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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. It's an absurd idea, but if it takes Murphy off the field.......I don't know. Maybe it's worth a shot.
  2. I really don't get it. Jackson has significantly better passing stats than Josh. If he's average, what is Allen? I long for the day when we're talking about how awesome the Bills QB is playing and not constantly nitpicking other QB's to make the case that they all have problems. JA needs to play better. Very simple. He's got all the physical tools in the world. The question is whether or not he'll put it together. Time will tell. Love the kid, but he's got some real issues to overcome. The only person that can derail Allen's career is Allen. He needs to start playing football and stop thinking so much.
  3. I would be much more lenient with Daboll had he ever produced a solid NFL offense. He has not. His various stints are filled with excuses and very short on results.
  4. No. I did not realize this nor do I find it even remotely close to accurate. Andy Reid is a very good offensive mind and the Chiefs have a ton of talent. Matt Moore and Alex Smith look pretty good in the system. Pat Mahomes looks like a transcendent player in the mold of an Aaron Rodgers. I think you're seeing what you want to see. Prior to Mahomes, Andy Reid NEVER once had a 30 TD passing season from a QB. This guy put up 50! There's no reason to spin the truth to fit a narrative as Mahomes has nothing to do with Allen.
  5. Ok. You just provided me some info that i was not aware of. I did not know that Lynch had not LOST YARDAGE a single time all season. That changes me perception a BIT. One thing people tend to miss is the very real possibility that a run could result in negative yardage. If the defense plays it properly, you could end up with the ball back at the 4. We've all seen that many times. I still don't have a problem with the playcall, but that's good info.
  6. If anything, McKenzie should be utilized MORE. Call him a gadget player, whatever. The guy is the most "electric" offensive player on the roster. I'd go to him more in the pass game as well. He's a very valuable player when used properly.
  7. Hmm. Probably 100 percent inaccurate regarding the "type" of folks who complain about player salaries. Oddly enough. Never understood the obsession, but the struggle is apparently REAL for billionaire owners! While I was disappointed a deal didn't get done, I was encouraged to see that he recognized an issue and worked to address it. He'll get that done this offseason. Just have to hope one of these guys, whether it be Johnson, Murphy, or even Oliver from the interior steps up in the 2nd half.
  8. Yep. When you've got junk on the other side, it makes Hughes job much more difficult. Hughes is good, but not great. I don't care what he's getting paid A)because it's not my money and B)cap room is not an issue. The issue is that they're missing that true difference maker at the position. Beane was most certainly in the market for Clark/Clowney. Didn't work out. I would be shocked if this was not an offseason priority.
  9. That makes perfect sense. A split in the next two seems likely. I personally hate this Cleveland game. Wins at home vs. Denver and the Jets appear very likely. It's quite possible the Bills lose to the Cowboys, Ravens, and at NE. That scenario would make at Pitt the difference between 9 and 10 wins. It would be great if they surprise and win some games they "shouldn't" win, but that's easier said than done. I would say this Cleveland game and AT Pitt are 1A and 1B in terms of critical matchups. IF, IF, IF they beat Cleveland, alot of things change in our favor.
  10. I think they lose to Cleveland and beat Miami. I'm honestly fine with a split despite the pie in the sky dreams. I think they beat the Broncos easily at home. That puts them at 8-3 going into the tough stretch. The finale is a home game, which they will/should win or they don't belong in the playoffs anyways. That's 9 wins. Then you have the 3 really tough games(at DAL/home Baltimore/at New England. Lose all three AND the Steelers game and they don't deserve it. The ball is in their court. They're either gonna put up or shut up.
  11. I've never fully agreed with this. Marshawn was terrible at the goal line all season and was never really a big TD producer. You've got an excellent, savvy QB and you're thinking you'll catch them off guard or a lane will open for Wilson. The result was catastrophic, but the call itself was fine IMO. What if they smashed the ball up the middle 4 times and got stuffed? Imagine the criticism THAT would garner. If you run on first and second and don't get it, you know full well they're gonna be expecting pass on 3rd and/or 4th. I understand the rationale of those who disliked the call; hand the ball off and get a yard. I just don't think it's that simple.
  12. Yeah. Believers in the transitive property need to steer clear of the NFL. Broncos>Chargers>Packers. We'll see here. I expect the Cowboys to play better in the 2nd half and win the game, but you just never know.
