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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. Remember when some black kids stole sunglasses and people acted like it was a crime of moral turpitude? Almost like there's multiple double standards at play in these cases. The most consistent civil libertarian out there is Alan Dershowitz. If you're not consistent, you have ulterior motives.
  2. Why would anyone take the time to vote unsure?
  3. Not to jinx it, but I love that this thread is only 5 pages long this deep into camp.
  4. White men dominate our power structure. I mean, personally I enjoy the privilege, but I can't deny it exists. Europeans created superior weaponry to conquer territory and exploit that territory to accumulate wealth. They've created the greatest modern societies. This country was founded by white men at the expense of others. That's just the reality. We remain at an advantage despite social engineering efforts. I think the question is whether or not that's "wrong." The clip doesn't sway me. She's speaking the truth. Like I said, I believe she was trolling Twitter for hostile reactions. Everybody can draw their own conclusions. ' I plan on basking in white privilege as long as humanly possible!
  5. I read all the tweets. She was trolling bigots. Kind of a wanna be Sasha Baron Cohen schtick. I understand what she was trying to do, and the responses are indeed funny. Nevertheless, zero tolerance policies should be administered to all if that's the game we're playing. My hope is that common sense prevails and people will recognize how silly some of these stances are, but that is unlikely. Very unlikely. The notion that one cannot be "racist" against whites because of power structure strikes me as absurd. I can't really perform the necessary mental gymnastics for that one. I think we can agree on that.
  6. The left absolutely brought this NYT situation on themselves by embracing the notion that every female accuser is to be believed, that the accused is to be ostracized, and that political correctness was more important than common sense. This was clearly satire. Sarah Jeong is not a racist. But their concerted effort to dismiss nuance in such instances was always going to come back to bite them in the a*s. Context and nuance are everything in matters of sexual harassment and race. When they threw Al Franken under the bus for a couple of stupid pictures, I knew we were in trouble. I was watching Frasier last night and it dawned on me that a harmless joke wouldn't be tolerated today on television from a respected character. Martin made reference to the wife of his former black partner having a big a*s. How can you not expect a backlash when you force people to walk on eggshells as not to dare offend? By the way, Kelsey Grammer is like the only funny conservative. Humor is not a strong trait of the right. I guess Trump has pretty strong comedic timing but I don't think he's ideologically anything other than self serving.
  7. To be fair, if you scrutinize every pejorative he threw out there, quite a few on the ideological right would agree. Does Trump have impeccable grammar? Is he racist? Is he a scumbag? You, yourself, have acknowledged that you despise Trump. Not sure that any of that is necessarily partisan.
  8. I guess he broke up with me. I didn't even realize we were dating! The man did make a pretty strong case though.
  9. So instead of replying to the content, we're quibbling about the TRUE story of a MYTHICAL figure? That's rich. You let me know about that time in the 20th/21st century when massive tax cuts didn't precede an epic collapse, chief.
  10. I know this crowd tends to exaggerate these issues, but they do reflect poorly on the left. Austin is Austin. The Washington football team is the Redskins. Cleveland's football team is the Browns. But those ridiculous statues revering the confederacy should indeed be torn the hell down. There's always groups that go too far and ruin it for everyone.
  11. There is overwhelming evidence that he's guilty of tax evasion and bank fraud, but he should get a fair trial independent of politics. The "you had no right to discover this" defense doesn't seem to have any legal merit in this case.
  12. You just used like 200 some odd words to say "I know you are but what am I." I may have underestimated your ability to stand out from the pack!
  13. Alex Jones and anonymous posters at 4chan or against chan or Chan Gailey have the reeeeeal truth!
  14. Tee hee. So pray tell, what makes you different? You all parrot the same counterfactual talking points permeating from guttural anonymous web trolls and Fox News. At your core, you are all exactly the same. You run your internet fingers decrying the very things you're doing. You are not in the know because the internet safe space finally gives you a sense of identity. Seriously, the sh*t is pathetic. If you want to dismiss criminal behavior because the ends justify the means, own it. If tax cuts and Mexicans are that important to you, own it. I'm just trying to figure out why the right is so fu*king scared to own their positions.
