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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. Arguing the specifics of these allegations is a rabbit hole I'd prefer not go down. Couldn't find the specific bit about abstinence only sex ed creating repression, but I found this gem. As I said; it's the hypocrisy, not the behavior. I should add the caveat that I have a deep distrust for anyone claiming to be holier than thou.
  2. I don't believe every accuser. I do believe this guy was involved in some weird things as a teenager and college student. There's too much there. When your public persona is that of a sanctimonious windbag, it's only fitting that hypocrisy comes back to bite you. For me, it's not the allegations that I find troubling. It's knowing how he'd treat these allegations if they were made against someone who didn't have the public facade of a choir boy. Abstinence training is flawed because you're teaching children that their most innate desires are inherently wrong. It leads to confusion, shame, and deviancy. George Carlin explained this better than I could ever dare dream.
  3. Funny that so many dismiss Avenatti as the "worst thing for the Democrats." I remember when Trump was the "worst thing for the Republicans." Granted he's a terrible president, but the guy won.
  4. Brett Kavanaugh's creepy sexual deviancy is the direct result of the abstinence only sex ed policies he'd love to shove down your child's throat. Is that ironic?
  5. There's something really annoying about the word "gelling" in reference to an offensive line.
  6. My assumption is that you have some kind of hostility towards Allen because Bills fans are overly optimistic about his long term projection. The play in question was dope whether you believe in the guy or not. Seems like a reach to deny it.
  7. I don't believe in Allen either, but this is just straight up hate. It's not the kid's fault we have some strange fans.
  8. Thank God Freddy didn't cross the plane! The Bills fan in me did not want to give Brady the ball back. I'm convinced they would have not only tied it up, but gone for 2!
  9. Ryan Lewis has a swaggy look about himself. We have enough guys who's look can best be described as "process." I dig the hair!
  10. Scoring a TD on the opening drive changed the game. Peterman does not make the plays Allen made on the opening drive. The point he's attempting to make probably centers around the fact that the defense set us up really well with the turnovers and that Allen didn't make any "spectacular" throws. It's a silly argument because it discounts pretty much everything that actually occurred.
  11. It's not Zimmer's job to praise the opponent. He was doing exactly what he should have been doing if he was focused on his team. Would you expect McDermott to have marveled at Baltimore's amazing performance at halftime of the opener? I would like to think he was focused on what the BILLS could do better. I mean, they did nothing better, but that should have been his focus. We're getting soft.
  12. If Murphy and/or Milano can bring it like they did against Minnesota, this isn't as much of a problem. As the graphic above indicated, the Bills blitz less frequently than all but two teams, one of them being Chicago. We don't have the personnel for that, which is one of the reasons I'm not a fan of Frazier's laid back scheme. It seems as though McDermott has made a concerted effort to generate pressure since halftime of the SD game. I'd like to see that continue.
  13. I don't think ROBERT FOSTER believes he can develop into a #1 receiver. He provides much needed speed to a pedestrian WR core, so he has some value. He's going to have to complete a few plays in order to stick in the league.
  14. You don't think the Packers CAN win? As in they don't have a puncher's chance? They're 10 point favorites. Aaron Rodgers is like 60-10 at Lambeau. The Bills are a rebuilding team with a raw rookie QB making his 3rd NFL start. I play the reverse psychology game as much as the next guy, but this is a bit much. I'd like to see our defense play relatively well against the best QB in football, and Allen hold his own in an incredibly hostile environment. The final score is secondary.
  15. Remember when this pervert compiled a list to ask Clinton pertaining to BJ's? Talk about karma.
  16. This was by far the most important takeaway from the game as it pertains to THIS regime. McDermott as a HC has got to maintain a solid defense. It doesn't really make sense to have a defensive minded HC and a horrid defense. They're not going to pitch near shutouts every week, but we need some consistency from that side of the ball. They've invested a decent amount of money in the defensive line and I think it's fair to expect that. Whatever McDermott did prepping the team for the Minnesota game....keep doing it.
  17. Agreed. Tyrod>Sam Bradford. How this guy continues to dupe GM's into contracts is beyond me. He's like a seemingly talented drunk. If only he didn't drink........With Bradford, it's "if only he didn't get injured." Here's the thing. Sometimes when that drunk gets sober, you realize that he's still the same warehouse worker. Just a little more reliable.
  18. If I'm a Packers fan, I'm not going on a Bills message bemoaning a loss to the Redskins and a .500 record. It's like listening to Tom Brady talk about the one woman who got away. Enjoy your teams unprecedented duration of success. Enjoy that you've had 25+ years of dominance at the QB position. Discuss the game. Just spare me the pity party.
  19. One meaningless 1 POINT win against Carolina in 2001 and we end up with Mike Williams instead of Julius Peppers!! I'll never get over that.
  20. Matt Milano makes plays. I don't want to hear the old school nonsense about "holding up against the run" etc. In this day and age, you need linebackers and edge players flying around the football. Milano is the lone young player who does just that. Seems to me they made a calculated decision to be more aggressive overall and it worked. They need to keep that up. Sitting back in zone and playing safe defensive football does not work anymore.
  21. IceBowl. You're on a Bills message board. Please spare us the woe is me schtick. The Packers SHOULD win this game so the pressure is entirely on that team. We're playing with house money this season.
  22. The one thing I will say about Buffalo that may creep some out is the lack of recognizable chains. I understand the local joints are cherished and the food is actually better. It's just odd for an outsider. I remember wanting to get something from Taco Bell and my cousins laughed and said there may be one downtown.(They live in Hamburg) My expectations were low man. All I wanted was a damn Chalupa!
  23. I'm STILL a Josh Allen doubter. I didn't see throws into tight windows. I didn't see progressions to 2nd and 3rd options. What I did see was a kid so immensely talented that he doesn't necessarily need to do those things to be effective. If he's ever going to make the jump to elite, he will have to improve in those areas. I don't expect that to happen year 1 so I won't unfairly criticize the guy. That being said, I also saw a confident guy and a team feeding off his energy. A lot of people dismiss that, but it's a testament to the work being put in when the cameras are off. I'm cautiously optimistic.
  24. I'm really anxious to hear an explanation. Had it been executed, it would have been a reception. Makes no sense.
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