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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. You make a strong point there chief. Trent Dilfer is also better than Dan Marino, amirite?
  2. That's totally fair. My OVERALL point is that there are people who legitimately believe that Charlie Whitehurst could win SB's with BB as HC. It's nonsense and a desperate attempt to diminish what Brady has accomplished. They always conveniently leave out the Bledsoe season as well as his time with the Browns. Is Brady more important? Is BB more important? I don't know. You could make a strong case for either IMO. Kind of strange to be defending TB whilst proclaiming him done.
  3. My point wasn't to diminish BB as a HC. I think he may very well be the best of all time. My point was to highlight the fact that BB didn't start winning until he found his QB(Brady). There are people who claim that TB is merely a product of the system and that BB could win with anyone. That narrative is defied by factual history.
  4. And didn't BB go 5-11 with Drew Bledsoe and start the next season 0-2? I think BB was also a HC in Cleveland, but these are just pesky facts that get in the way of a narrative.
  5. Jeff Blake was better than Doug Williams FWIW. This list is clearly based on historical significance and not overall play. Not quite sure how people are missing that part.
  6. Yeah, I'm gonna have to say absolutely not. How in the world is 6 rings and 9 SB appearances a lesser achievement than 4 rings in 4 tries? We're not talking about a batting title here.
  7. This is true, but I've always scoffed(which means very little as I'm one person). Boy who cries wolf is eventually gonna see a wolf.
  8. Wasn't ole Tim primarily a fullback? I remember him toting the rock quite a bit, but don't think he'd qualify.
  9. Yeah. I guess I'm in the minority, but I don't want a "nice" coach. Not the most flattering portrait of McD, but I'm not bothered.
  10. It's not the public money going on the Broncos. Public money ain't moving a line like that and most "people" are taking the Bills. It's the "sharp" money. Situation is very similar to the Eagles and the Browns games. Let's just hope it works out differently this time. Not like the sharps are anywhere close to 100 percent.
  11. Yeah, I don't understand the point. He'll check out the same as pretty much every QB to have played the position; on his last legs. Not quite sure what his career has to do with THIS SEASON. He's the G.O.A.T. in my personal opinion. But he's pretty much done. Both statements can be true.
  12. We discussed Brady at length. It's possible he'll turn it around, but it looks like he has finally lost that tiny margin for error in terms of arm strength as well as becoming really gun shy. Kind of a chicken/egg thing. It's also entirely possible he'll get that 7th ring, and his decline this season won't mean a whole lot in terms of his legacy.
  13. I think you need to take your own advice here. I remain a Josh Allen skeptic, but there is no denying the fact that he's exceeded expectations in a number of areas(assuming you came from the school of thought that he'd bust, of which I was a student). The kid has a legitimate chance to be the ultimate outlier. Many of the things you stated are true. He is inaccurate too often. That much is true. But the strengths and fire he brings JUST may be enough to defy the analytical odds. Your assessment was entirely dishonest and full of cherry picked data. Trust me, I'm far from sold, but that was a really odd line to throw out considering the rest of your post.
  14. I think I was right my friend. You're an excellent poster, but I'm giving myself the dub on the offseason TB12 debate.
  15. Yeah. There's definitely a collective overreaction each week. Good performance; next Elway. Poor performance; bust. Whatever floats your boat, but the big picture isn't defined on a weekly basis.
  16. Same. It's a big opportunity for the Bills to put themselves on the national scene. They have no played well in these situations in the past, so it would be refreshing to see that change. I don't personally expect a W, but it's certainly an opportunity.
  17. I actually don't think the opponents respect our passing game enough to double anyone, even if they respect Brown. The passing game is going to have to be more prolific for Brown to start seeing double teams.
  18. I had no idea @John from Riverside had that kind of clout!
  19. I don't buy Garrett's story for a second. The timing is all wrong and it's almost impossible to believe an NFL QB would have used "that word" on an NFL field with several other players within earshot. I will say that IF this were to occur, it's serious business and the dismissive responses to the POSSIBILITY of this going down are odd. I'm pretty sure most wouldn't actually have the stones to go there, so why flippantly dismiss the seriousness? I'm beating around the bush here; bet you wouldn't say it to someone's face. That's the bottom line. At any rate, it's also incredibly disgusting to toss those kind of accusations around precisely because of the reasons stated above. Very desperate, pathetic smear of Rudolph if my hunch is correct and this is bunk.