  15. When you're insane, do you know you're insane? That line from Seven stands out like a Mensa member at a Trump rally when I peruse this section of the forum. This cocoon from fact based evidence makes me long for the days when I debated Christians and their fantastical ideas. You really can't fight crazy. I suspect Manafort will be acquitted because it's damn near impossible to get 12 individuals to agree on anything anymore when politics are at play. The guy is guilty. I know he's guilty. You know he's guilty. I know you know he's guilty. You know I know you know he's guilty. Aversion to truth to reconcile what you WANT to believe with reality has reached a level that can't be ignored. At your core, you folks like small government (except when it comes to criminalizing reproductive rights and the massive prison/military industrial complex) and less diversity. Why must you play these mental gymnastics to defend the indefensible? Is it really that bad? Trump is kind of a criminal. A terrible human being. I think we can all agree on that. Manafort is a criminal. We get it. None of this matters because the investigation is politically motivated. Republicans are out to get Trumpists so it's all fruit from the poisonous tree! You're stretching reality more and more with each passing day. Stick to your principles and facts. Just a bit of friendly advice.
  16. Nooooooow I get it! Looks like the Deep State is in for a rude awakening when they...... I give up. What are they gonna do next?
  17. No. Bit*hy, whiny, screeching Democrats pinning their hopes on America's sense of decency gave us Trump. There was not a progressive in the race. I don't play by the rules.
  18. But she lost! The omnipotent Deep State with the epic fail. I'm starting to wonder how powerful they actually are.
  19. I still can't for the life of me understand why the left is so hellbent on precipitating President Mike Pence and enraging 50 million angry lunatics. Sure, they're mostly harmless, but for every million Dungeons and Dragons playing castoff, you've got a Timothy McVeigh. Let the Trump nonsense go. He'll never be impeached and he'll certainly never be convicted by a jury of 12 in this country. Facts are irrelevant when it comes to this man. Win the midterms, create gridlock, and run an actual progressive in 2020. Preferably an actual alpha male to contrast the obese, 72 year old pushover currently residing in the White House.
  20. You just used three negative adjectives without providing much rebuttal. It was encouraging to see wages rise slightly, but I think we all know that massive tax cuts, without exception, precipitate a collapse. It's not a matter of if. It's a matter of when. Wealth redistribution (GASP!) and economic equally do not automatically connote victimhood. I think the left is asinine with SOME of the social issues. It's like they've concocted these little rules, put everyone in a box, and decided their roles in the play. The backlash against the PC police was pivotal in Trump's election. Trump was unafraid to voice bigoted garbage the right has covertly believed for many years. I actually respect him for that the same way I respect leftists who are unafraid to speak on some basic core issues. Robbin Hood was a good guy.
  21. And what would stop those people from purchasing the healthcare they feel comfy with? I'm sure you're aware that the United States unique, privatized healthcare system generates mediocre AT BEST results in relation to the rest of the industrialized world. This chick is proposing nothing radical or even unpopular. The majority of people like a living wage. The majority of people like taxing the uber rich. The majority of people like universal healthcare. Yet Republicans continue to win elections. Why? Very simple; because Democrats are too chickensh*t to espouse true liberal ideology. If minimum wage were adjusted for inflation to match it's inception, it would be closer to 20/hr than 15. But we'll compromise.
  22. I'm skeptical to say to the least. I envy those of you who seem to have an endless supply of optimism. As to the topic, it's an interesting thought because it gives you sort of an external, unbiased view of the situation. I think our limitations on offense are clear for this season. There is not a single true vertical threat in the passing game. We saw what happened both last season and in the past(say, 2011) when teams recognized they didn't have to respect you deep. They collapse the D and compress the field. This forces the offense to execute flawlessly in order to move the football. The acquisitions at receiver indicate that the staff values strength/size over speed. There's nothing wrong with prioritizing strength, but at some point they need to have a legitimate speed guy if any of these QB's and the offense are truly going to flourish.
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