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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. Yeah. I tend to like freedom of expression. Pretty much the best thing America has going for it. What about you? You like the first amendment?
  2. The Koran is far worse than the Bible. Much more sinister. But I probably wouldn't relay that message to a "crowd" of Muslims. I don't think I'd get on stage in Riyadh with a stand up routine about Sharia Law and Jihad. They're pretty oppressive over there.
  3. I'm more concerned about what he HAS addressed, namely the defensive line. When I look at the additions of Trent Murphy and Star Lotulelei, I'm reminded of the Tom Donahoe glorly days of Dennelsay and Tim Anderson. High motor lunch pail guys with virtually no explosiveness. The entire front seven looked like they were locked a Tecmo style perfectly blocked play.
  4. Sounds like people doing whatever the hell they want. The kind of thing any good civil libertarian would be cool with. Also sounds like the kind of thing the right would amplify to score cheap political points with those who still hide behind the aforementioned book.
  5. Most on the left don't believe fairly tales have intrinsic value so we rely on the impressionable to properly contextualize them. So thank you. I've read the book. It's good for a few laughs. Definitely decries greed and focuses on the less fortunate. Like I said, hyena like dismissal of ethical standards and darwinian governance effectively sideline religion as a talking point. That's not a bad thing. You should be able to make a point without cloaking yourself in an archaic book.
  6. I think we can safely say that Republicans have officially lost the moral high ground. That's not a bad thing. It never really made sense in the first place. A darwinian approach to governance is diametrically opposed to Christian values. Just seems as though that particular juxtaposition has crossed the Rubicon of plausibility.
  7. I want a wall as much as the next guy but Mexico is gonna pay for it. Have a little faith in Sideshow Don!
  8. Well then let's build the damn well.....as soon as Mexico pays for it. If there's one thing I know about Sideshow Don, it's that he'd never mislead the country. Who's gonna pay for the wall? Mexico! #MAGA
  9. The saving grace for Josh Allen is that the entire team was trash. Make no mistake, Josh Allen was trash. He was dropping back as if pressure would never arrive. There's poise and there's a lack of anticipation. The worst sequence was probably not the sacks. It was the underthrow followed by the overthrow. The NFL is no place to be working on the psychological aspects of throwing a football.
  10. I just have a REALLY hard time buying the idea that human trafficking and child sex rings are at the core of Trump's immigration policy. Hadn't even heard about the relationship between the Singapore Stunt and this crisis. That was glib. It's not that I have a hard time buying it. It's that I know it to be complete and utter nonsense. I have ALMOST zero doubt that neither DC Tom nor TakeYouToTasker of Buffalo Bills message board lore like human/child trafficking. I have less doubt that the primary motivation for this hard line stance is cultural. Maybe even economic. That's perfectly fine, but at least tell the truth. The world is a much better place when people are intellectually honest. I mean, in life, I understand deception as a means for personal enrichment, desires, etc. This is an anonymous internet forum!
  11. Human trafficking and child sex trafficking? Just so I understand, the whole anti Mexican thing was ACTUALLY a ruse or merely a figment of my imagination. His true intention was to put the kibosh on human/ child sex trafficking. It just APPEARED like he was race baiting. Seems like a stretch. Interesting take on the trade "war." If executed properly, I can see it benefiting American workers. Automation is the greatest threat to economic stability/ equity we've ever seen. Drastic times call for drastic measures. If Bernie Sanders were playing the exact same game, liberals would be all in. Hypocrisy is a disgusting trait. He hasn't started any wars. I'll give him that. The little stunt Sideshow Don pulled with NK was absurd, but probably not harmful. Personally, I think Trump is an awful human being. I'd prefer he not represent the country. However, policy and action have the potential to affect my life far more than his white collar hustle. Much rather get back to a point where people discuss issues as opposed to how much they love or hate a reality show star. I suppose this is precisely what the people voted for, so it is what it is.
  12. This is a great post that will fall upon deaf ears. At the core of every Trump supporter is vitriolic savagery. Most of them are not personally savages. More like voyeurs. The immorality and ethical failings of their leader only embolden them. Like a bunch of rednecks living vicariously through a pitbull in some seedy Bumblefuq, Kentucky dog fighting ring. They one thing they understand is metaphoric blunt force. That's exactly the reason they're scared sh*tless of Michal Avenatti. They sense their pooch is a little older. A little more fragile. A little more vulnerable. Only a very public stripping of Trump's manhood will put them back in the cage. I sense it's approaching.
  13. Avenatti is the cult's worst nightmare and you know it. There's a damn good reason Sideshow Don won't come at him. He'll play the game. Trump is quite good. Avenatti's better.
  14. What exactly have they caught these swamp rats doing besides undermining your boy? Maybe you were referring to Pruitt, Price, etc. If so, we're in total agreement. The entire spoils of your investigations seem to revolve around one human being. Do you honestly believe said human being is working on YOUR behalf? If so, please check out my ads on Craigslist. Really good sh*t at reasonable prices!
