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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. Exactly how I see it. I'm "fine" with LJ rushing for a decent amount of yards if you bottle up those hits to the TE's and Brown. He's a really tough guy to shut down right now so it's a pick your poison deal in terms of how to defend LJ. My choice is to let him get some on the ground, but lock down the flips.
  2. I think the shift has more to do with the majority of the top young QB's being dual threats than it does anything else. Not sure how long it'll last, but that's the way this season is playing out at the position.
  3. I think you're a little hung up on other's "accepting" your opinion. Pretty sure nobody believes they can deny you your opinion, but it's fair game to fully disagree with it. That's pretty much the crux of the thread; opinions. I happen to think yours is antiquated and even silly, but I respect your RIGHT to hold an opinion. The Bills have been historically "nice" since the glory days. Time to have some fun out there.
  4. As much as we know the DL and LB's need to contain Jackson in the pocket, it's also really important for Edmunds/Milano/Hyde/Poyer to cover the TE's/receivers over the middle. The construct of the defense does leave this area open, so it's gonna be important to stop those plays or at the very least not allow 10 yarders to turn into 40 yarders. The Bills defense doesn't give up the traditional big play to WO's, but this area of the field can be susceptible.
  5. Gotta give Beane credit for the way he structured many of the FA signings. He's had a number of misses, but he's built in an easy out with the majority of the UFA signings. They've got flexibility and can pretty much cut anyone they view as a liability and resign anyone they view as indispensable.
  6. Hope he does survive. As much as this guy IS accountable, there's always a CHANCE for a human being to turn it around. It USUALLY doesn't happen, but you never know. Can't come back from death, so I'm not gonna wish that on someone; even someone as flawed as Pryor.
  7. Quite frankly, it's about time the Bills started playing with a little swagger. When you break it down further, you're singling out PASS RUSHERS. I want my pass rushers getting excited, doing whatever it takes to keep the energy flowing. Zero issues whatsoever.
  8. Singletary is starting to come on, but the Bills are still lacking "playmakers." Brown and Beasley have greatly improved the overall quality of the receiving core, but they haven't had many improvisation type big plays. The reason Foster "could" be so important is that he has the elite athleticism to be that guy. I'm talking about a guy turning a 10 yard gain into a 40 yard gain. It would be ideal if both Singletary and Foster turn it on because the offense will need those plays against elite competition. Knox is certainly a guy capable of making things happen after the catch and is getting better every week. Still. Want to see more "streaking." Wait.
  9. Yeah. It's a bit odd. I think Kevin hijacks that account on occasion. Maybe it's the Dad who was angry and bitter like 24/7.
  10. It's all about the QB for franchise's like Buffalo, KC, Jacksonville, Cleveland and Indy. They just don't have the national cache, so the truly casual fans will only be interested if and when the Bills have that guy. You would have to say Allen became a very "interesting" player to many on a big stage Thursday, so that was big if you care about these things.
  11. I agree with this. He was solid on "stick throws" as a rookie. They didn't go to these plays nearly enough nor did they have the right personnel. Where there has been improvement is ball placement on the very short throws. He's not where he needs to be, but it's getting better.
  12. Not a big believer in "destiny," but it's kind of a mystical word and my Bills dreams don't revolve around preventing another team from doing something. They revolve around the BILLS winning a Superbowl.
  13. 6.5-7 point home dogs against the most "popular" team in the NFL? I think the Bills can beat the Ravens. We tend to get carried away looking ahead. Any given Sunday and all that jazz. I feel confident that the Bills will beat the Jets and lose at NE(unfortunately), but there's no such thing as an auto win or loss in the NFL. Beating Dallas was huge because the Bills now have a little wiggle room in case things go sideways at say, Pittsburgh. I'll be perfectly comfortable with a 2-2 finish. Just get in.
  14. I'm with you 100 percent. The cap is really not an issue right now and I tend to think people overplay the significance. The top teams just find a way to sign the must have players and let a few not so serious walk. We've had a REALLY easy schedule as it pertains to QB's and I think that leads people to believe there are no defensive needs. Not true IMO. With a stud pass rusher, you don't go such lengths without a TO nor do you allow Mayfield that final TD drive. These stud guys just make things happen themselves or draw so much attention that others can go to town. There isn't THAT guy on this roster. The defense is extremely solid but they're not "dominant" and that comes with that elusive player we're speaking about. You think SF lets Baker march down the field the way he did? I don't. Allocate all other resources to offense for all I care, but HUNT the best pass rusher available.