  13. I think Tyrod's issue was much easier to understand; he had a connection with Watkins coupled with the fact that teams starting giving him the middle of the field. Not so sure with Allen. Maybe he spent so much time focusing on the short game(which has improved) that the long ball has suffered. Either way, a player LIKE Josh has got to have the deep ball in his arsenal. I think a player like him needs LESS coaching. He's got too many voices in his ear. They need to go hurry up and just let him play. He's at his BEST when he's NOT thinking. Most of his accuracy issues are psychological IMO. If he's ever able to just play football, the results will come. Easier said than done, but that's the issue IMO.
  14. This game is just more proof that you want to avoid "recency bias." The Cowboys dominated the Eagles in their last game so they're ready to start steamrolling opponents! Not the way the NFL works.
  15. On fire. Personally, I don't really care how good Jackson looks relative to Allen. Jackson looks really good, but I'm really only concerned with Allen. What I find hypocritical is that it's perfectly acceptable to criticize everyone BUT Allen. The receivers, the line, the OC, the HEAD COACH. Everyone involved in the offense. But if you point out some issues with Allen, THEN you're a cream puff or a negative nelly or whatever. That's inconsistent logic. You're basically just complaining about something else and calling others out for what they choose to critique. Everything needs to get better offensively INCLUDING Josh Allen. Right now, it's not good enough. I like what I see in the the grand scheme of things. The HC can win close games. The team plays for the coach, etc. But if the offense, including Allen, doesn't significantly improve, we've got some real limitations. This last game was the first in which I totally fault Daboll. I thought Allen was ready to sling it around; he looked poised and confident. Missed a few throws, but whatever. That was a game they should have let him air it out.
  16. There's absolutely nothing to personally dislike about Josh Allen nor would any real Bills fan want him to fail. If I'm calling it honestly going back to draft day, I'd have to say his floor has risen dramatically and his ceiling has fallen. A guy with his skill set has got to be completing more of the deep shots. It's not rational to blame the receivers every single time. There's something missing and I don't know that it's fixable. I would prefer to see him taking more shots, slinging it around, all of that. We're collectively blaming Daboll now and he does deserve a lion's share of the blame. Didn't like the hire at the time and don't like it now. But I don't think a coordinator change is going to solve all of Josh's woes. He's a solid quarterback and his he does quite a few really good things from the position. At this moment, I believe his flaws will ultimately prevent him from becoming elite. Time will tell on that. He's gonna be here for awhile so the only thing they can do is build around his strengths. If that means ditching Daboll, so be it.
  17. This. Hyde and Poyer are really good safeties. The entire secondary is solid. Milano is a good football player. The type of game changing plays you're referencing generally come from consistent edge pressure. That's the missing piece.
  18. Yep. Star is a liability at this point. Not quite sure why people cling to this signing as a good one. It was not. Ya know, it's okay to state this exactly as you stated it; I like the direction, but this was a mistake. Not that complicated.
  19. Yeah. Love is fleeting once money is involved. A DT that puts up (potentially) 10 sacks is going to get A LOT of attention. Beane is going to have to set a price and try to stay within that framework. Having said that, he brings it and it would be awesome to have him back. I just don't happen to have any delusions that he's gonna re-sign for anything remotely close to his current salary.
  20. No doubt. 6-2 is 6-2 any way you slice it. I'll enjoy it as long as it lasts.There are some issues and I have no problem discussing them, but we've won 75 percent of the games we've played. I'll ride with this team when they're bottom feeders; can't even imagine ducking now that they have a solid record. Just odd.
  21. Absolutely not. Pretty much every non data driven bet will be on Buffalo. He does make some ridiculous points, such as Beasley's production, but I can assure you that his opinion has nothing to do with the line.
  22. Sharp money has already moved this up to Browns -3. Not sure I remember a 2-6 team favored over a 6-2 team. I like this game about as much as I liked the Eagles game. An L is not the end of the world, but at this point, I expect one. Hope I'm wrong.
  23. 2.5 point DOGS. 6-2 vs. 2-6. Terrible situation to be in from a betting perspective. Doesn't mean they won't win; just HATE this spot.
  24. This is a more accurate description of Morse's performance. I was being "diplomatic."
  25. The interior run blocking has really only improved marginally, which is saying something. Morse is not a mauler. Spain is actually better in pass pro. Feliciano is a nice player, but that's not enough. I do envision Ford kicking inside for Spain, which would help some. That's the kind of game where you'd like to see the OL opening lanes dominating the DL in the second half. Didn't see that...at all.
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