  15. I suspect there are very few things we'd agree on politically, but I like your style. The reason I decided to chime in on this forum was to understand the alternative perspective. With all the histrionics bellowing from both sides, (from many sides) there has to be some kind of commonality. Or not. Either way, sticking one's fingers in one's ears and refusing to ask questions strikes me as a exercise in futility.
  16. That nonsense has always annoyed the sh*t out of me. I have no doubt that Trump has financial ties to Russia and that Russia purposefully engineered a disinformation campaign on his behalf. What role he played in that is unclear. If Americans are that easily manipulated, and they are, why the hell am I blaming Russia for YOUR ignorance? You get the government you deserve.
  17. Michael Avenatti's time in the Oval can't come soon enough. Young, handsome, legit swag, mentally strong. All traits your boy lacks. I'm superficial I suppose. That ugly face of Trump's is an embarrassment to the country.
  18. "Leaders affect the lives of families far beyond their own 'private life'. In the Bible story of Esther we are told of a king who was charged to put right his own household because there would be 'no end of disrespect and discord' among the families of the kingdom if he failed to do so. In a day when reckless extramarital sexual activity is manifesting itself in our staggering rates of illegitimacy and divorce, now more than ever, America needs to be able to look to her First Family as role models of all that we have been and can be again." Mike Pence Pot. Meet kettle.
  19. If I'm to understand this group think correctly, Donald Trump's primary objective in life is to deconstruct the Deep State on behalf of the American people. Sensing his magnanimous undertaking, said Deep State has set out to undermine his presidency at every turn. They know this man is so selfless that he's willing to sacrifice everything to expose the ugly truth for the FOLKS. Trump slyly only exposes the actors who've "conspired" to create the Rigged Witch Hunt. The Witch Hunt that directly affects him and his orbit. He's saving the rest for later!!!! In all seriousness, what's in it for you? What has Sideshow Don revealed about the Deep State that helps you understand government corruption? As far as I can tell, this administration is the swampiest group of amateurs we've ever seen. Does it ever occur to you that you may have been played?
  20. Agreed. Someone else mentioned he wouldn't be safe on the practice squad. I don't think we're in position at WR to be releasing guys who'd be snatched up by another team. He's not going to solve our woes on offense. Never going to be a game changer. But I've seen enough to believe he's got the skills to be a valuable asset and a guy who can get open quickly and make something happen after the catch. That's a good skill set for a team with a young, strong armed QB and serious issues at OL. I don't see a damn thing from Jeremy Kerley.
  21. If a QB can be "ruined" by a below average offensive line or playing through growing pains, that QB lacks the killer instinct to play the most demanding position in sports. David Carr was never going to be a good quarterback. His line sucked, but he also lacked presence and had an incredibly slow release. He seems very comfortable on TV. I think of excuses when I think of David Carr, not a guy who was forever ruined by circumstance. JA gives the Bills the best chance to win right now. Period. If he can play, he's going to show you he can play. You wanna sit around and wait for the perfect time to start him? When we have all pros at every position? Reminds me of Costanza pushing off his wedding date. Spring. Rejuvenation. Everything's blooming. All that crap!
  22. I've been super impressed with McLeod through the first two preseason games. Plays much quicker than his combine results would suggest. He looks to me like a guy who'll have a long career as a slot receiver/return man. Sure hands, elusive in the open field, "slippery." Obviously not a burner, but a valuable asset for a team with a young QB and a porous line. I think we got a late round steal with this dude.
  23. I don't think this is really a question anymore. Josh Allen showed glimpses of greatness last night. I'm sold on the possibility that I may have been wrong. I think that arm is a perfect fit for a team with a pedestrian WR core. When you can get it to a guy that much quicker than the average QB, you throw a guy open. You tend to hear about throwing a guy open by leading. This is a bit different. The short pass he threw 100 MPH was a perfect demonstration of his serious shortcomings, but he flashes the ability to make up for it. The TD pass was special in that he demonstrated a rapid release combined with great velocity. Guys with huge windups wont last in this league. Seems to me it's something he's worked to improve. You can always bench him if the line doesn't hold up or things aren't working out. I don't buy the argument of "ruining" QB's. A guy with the mindset to play the most demanding position in all of sports cannot be soft. The sooner we know if we have the right guy, the better. Start the best players. He's the best quarterback on the roster. Peterman is a turnover machine waiting to happen. He does not possess the requisite arm strength to play the position. He's Mike Cawley. A practice squad quarterback who occasionally looks good in a vanilla, preseason setting. I really can't believe anyone views him as a legitimate option.
  24. I wonder if those playing the race card have any clue what rank hypocrites they truly are. Actually, I don't. At any rate, Josh Allen has not proven a single thing on the football field. He has never been exceptional at any level. I see very little production and a mountain of excuses. If the guy can buck the trend of low production/high "talent" guys not panning out, terrific. We'll all be happy. That'll be settled on the field.
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