  15. No doubt my man. I like Shaq and at 8 mil, meh, I just don't know. He's a "solid" player. There's no doubt in my mind that the defense is still a stud pass rusher away. Beane was in the hunt for Clowney and Frank so I believe he sees this as well. Why not Clowney? We've got the cash. We don't generally fare well in signing big name FA "weapons." I say we swing for the fences on pass rusher in the off season. And Murphy is trash. Just a bad signing, but it is what it is. I don't consider him anything going forward. Just a guy they have to figure out cap wise what to do. I did notice him once this season on a Fitz run in the first Miami game where his head was on a swivel as one of the least mobile QB's in the NFL ran right on by. Total waste of space. Pass rusher. I think WR is the way to go in the draft and big time pass rusher is the way to go in FA'cy. People act like Mario Williams was a terrible signing. He wasn't. The fact that we didn't win and the fact that he fell off a cliff don't change the reality that he had a significant impact on the D for a few seasons.
  16. Yeah. That's where contracts can become strangely personal. You know full well Lawson ain't taking less than what Murphy was paid. The issue there is that Murphy's contract was awful for the Bills, so it's not a good barometer from the team's perspective.
  17. You basically just made the case in favor of deferring to analytics in those situations. If you plan on CONSISTENTLY making the correct decision, you want to look at the large sample size.
  18. But the Pats don't pay this kind of player 10 plus mil per, and it wouldn't shock me if Lawson got that kind of deal, especially if he gets close to 10 sacks. Some team is going to believe he's on the "cusp" of breaking out. That won't happen with his skillset. He's a nice player to have. I think we all agree on that. He's not a player a team should allocate a great deal of resources to attain. The Pats generally find guys "like" Lawson off the scrapheap. We'll see what happens with Lawson and the contract, but I don't think he's gonna be available for 5-7 mil per and that's his value.
  19. Sounds to me like there's a really simple solution for 3rd and 5 or 6. Auto false start. We've got a few guys that are more than capable of doing this unintentionally.
  20. Those are VERY interesting numbers. The Bills are averaging just 4 yards per play on 3rd and 4-9, but almost 8 on 3rd and less than 3 and over 10 on 3rd and 10+. What to extrapolate? I'm gonna stick to my guns that Allen has a tendency to aim in these spots, but the analysis regarding arc on throws behind the LOS is a solid counterpoint and is "physical" in nature. The offense is naturally gonna go to this type of play frequently in the situations in question.
  21. To get into the weeds a bit, he does make some puzzling short throws and it's hard to believe that's physical. I suppose it's possibly a mechanical flaw and I'm sure the QB experts could break that down and come up with an answer. It just SEEMS to me that his main issue with some of the gimmies is "aiming." Bottom line on that is that I've seen marked improvement, especially in the last two games. And when I say third and short, I'm talking 3rd and 3-6. Unfortunately, the run game is just not good enough to be trusted on even a 3rd and 3. That would certainly help the QB.
  22. Same. I didn't want Allen either, but I sure as all blank didn't want Lil' hands. He never had the tools to make it in the NFL.
  23. I didn't say that. I was still trying to figure out the first sentence. He's not suggesting a boycott of the NFL. He's suggesting we boycott an occurrence. Not quite sure how that even works.
  24. How about neither? Of course I'd take Shaq over Murphy, but Shaq is going to get overpaid. He's still an average pass rusher despite the occasional outburst. I think they should cut Murphy, let Shaq get overpaid, and prioritize a PREMIERE pass rusher in FA'cy. Tend to agree with the comparison, but Jerry Hughes is declining and he was never Bruce Smith to begin with. Gotta get a stud DE on the other side of a Phil Hansen. Just look at the investment SF has made in pass rushers. How's that working out?
  25. I really don't think it's a blitz pickup issue. His headscratching throws occur more often on 3rd and short (oft times sans much pressure) from my vantage point. The whole psychological thing is purely an OPINION I've formed based on observation. I generally defer to data, but there certainly appears to be a psychological element with JA.
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