  20. My takeaway isn't so much about Gase, although he's clearly involved. What hits home is the fact that this guy is an extremely talented 2nd round pick. Yes, we picked him up off the scrap heap, but he was never scraps. I think some people don't want the Bills to give him a contract because it seems like he's some average player who came out of nowhere. That's not the case. Pay the man.
  21. I'm gonna remember this moment, because it will likely be the only time LABillzFan and LSHMEAB agree on something. Move to Idaho or what? LABillzFan had a better ring to it. This is a boy who cried wolf situation. We've heard the cries for years that Brady is done, so some are just conditioned to believe the boy is lying. This time, THERE'S ACTUALLY A WOLF!
  22. Yeah. I see the Reddit chat on occasion before I can X it out when I'm "borrowing" the Bills stream. In my bubble, I prefer to believe these people don't really exist. Just some random computer generated speech come to life. Please don't ruin that particular delusion for me!
  23. Since we're getting all psychological here, I think MOST of the poster's you're referencing are just protective. They've seen this franchise let them down time and time again and refuse to allow themselves to HOPE. Maybe they did that in the past and got burned. Maybe they're the ones taking it TOO seriously. As for not posting when the Bills win, you could theorize that they're continuing to guard their emotions and don't want to see all the rainbows and butterflies threads. I fully understand their skepticism. Until this franchise starts winning consistently, they have a "point." I'm actually thinking of several individuals I know personally. Totally anecdotal, but they tend to speak very similarly to the the type of poster's considered anti-fans. Do nothing but B&M, but obviously care deeply about the results. Maybe there's someone out there so pathetic that they invest a ton of time in the Bills just to come to a message board to say "I told you so." It's really difficult for me to believe the number of people who would partake in such a sad hobby is more than 2 or 3. Who knows? Maybe there are far more lunatics out there than I'm comfortable accepting. Either way, the Bills made the playoffs two years ago after a 17 year "hiatus" and appear FAIRLY well positioned to do it again. Sean McDermott is the best HC we've had in a LONG time. There's legitimate reason to believe "this time" is different and I think you'd be surprised at how these people will come around when they see results.
  24. No doubt. Harrison Phillips is still relatively unknown, but we do know he's not a guy who's going to get to the QB. I do think it's very likely he can do what Star does??. And if we pay Star 10 mil plus....... I don't know about anyone else, but I'd like to retain defensive lineman who make plays and tackles the QB behind the LOS. But that's just me. Not quite sure what H Phillips has to do with J Phillips since H plays one tech. Well the run D was terrible for several weeks until the Miami game when they employed a far more rotational DT approach, so there's that.
  25. Absolutely agree with the wait and see approach. The jury is entirely out on JA. There's just not enough evidence to reach a conclusive verdict. I will say as a sidenote that I was encouraged by Sunday because I truly believe Allen is only going to REALLY pan out if he stops thinking and starts playing. I've harped on this because I feel pretty strongly about it. I think he's got a slight hitch in his giddyup when he's overthinking things and I believe this is where the inaccuracy comes into play. It doesn't SEEM like it's physical. It's a little bit mechanical, but I think the crux of the issue is psychological. You still saw a few errant passes on Sunday, but he shook em off. They didn't bother him. The thing that stands out the most when I look at a guy like Jim Kelly is resilience. He would throw a pick one drive and never let it affect the next drive. You have to have a short memory as an NFL QB. Cliche, but true. He's not going to put up the numbers he did against Miami every week. That part isn't so important. What's important is that he PLAYS like he did against Miami. I don't mean performance; I mean style. I ALMOST would have liked to see him throw a pick so we could have seen how he'd respond. I don't care so much about the picks. If he's a gunslinger, sling. The coaching staff made a concerted effort to drill this into his head. A little late in my opinion, but better late than never. The offense needs to go uptempo as often as possible, do whatever it takes to just let him do what he does best. For a great deal of the season, they've been trying to make him something he's not. You draft a QB number 7 knowing you're not getting Tyrod Taylor. Don't ask him to play like Tyrod Taylor. JMO
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