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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. Stevie needs to come out suited up ready to play! That fake number 13 is pretty passive. He'll save his complaints for reporters.
  2. With Daboll's abysmal track record, I'm surprised he's getting such a pass around these parts.
  3. Cincy is clearly the right side for those inclined to bet.
  4. I think the basis for a thread like this is that many of us believe Allen was a terrible pick. There's nothing in his football background to suggest he's ever going to be an elite quarterback. My personal opinion is that he won't even be a good one. When you hold that belief, you probably don't fully consider how tied this regime is to the guy. There will almost certainly be no second chances at QB for McBeane. Would LOVE to see JA prove me wrong. Time will tell.
  5. Teller's got a little givafuq about his game. I liked the pick when it was made and quite frankly, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE? He's a rookie fifth round guard and certainly not going to change the world, but there's no reason to continue to trot out PROVEN turnstiles.
  6. I wonder what this story would look like if he had shot her. If this was truly an accident, I feel really bad for the chick. Just a tragic mistake. Thank God she had that gun, right?
  7. Would not directly incentivizing corporations to hire in America been a more effective prescription than simply slashing rates? Unemployment HAS steadily decreased over the past decade, but I continue to observe the erosion of the middle class, so this is clearly not a standalone solution. I suppose it comes down to whether or not one believes income disparity is actually a problem. Advancing technology and the resulting diminished need for labor is really the elephant in the room. And I know, SOCIALISM!
  8. Deficits don't matter? That's good to know. I was a little concerned they'd be slashing entitlements to pay for the trillion dollar corporate welfare program. That would seem to be a bad idea for a country with an expanding wealth gap the likes of which the world has never seen.
  9. I've always maintained that Trump's outrageous behavior was never going to be his downfall. His downfall was going to occur when he lost the ability to outrage. Let's just be honest here. People voted for a performer. He had a hell of a run, but many are tuning out. Totally lost his cache. The steadily declining poll numbers are quite real this time. What I find irksome is that the media will almost certainly sugarcoat the narrative. "Decency has won the day and the American people have come to their senses!" Naaah. They got bored This particular fiasco with the NYT piece feels like one of the final episodes of a dying sit-com.
  10. Exactly. Compounding matters is that Beane has brought in a number of players and they've all been sh*t. I'd be more inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt(cause I have no choice) had the free agents he HAS acquired looked like solid moves. That really seems to be getting lost in this whole ponzi scheme.
  11. Right. But my point is that a valid argument can be made for "tanking" in the NBA. When you're "tanking" in the NFL, it's because you have no idea what you're doing.
  12. You need like two good players in the NBA. The Sixers comparison is absurd on it's face.
  13. Bill Belichick "disciples" will not lead you to the promised land. Steer clear of that tomfoolery.
  14. The Bills actually look like a play this week!
  15. The misunderstanding was on my end. I'm partial to defensive ends and probably a little obsessed with the TRENT signing. Just awful IMO. Mike looks like a nice player. Pretty sad that he may be the best offseason acquisition, but I digress.
  16. You say that like it's a good thing. Quick question. Who's the "toughest" guy on the Bills? KW is a tough player, but he's a dinosaur. I think this team is in desperate need of some dirtbags. I look around the roster and I see waaaay too many "nice" guys. I'll give them credit for at least recognizing the dire need for pass rushers. At least they're taking a shot.
  17. "Murph" was possibly the worst pickup of all. Good ole "Murph" strikes me as the kind of guy who'd like to have a beer with the opposing QB after the game to chat about interest rates. If you're not sure about the QB situation, you damn well better have edge rushers because no defense can excel without them. Gotta be a top priority going forward.
  18. I see more Trubisky, but of course we all hope we're wrong about Allen. Some people have a hard time understanding that negative opinions do not equate to lack of passion for the team.
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