live to face another down or this can and will happen. The guy you want to emulate is Russell Wilson. He's willing to give up a few yards to ensure that he remains healthy and in the game. Tough, but perhaps necessary teachable moment for Allen. At this point, I'm over the game that occurred on Sunday, hoping Allen can recover quickly, and focused on the Titans regardless of whether it's Barkley or Allen. That means nothing because I'm just a fan, but I'm sure McDerott has the same approach, which is much more important than a message board post. You leave the past in the past and focus on the task at hand.
  10. Everyone keeps focusing on the turnovers and rightfully so, but honestly, that's going to happen with his style of play. The real, serious, pressing issue with Allen is the layups. The gimmies. The passes that virtually any QB can make. I saw some throws that you just don't expect to ever see from an NFL QB. Often times, these turnovers are the result of poor down and distance. Guess what? You make those very simple throws and you're not in 3rd and 12. You're in 3rd and manageable. The number 1 thing JA will have to do if he's going to prosper or even stick in this league is hit the gimmies to avoid the situations that create turnover likely plays. The turnover itself is a culmination of poor efficiency before they even happen.
  11. Kind of strange that these pivotal games always seem to road games against the AFCC. I'm not a big believer in placing much import of any given game over another, but this one is slightly more important. AFC team that may be competition for a WC spot. Coming off a deflating loss to the Pats. We'll see what kind of resilience they have as a group.
  12. Yeah. A little. I was never really on board to begin with, but seeing the same mistakes in year 2 is concerning. He's also going to continue to get banged up if he continues to run the way he does and that is his calling card. If he can't become more efficient, it's just not going to happen. Love the kid. Love his moxie. He's really grown on me as a human being. But I just don't know at this point.
  13. I mean, I'm extremely frustrated, but I can't even fathom the idea of being in such dire straits after a Bills loss to the Patriots. I've seen that movie before. People need to A)cut out this unbridled optimism that leads to such disappointment and B)not define their live's by the Bills success or failure. We're not on the team. "We" didn't lose anything. Yes, it sucks that they squandered this opportunity, but there are 12 more games to clean up the nonsense. If you told me the Bills would be 3-1 after four weeks with the lone L a 6 point dogfight against the Pats, I'd have been very cool with that. Keep things in perspective my man.
  14. This was the first time in which Allen seemed rattled by the moment. I've seen him overzealous. I haven't seen him look as tentative as he did in that first half. He was aiming and not throwing. Errant passes all over the place. His shortcomings were magnified (IMO) by the big stage. He is young and this was his first "big game," but I didn't like what I saw in that regard. On the flip side, he DID demonstrate the mental fortitude to keep going and appeared less rattled as the game wore on. That's good. But if he plays well early in that game, the Bills win. Maybe he would have come back and won it. There's no way of knowing for sure. It's a shame we weren't able to find out. I would have felt a lot more confident they'd score a TD once they got into the RZ with Allen at QB. But would he have made another mistake or would he have gotten the team into that position? Again, shame we weren't able to find out. My hope is that he'll grow from the experience and come out confident the next go round, but it was discouraging. Not "write the guy off" discouraging, but discouraging nonetheless. The kid is a fighter and extremely easy to root for, but he's gonna have to play a whole lot better if he's ever gonna be THE GUY. I know he doesn't suck. I know he's not going to wash out of the league. What I don't know is whether or not he's gonna be able to cut down on the miscues to the extent that he can be relied upon game in and game out. Not trying to p*** in anyone's Cheerios, but that's the way I see it. We'll see what happens.
  15. Fair enough. Overall, I think he probably deserves a C for this game. He had the team prepared, but made some poor in game decisions. Ironically similar to his "mentor" Andy Reid. My only point is that I don't think you can categorize the overall coaching as terrible. There were enough positives to mitigate the bad and consider it an average effort.
  16. The Bills had a ton of opportunities to take control of that football game. If you take advantage of those opportunities, a few calls(that weren't really that bad) are irrelevant. As an aside, the McD bashing is a little over the top. Couple of stupid challenges, but the clock management wasted timeouts were on the QB's IMO. Barkley had absolutely no sense of urgency. I have ZERO issue going for the TD late in the game. He had the defense FULLY prepared and had the team in position to win had the players made plays. Daboll's PLAY CALLS in those critical situations and Allen's overall performance. Those were the issues today.
  17. Now THAT is my kind of guy. Pretty sure the obvious answer is Davis Webb.
  18. 100 percent spot on. He also put the team in poor down and distance situations with inexplicably inaccurate throws early in the game. Not a good outing for Allen as a QUARTERBACK. He showed a ton of fight and I think we've seen enough to know that will always be the case. There's no reason to sugarcoat the overall performance. It wasn't good. Would have liked to see him have a shot at the end, but it is what it is.
  19. My hunch is that he's not playing next week. When you see an apparent concussion that violent, you have to put football to the side momentarily and consider the kid's long term well being.
  20. That's the positive. I could have sworn I saw him ask the trainer something along the lines of "where am I?" He looked terrified at the moment. And THEN he ran off the field like everything was good. So we'll see what happens in the next day or so.
  21. What the team needs to do is let this sting for 24 hours and leave it in the rear view mirror. I'm pi**ed. I'm sure they're kicking themselves. But you let it go and move on to Tennessee. I'm trying to talk myself out of being annoyed, but it's not quite working. It'll pass my man.
  22. Don't fault him for the decisions he made in this game either. It didn't work out, but I'm not blaming the coach. You have to be aggressive against NE. They showed a ton of grit and they're not FAR off. It's ridiculously frustrating, but the team played their blanks off. I'm furious right now, but I'll get over it. I'll have some negative comments about the QB, but he's a fighter. I'll give him that.
  23. Most casual bettors make their bets on Sunday. If you're talking big money, yes; much of it is already in. As valuable as Edelman is to that offense, outside of QB, the most a line would move with that type of player is .5 point and I wouldn't even expect that given it's right around a TD. I don't see it dropping below 7 either way.
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