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Everything posted by LSHMEAB

  1. This is a beautiful scenario my brother. I don't have a ton of faith in Lorax's athleticism at this point, but I like your thinking.
  2. Provides me the freedom to express an opinion on a Bills message board.
  3. To uphold the constitution. However, many things are not IN the constitution, which makes difficult cases subjective. It's really easy to cherry pick if you're so inclined. This guy rifles through precedent and disparate rulings to suit his partisanship. He's the definition of an activist judge. I assume you watched the confirmation hearings? Even Roberts voted to uphold the ACA. There's judicial discretion whether you want to admit it or not. I personally don't give a damn about Roe V Wade, but this guy's propensity to rule for corporations is alarming.
  4. Gorsuch is an extremely conservative guy with terrible policies who's fully qualified to sit on the Supreme Court. This guy is a whole different beast. I have a feeling Trump might throw him under the bus. Trump is no political dummy.
  5. Pressure Rodgers is the obvious answer. When you think about individual games like this, it really reinforces the importance of pass rushers. You just FEEL better about your chances if you're confident the defense is going to make life uncomfortable for the opposing QB.
  6. I agree overall, but Rosen didn't look okay. He's got a REALLY weak arm. He was the guy I wanted out of this class so I'd love to see him fail.
  7. Our white on white uni's are the best in sports. You guys have no sense of fashion!
  8. I had this window salesman at the house and it turned out he played DL/LB at Penn State and later the CFL. I probed a bit and realized he must have played with Maybin. He said Maybin was a great guy but the entire defense knew Maybin wasn't special and wouldn't make it in the NFL. Made me think scouts should do a little more digging before drafting a guy that high. I'm sure most aren't looking to throw a teammate under the bus, but I'd put as much stock in what teammates have to say as I would 40 times/stats.
  9. I think Flake is genuinely torn. He's a decent man not built for politics circa 2018. Paul Ryan is the guy with primary aspirations IMO.
  10. They brought it up, but it doesn't sell politically. It's all become theater ON BOTH SIDES and you know it. I'm not a #metoo guy, so I find some of it as unsettling as the rank and file on this board.
  11. A WH staffer named Manuel Miranda stole emails from Leahy and other Senate Dems with the intent of advancing W's judicial nominees. Kavanaugh worked with this guy closely and has concocted about 3 dodgy stories about his knowledge of the emails over the years. This matter lead to a long delay in his appointment to the US Court of Appeals. There is no smoking gun proving he lied, but the evolving answers should lead even his most ardent supporters to question his honesty. The Dems realized it wasn't politically expedient, so they dropped it instead focusing their energy on a salacious 36 year old allegation.
  12. If you think Kavanuagh was being forthright in his testimony, that says all anyone needs to know about your ability to judge character. The deception and half truths may or may not have been material, but this dude lies about damn near everything. Leahy caught him in 06 and again in the first go round, but nobody paid attention because it wasn't material. He is not a "good" man and probably did clumsily accost that woman. I'm of the opinion that it wasn't a disqualifying offense, but that's another story. The right has the courts, the White House, the Senate, and the Congress. You guys should be celebrating.
  13. I see it as a political stunt and I'm MORE emboldened to vote. It's about time the left start fighting fire with fire. They're not nearly as skilled as the majority, but they're rookies. They'll need a little seasoning and a better offensive line.
  14. I think the train left the station when Trump was elected, but I don't disagree with your gloomy prognosis. The Garland debacle set a dangerous precedent as it pertains to the SC. This particular episode was child's play.
  15. You may be right. I tend to think a controversial loss is more galvanizing politically than a victory, but both sides will definitely be motivated. Should be interesting.
  16. The best case scenario for D's in the midterms is for Kavanaugh to be confirmed under these circumstances. They weren't going to win the senate. As awful as Kavanaugh may be, there's 50 just like him waiting in the wings. People don't vote to reward the wonderful things your party has done. The right will be greatly demotivated. The fact that Roe V Wade is actually in jeopardy will galvanize the huge swash of left leaning non-voters to get off their a*s. Well played.
  17. Zero hate involved. I'd prefer a meritocracy where wealth begetting wealth begetting privilege isn't the norm. To see a guy like Kavanaugh go down on charges of immorality is pretty damn remarkable considering his involvement in the Clinton Witch Hunt. Almost restores ones faith in cosmic justice.
  18. Not all with a leg up financially are undeserving, but many are. My brother was the poor kid at Yale, so it was interesting from a sociological perspective. I would classify 95% of the silver spooners as piss poor morally and many wouldn't have amounted to sh*t it weren't for their birth fortune. Roughly 1/20 were exceptional people who didn't need the advantage. Kavanaugh strikes me as the kind of guy who thinks he's above reproach. His histrionics today were not a good look. My view is that his mentality stems from a sense of entitlement. It's what I believe based on anecdotal evidence and life experience, and merely an opinion. That's rather the purpose of a message board.
  19. I disagree with virtually everything you post, but you're a hell of a writer! Respect.
  20. It has nothing to do with insecurity. I'm very comfortable with my own abilities and limitations. I personally admire and respect those who overcome adversity and bust their a*s to achieve greatness. I'm not a fan of those born on third base who score on a passed ball and act like they hit a home run. Not quite sure why that's controversial or noteworthy.
  21. And like Klansmen, I'm willing to own my bias. I don't like prep school punks born with a silver spoon in their mouth, especially when they espouse holier than thou judicial policies. I feel like society would have more productive conversations if people would just drop the guise of impartiality. Nobody is 100% impartial. It's impossible.
  22. Your president believes suspects should be manhandled upon arrest. Or was that a joke? I don't have the time or the energy to explain what it is I don't like about Brett Kavanaugh. He's not my kind of guy. My brother went to a school just like Georgetown Prep and then to Yale because he worked his a*s off. I personally encountered enough Brett Kavanaugh's to form an opinion of this particular Brett Kavanaugh. Get drunk. Do awful sh*t. And then get away with it because Daddy has an unlimited checkbook. We're all shaped by experience.
  23. If Brett Kavanaugh weren't such an entitled prick, I'd feel sorry him. Trump was correct about one thing in that truly bizarre rant yesterday; guilty until proven innocent is a dangerous precedent. The left believes this when it comes to privileged men and the right believes this when it comes to minorities. So much hypocrisy on both sides.
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